See You in St. Louis: Southern Baptist Convention, June 14-15, 2016 #SBC16
Coming off our largest convention meeting since 2012 in New Orleans, our Southern Baptist Family begins to dream and cast the vision for our next gathering in 2016 in St. Louis, Missouri. More importantly than the size of our gathering in Columbus, our great and mighty God met with us powerfully. If you haven’t already, take a few moments to watch the recap video. We are building on what God started in Columbus, Ohio, last year as we continue to call daily and continually for the next Great Awakening in America.
Save the Date: June 14-15, 2016
Will I see you in St. Louis on June 14-15, 2016, for our Southern Baptist Convention? Please mark your calendar now for this upcoming and dynamic experience with our Southern Baptist Family.
Pastors and church leaders, set your calendars now for this gathering. Make these dates non-negotiable and decide now to be in St. Louis for our 2016 Southern Baptist Convention and bring people with you.
See the Vision: Get Metro St. Louis on Your Heart
Metropolitan St. Louis needs the saving message of Jesus Christ. Our nearly 2,000 Southern Baptist churches in Missouri need the encouragement of our greater Southern Baptist Family.
Why should we see the vision of metro St. Louis?
- 2.73 million people live in metro St. Louis
- 1 out of 7 Missourians live in metro St. Louis
- 50.9% of the population is unaffiliated with any religious body
- Only 17.9% of the population of metro St. Louis is affiliated with an evangelical church
- St. Louis is one of our SEND Cities. Watch this to learn more.
Southern Baptists, how do we not go and make a difference in metro St. Louis? You see, when we speak of metro St. Louis, we are also talking about East St. Louis, Illinois. Two states will be impacted by our gathering next year.
How can your church participate in Crossover St. Louis a few days ahead of our convention? They will be able to assist new church plants or help established churches. This all leads up to the major Crossover event on Saturday, June 11. Then, your church members can stay and attend our convention on June 14-15. Please strongly consider this.
Stand Together With Us to Reach the World
When you fly or drive into St. Louis, you will notice the Gateway Arch as you enter the city. It stands 630 feet wide and 630 feet tall. This remarkable structure has been known historically as America’s gateway to the West, with St. Louis the Gateway City.
In 2016, Southern Baptists need to converge on this city from all over the world and see it as our gateway to reach the world for Jesus Christ. Stand with us!
Seven Reasons to Come to St. Louis on June 14-15, 2016
- We need to be with our family, our Southern Baptist Family.
- We need to be inspired to believe again that God can give us the next Great Awakening so we can be the generation that reaches the world for Christ.
- We need to hear the Word of God proclaimed, pray and worship together by the thousands, and have our spiritual lives set on fire again.
- We need to hear the wonderful testimonies and reports about what God is doing across America and the world through our work together.
- We need to hear how our church’s financial investment in the Cooperative Program and Mission Offerings is being used to share the gospel.
- We need to be encouraged to know that when we are together and working together there is hope in America and this world.
- We need to join together by the thousands as we pray for our nation at this critical time, calling out to God to revive His church and bestow upon us the next Great Spiritual Awakening so we can reach the world for Christ.
Now is the time for Southern Baptists to lead. Let these words encourage your life today, as you lead others into the future:
“An awakening can bring about the evangelization of the world in our generation.” (Dr. Billy Graham)
“The one who mobilizes the Christian church to pray, will make the greatest contribution to world evangelization in history.” (Andrew Murray)
God is not finished with Southern Baptists, America, or the world.
See You in St. Louis!
Ronnie W. Floyd
Senior Pastor, Cross Church
President, Southern Baptist Convention
Dr. Ronnie Floyd is currently serving as the President of the Southern Baptist Convention. The Southern Baptist Convention is America’s largest Protestant denomination with more than 15.7 million members in over 46,000 churches nationwide.
To request an interview with Dr. Ronnie Floyd
contact Gayla Oldham at (479) 751-4523 or email
Visit our website at
Follow Dr. Floyd on Twitter and Instagram @ronniefloyd
Stand Up With Moral Courage and Address the Planned Parenthood Debacle
Now is the time for moral courage in America. Moral courage is the courage to take action for moral reasons despite the risk of adverse consequences.1
The reported actions by Planned Parenthood should result in an immediate outcry. Unquestionably, if Planned Parenthood does not decry what has been exposed as immoral, brutal, and barbaric, then it is time that the mighty Planned Parenthood should fall.
Justifying or rationalizing their actions is not moral courage. As Commentator Brit Hume states, “The sight of a senior Planned Parenthood official and a doctor to boot, discussing the market for fetal body parts in between bites of salad and sips of wine was stomach-turning.”2 The Administration, the Board, and the entire Planned Parenthood organization must be held accountable for their actions.
