What Now for the International Mission Board and the Southern Baptist Convention?
I feel I should address the financial situation of the International Mission Board, released last week to the Southern Baptist Convention. I know there are many questions and concerns that Southern Baptists have about these matters. When I first became aware, I had several questions myself.
A Reminder
I want to remind all of us of two things. First, the Board of Trustees has the responsibility of overseeing the fiscal responsibility of the International Mission Board. Annually, the Southern Baptist Convention approves the board of trustees of each of our entities. Secondly, Dr. David Platt, our new President of the International Mission Board, has been in this job less than one year. Each of us knows of his commitment to reaching the nations. I am very thankful that he and his team are taking the necessary steps to operate within the financial means given by our churches and people annually. I believe it is the right thing to do.
Where Do We Go From Here?
Now that this situation has been made known to our Southern Baptist Convention, what do we do now? I want to appeal to each of us to consider these things seriously.
1. Trust Our Proven Trustee System
The Trustees of our International Mission Board will lead through this time and provide a future long-term financial strategy. Under God’s leadership, the trustees called Dr. Platt to provide leadership to Southern Baptists with mobilizing our churches to reaching the world for Christ. Therefore, our proven trustee system is at work and we need to trust they will lead through this hour.
2. Rally Together to Reach the World
Unquestionably, reaching the world for Christ is what rallies us together. It is our missional vision of presenting the gospel of Jesus Christ to every person in the world and making disciples of all the nations that has kept us together through the years. This commitment has not changed nor has our passion decreased. It is this very missional vision that has moved Dr. Platt and the Board of Trustees to take the action they have taken.
3. Reset Does Not Mean Regress
Reset means to set again and regress means to move backward. I can assure you, this moment of resetting is only about one thing: Getting into a financial posture to launch into a greater commitment than ever before to reach the world for Christ. There is no intention or desire to go backward in fulfilling our missional vision.
If you know anything about Dr. Platt or know him personally, I’m sure you realize he is consumed with the gospel and reaching the nations. Resetting matters today will only provide support to re-launch into a wiser and a more intentional way to reach the world.
4. Evaluate Where Our Churches Are Financially
I am so thankful for every gift our churches make through the Cooperative Program and our Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions. Many have been leading the way for years, and others are stepping up in this season of our convention.
But each of our churches can again evaluate where we are in our missions giving through the Cooperative Program. This serves as our financial base for the International Mission Board. With the monies the Southern Baptist Convention receives, over one-half of those funds go to the International Mission Board.
Our church recently re-evaluated again financially. We have chosen to give more monies through our Cooperative Program and I want to encourage you and your church to do the same. The ninety-year history of the Cooperative Program is proven, not just statewide, but across the nation and the world. I want to appeal to each pastor, church leader, and finance committee member to please re-evaluate your commitment of giving through the Cooperative Program. Regardless of your church’s size, this is a tremendous way to advance the gospel to America and to the world.
5. Pray More Than Ever Before
Regardless of our thoughts or feelings on the International Mission Board’s budget announcement, now is the time to go to the Lord in prayer about it more than ever before. We are a people that believe in our powerful and providing God, and no one is more committed to reaching the nations than the Lord Himself. When His people fasten their eyes to joining Him in this eternal task, God will move powerfully and provide generously. He always has and will do so again.
Now is the Time to Lead,
Ronnie W. Floyd
Senior Pastor, Cross Church
President, Southern Baptist Convention
Dr. Ronnie Floyd is currently serving as the President of the Southern Baptist Convention. The Southern Baptist Convention is America’s largest Protestant denomination with more than 15.7 million members in over 46,000 churches nationwide.
To request an interview with Dr. Ronnie Floyd
contact Gayla Oldham at (479) 751-4523 or email gaylao@crosschurch.com.
Visit our website at http://ronniefloyd.com
Follow Dr. Floyd on Twitter and Instagram @ronniefloyd
This Week at Cross Church | Summer Ends, the Fall Begins
Labor Day weekend sounds the clear signal: Summer is ending and the fall is beginning. It is time for each of us to embrace this inevitable moment and season.
Relating to the Summer Program of Giving
For fifteen weeks, we have held up a financial goal for our church to meet during this season. What we began on Memorial Day Sunday, we conclude this Sunday on Labor Day. Our present status after the first fifteen weeks:
Our 16-Week Goal: $5.6 million
Received through 15 weeks of giving: $5,169,294
Our need this Sunday to meet our goal: $430,706
We praise God and thank each of you for giving during these summer weeks. With the irregularity of church attendance during the summer, God has seen us through. This Sunday, join us in either catching up from the Sundays you missed in giving or join us in seeing this goal reached for God’s glory. This goal represents changed lives, making disciples, and advancing the Gospel locally, regionally, statewide, nationally, and internationally.
Relating to the Fall Before Us
It is time for our Cross Church Family to become counter-cultural in our church attendance. The culture declares that the infrequency of church attendance is unavoidable. This flies in the face of God’s Word that places a huge priority of Sunday in the life of Christ-followers. We need to embrace Sunday again.
Let’s work together to see volunteerism explode at each Cross Church campus. We can all serve somewhere this fall. Your volunteerism can be realized weekly, on a rotation, or seasonally. Find your place and engage in volunteering somewhere in ministry through Cross Church. You can find more information here.
These are exciting days in Northwest Arkansas. School has begun. Football is in the air. The Razorbacks kick off their season this Saturday. Our series will continue on Labor Day Sunday. Please join us and bring someone with you. We are speaking to some of the greatest needs in the American culture.
Now is the Time to Lead,
Ronnie W. Floyd