Where is the Money?
The Southern Baptist Convention is a convention of churches that partner together to reach the world for Christ. As we aspire to this biblical vision of presenting the gospel to every person in the world and to make disciples of all the nations, we must find a way to increase financial resources to this serious and grand vision.
I am often asked, “Where is the money to accomplish this vision?” In this month of emphasis on the Cooperative Program, I think we must answer this question openly and honestly. As one Southern Baptist, I want to attempt to answer the question, “Where is the money?”
The Money is in the Pockets of God’s People
The most recent research by empty tomb, inc. reveals the following:
- Less than 3% of all Christians tithe, meaning give at least ten percent of their income to their church
- The median annual gift to a church is $200
- In 1968, Americans gave 3.1% of their disposable income; now Americans give 2.2%, which is less than they gave during the Great Depression
- At the current rate of decline, by the year 2050, Americans will give only 1% of their disposable income to the church; if this occurs, a vast number of churches and missions will be forced to close
I find this data somewhat disgusting. It shows the selfishness and narcissistic reality of millions of professing Christians today.
The money to reach our towns, cities, regions, states, nation, and the world is in the pockets of God’s people. We need to repent now and call people back to God with boldness and compassion.
Pastors, Christian leaders, and church leaders must lead the way in giving at least ten percent of their income through their local churches. The professing Christians and members of our churches must also do the same.
This is not an option for us, but it a biblical truth that our Southern Baptist Convention has practiced for years. In the Baptist Faith and Message 2000, we read this in Article XIII on Stewardship: “According to the Scriptures, Christians should contribute of their means cheerfully, regularly, systematically, proportionately, and liberally for the advancement of the Redeemer’s cause on earth.”
Once again, I want to appeal to pastors to address the importance and necessity of biblical stewardship with your church. Be biblical, bold, and convictional. There is no need to apologize for calling your people to give more. We give because we love Christ, want to walk in obedience to Him, and desire to see our town, city, region, state, nation, and world reached for Christ.
Money is in the Pockets of Our Churches
Each of our churches must evaluate continually what we are doing to partner with our Southern Baptist Convention in reaching the world for Christ. We do this through our gifts through the Cooperative Program. How much a church gives through the Cooperative Program is a church’s decision. Each church is autonomous and we honor their decision.
However, since we are Southern Baptist churches, we also believe in the value of partnership. I believe each church can do more to fund the vision of reaching the world for Christ. What we give through the Cooperative Program is important.
If we devalue the Cooperative Program, then we undermine the financial engine that impacts our work together statewide, nationally, and internationally.
According to the most recent Annual Church Profile, our churches gave over $500 million dollars to causes outside our convention that they categorized as “mission causes.” Therefore, thousands of our churches could give more through our work together as Southern Baptists by a simple reallocation of monies their people are already giving.
Simultaneously, each church can find a way to do more, and determine to give more through our Cooperative Program. If we truly believe our state, our nation, and world needs the gospel, there is no greater way to impact this population of 7.2 billion people. Please go to your church now and ask them to pray and act with all of us to give more now through our Cooperative Program.
The Problem is Not Our Path, But Our Pace
Please understand, while each Christian is under obligation to obey the Scriptures through the giving of the first fruits through their church, each church and each state convention is under the necessity to get the gospel to the entire world. This is not an option, but an act of obedience.
The problem is not our path, but our pace! Our path is set; we want to be a Great Commission people. Yet, our pace needs to accelerate with a deep sense of urgency.
I know each church faces different challenges and circumstances and each state convention is unique with its own opportunities and challenges. This is why my appeal has been continually: Each of us can find a way to do more!
We need to also remember: this is God’s money. It is not our money personally, our church’s money, our state convention’s money, nor our Southern Baptist Convention’s money! It is God’s money! He has entrusted to us His money to use for His purposes for His glory alone!
Yes, we can do more. We can do more together!
Now is the Time to Lead,
Ronnie W. Floyd
Senior Pastor, Cross Church
President, Southern Baptist Convention
Dr. Ronnie Floyd is currently serving as the President of the Southern Baptist Convention. The Southern Baptist Convention is America’s largest Protestant denomination with more than 15.7 million members in over 51,094 churches and congregations nationwide.
To request an interview with Dr. Ronnie Floyd
contact Gayla Oldham at (479) 751-4523 or email gaylao@crosschurch.com.
Visit our website at http://ronniefloyd.com
Follow Dr. Floyd on Twitter and Instagram @ronniefloyd
This Week at Cross Church | Woodlawn, For the City, and New Strategy at College Avenue Campus
WoodlawnThis Friday, the movie WOODLAWN will be released in theaters nationwide. WOODLAWN is a moving and inspirational new film based on the true story of how love and unity overcame hate and division in the early 1970’s in Birmingham, Alabama. Please take a moment to read what I wrote about this movie earlier this week. Also, take a moment to watch the trailer. Flood the theaters this weekend and in weeks following. Take a friend who needs Christ. It is powerful!
For the City
Please note the importance of Sunday, October 25, as we work toward a huge day on all of our campuses around the theme of For the City. On this day, we will honor all first responders in our region as well as work toward a great attendance of members and non-members in all of our eleven services on our five campuses. Please prioritize this day and ensure your attendance. Bring others with you. Connect people to our small groups and worship services.
New Strategy at Our College Avenue Campus
This past week, Andy Goode and Nick Floyd announced a new strategy at both of our Fayetteville Campuses that we believe will initiate growth and advancement of the gospel in the city of Fayetteville. Rather than me write about this, please take the time to watch a brief explanation of it. I so appreciate the vision of these two men for advancing the gospel to this city.
Now is the Time to Lead,
Ronnie W. Floyd