Congress needs to exert moral courage now
The House and Senate need to demand the termination of all funds to Planned Parenthood now. Not one more dime of the reported $500 million should go to the brutality of killing the unborn. If the needed investigation proves the allegations true, then ultimately, Planned Parenthood should be completely defunded. This is not about the 2016 election, but what is right morally.
The White House needs to exert moral courage now
The President and his White House need to call for an immediate inquiry into these matters, demanding Congress deal with the issue now. This is not about polls and parties, but what is right morally.
Aspiring politicians need to exert moral courage now
Since the 2016 Presidential campaign faces us daily as well as other elections locally, statewide, and nationally, aspiring politicians need to exert moral courage now. Regardless of their support or lack of support in the past for Planned Parenthood, now is the time to stand with moral courage.
It was English politician, William Wilberforce, who led the movement to see slavery abolished. We need to remember his profound words: “You may choose to look the other way but you can never say again that you did not know.”3
Perhaps aspiring politicians or even elected officials have never chosen to ask Planned Parenthood the hard questions. However, you can never say again that you do not know. Now is the time to exert moral courage and speak your heart to the American people not only about Planned Parenthood, but your personal conviction about abortion. Since 1973, 57 million abortions have occurred. This would be like taking the lives of the entire populations of California and New York. Without a doubt, we need national leaders who exert strong moral courage.
Business leaders need to exert moral courage now
Leaders in the business world cannot remain silent. Moral courage demands these leaders ensure the company’s gifts to all organizations, including Planned Parenthood, would never contribute to the brutality of the unborn child.
The media needs to exert moral courage now
It was reported Thursday that the Media Research Center studied the major networks of ABC, NBC, and CBS, comparing the coverage of their stories between Cecil the lion in Zimbabwe and the story about Planned Parenthood. Interestingly, the unfortunate incident about Cecil the lion received 30 minutes of coverage compared to the Planned Parenthood story that received 11 minutes of coverage.
Yes, the media should cover the story about Cecil the lion, but one would certainly expect equal, if not more coverage of the Planned Parenthood study. Regardless of their personal convictions or thoughts, it is very much news when an organization like Planned Parenthood is doing what it is doing. The media should continue investigating until the entire truth is known. Yes, even the media needs to exert moral courage at this time.
Pastors, churches, and denominations need to exert moral courage now
Pastors, stand up and speak against the brutality of abortion and other moral issues. This is not being political, but prophetic. God did not call you to sit this one out. He has called you to stand on God’s Word. Refuse to buy into any type of pseudo-spirituality that says silence is your calling.
As I stated in my 2015 Presidential Address to the Southern Baptist Convention on June 16th, “America: We stand believing that abortion is a glaring desecration of the unborn child’s purpose and value. We must be vigilant to always stand for the unborn child, all human life, and human dignity from the womb to the tomb. Any decline in America’s commitment to the unborn child will lead toward an accelerating desecration of human life, resulting in more abuse, more violence, and more chaotic disruption. God has created us to bring Him glory. When we devalue human life in any way from the womb to the tomb, we are robbing God of His intended glory for each of us.”
This biblical and moral conviction is why I requested our 2015 Resolutions Committee prepare and present to our convention a resolution on the sanctity of human life from the womb to the tomb. They did so, and you can read where our Southern Baptist Convention stands on the issue of abortion. If the Planned Parenthood story had broken before our convention meeting, I believe deeply that our convention would have called for the complete defunding of Planned Parenthood.
Take action now. Let your representatives know you support the defunding of Planned Parenthood and the end of abortion. The ERLC offers a resource to help you find your representatives and tips on correspondence.
Moral courage or moral cowardice
What will history say one day about all of us who lived while abortion existed in our nation? Will it say when the curtain was finally pulled back about the brutality of abortion that Americans stood up with moral courage? Or will history record that we were cowards?
We cannot be adrift on denial. Dietrich Bonhoeffer was right when he said: “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.”4
Now is the Time to Lead With Moral Courage,
Ronnie W. Floyd
Senior Pastor, Cross Church
President, Southern Baptist Convention
1 Moral Courage
2 Brit Hume, FOXNews, July 20, 2015
3 William Wilberforce
4 Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Dr. Ronnie Floyd is currently serving as the President of the Southern Baptist Convention. The Southern Baptist Convention is America’s largest Protestant denomination with more than 15.7 million members in over 46,000 churches nationwide.
To request an interview with Dr. Ronnie Floyd
contact Gayla Oldham at (479) 751-4523 or email
Visit our website at
Follow Dr. Floyd on Twitter and Instagram @ronniefloyd