We Are a Country in Chaos: What Southern Baptists Should Do

I love America and will not give up on our great nation. Yet, America is a country in chaos. Never in my lifetime have I seen our nation in such turmoil. What are some of the things that tell this story?

Burning of African American Churches

African American Church-blogWhile we do not know why all these churches have burned, we do know that it reminds us there are some in our nation that want to cause our African American brothers and sisters harm. Enough is enough!

Racism and prejudice need to end now. If it remains the way it is today, we will see more violence occur. Perhaps the greatest threats to our national security are those who still hold on to the demonic grip of racism and prejudice. If you missed this story on BPNews last week, please take the time to read it.

I encourage you to join Cross Church and the North American Mission Board in giving toward helping these churches. The North American Mission Board, under the leadership of Dr. Kevin Ezell, will receive these funds and distribute them to the churches that have needs. You can give online, by check (please designate it as “Church Fire Fund”), or by phone. Please go to namb.net/givenow for more information.

9 People Killed in Charleston

Charleston-blogWhile our lives go on and the media follows the next big story, back in Charleston is a church and nine families that will continue to realize the brutality and force of these murders. They have mirrored God’s grace through their grief, but they still begin a new life without these nine loved people. We need to pray for them and do not need to forget them.

We need to stand with Charleston, not just initially through these tragic days, but in the future. Within hours of these murders, I called upon Dr. Russell Moore, Dr. K. Marshall Williams, and Dr. A.B. Vines to join me in a statement. Dr. Williams is the President of the African American Fellowship of the Southern Baptist Convention and Dr. A. B. Vines is the former President of this distinguished and loved fellowship. I can assure you that the four of us will work diligently within our Southern Baptist family to see all racism and prejudice end.

Legalization of Same-Sex Marriage 

Supreme Court-blogLast week in my article to our Southern Baptist Convention, I addressed this in detail. Today, we see a country divided and teetering on a moral collapse. You see, as many of us warned, this is not the end, but the beginning of so much more. The court’s overreach could now push us to more of a divide, creating chaos in many towns, cities, and states. Plus, the court itself, the White House, and Congress will begin to see that some people are just not going to give up their values.

Some will be willing to walk away. Southern Baptist Linda Barnette resigned her county clerk job after 24 years, refusing to issue marriage licenses for same-sex couples. I spoke with Linda and her husband, Sherman, of Mississippi, encouraging and thanking them for their stand. Let me make something clear: This couple and others like them are not troublemakers or radicals, but born again Bible believers who stand on the authority of Scripture.

It is unbelievable that America has come to this point. We are a nation in chaos, a country that is confused and operating in disorder.

ISIS and Their National Security Threat Against Our Nation

ISIS-blogThe story buzzing for days before July 4 was the threat of ISIS within the borders of our nation. Hours and hours have been given to this threat, with speculation from many different sources. Again, confusion and disorder. Why the insecurity regarding our national security? ISIS is racing forward rapidly and it appears there is no end. Surely, there is something someone can do as they continue to forward their ruthless agenda against Christians globally.

What Should We Do as Southern Baptists? 

I could go on with other examples of our nation being in chaos. What must we do as Southern Baptists?

Let me remind you what Judges 21:29 says: “In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did whatever he wanted” (HSCB) or “everyone did what was right in his own eyes.” (KJV) America is a country that is permitting its citizens, courts, politicians, and leaders to do what is right in their own eyes or whatever they want to do.

The end result: chaos, confusion, and disorder.

What we should do:

  1. Pray for our nation like never before.
  2. Raise up convictional leaders who will do what is right in the eyes of God.
  3. Stand upon the Word of God strongly and consistently.
  4. Encourage one another in the faith.
  5. Connect with your church more than ever before.

We need God and one another more than ever before. 

Now is the Time to Lead,

Ronnie W. Floyd

Senior Pastor, Cross Church
President, Southern Baptist Convention


Dr. Ronnie Floyd is currently serving as the President of the Southern Baptist Convention. The Southern Baptist Convention is America’s largest Protestant denomination with more than 15.7 million members in over 46,000 churches nationwide.

To request an interview with Dr. Ronnie Floyd
contact Gayla Oldham at (479) 751-4523 or email gaylao@crosschurch.com.

Visit our website at http://ronniefloyd.com
Follow Dr. Floyd on Twitter and Instagram @ronniefloyd

This Week at Cross Church

It is the middle of summer, and things are in full swing at Cross Church!


This week was VBX on all our campuses. Children from across Northwest Arkansas have gathered on our campuses and at homes to hear the good news about Jesus. They’ve learned about Believe, Ask, and Serve, and engaged in fun science projects. Pinnacle Hills has had over 600 in attendance, Neosho and College Avenue have increased their attendance from last year, Fayetteville campus has seen great attendance while hosting in six different neighborhoods across town, and Springdale campus has seen a record attendance of 709 as well as collecting almost $1,800 to provide shoes for local children through the Compassion Center! Lives have been changed to the glory of God! And it’s not over yet! Tonight we end with Family Night at each campus. Pray with me that families will be blessed through this special evening as they witness baptism and hear the gospel.



Say Yes-blog

VBX, mission trips, camps, and many other summer events are possible when you SAY YES to our Summer Program of Giving. Thank you for being faithful so far this summer, and remember to continue honoring the Lord with all He has given to you even when you are away. You can do so through automated giving or online giving here.

We Believe


This Sunday, we will continue our We Believe series with Missions and Evangelism. If you have missed a week, be sure you go here to catch up. We will continue our We Believe series through August.

A Country in Chaos

On Monday, I wrote about the state of our nation and listed what we as Southern Baptists can do during this time. I hope you will take a few moments to read it.

Now is the Time to Lead,

Ronnie W. Floyd