This Week at Cross Church | The Number is One
At Cross Church we continue to see God work in the lives of thousands of people; but the most important number for us is the number ONE. Our mission is Reaching Northwest Arkansas, America, and the world for Jesus Christ. And we do that ONE person at a time. This year we have seen 1,119 people baptized at Cross Church; and every ONE of them has a story.
A Miracle Story
Recently, a couple started visiting our church. At Cross Church, they heard the Gospel clearly presented and she responded by accepting Jesus as her Savior. She was baptized the next week. Her husband saw such a change in her life that he wanted what she had. A few weeks later, he accepted Christ and was baptized. Every week since, they have both attended Cross Church on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights. This couple is growing in their walk with the Lord and are raising their child in our church. There is no greater miracle than when Jesus changes people.
We reach people and each ONE of us plays a part in the story of the 1,643 professions of faith in Christ at Cross Church in the past year. Through your prayers, service, and giving, you are a vital part of their story. So, THANK YOU for doing your part to help us reach that ONE person. Yes, we have seen great things but there is more to do. There is still ONE more person to reach!
Help Us Reach One More… the Next One
As we approach the end of the year, we encourage you to remain faithful in your giving so we can continue to reach the next ONE God has for us to impact. As you review your year of giving to the church, ask yourself if you have been faithful to honor God by giving at least the first tenth of all God has blessed you with, including a bonus, dividends, or other means. As well, please consider an extra gift to your church to help us continue to be fully funded for all our missions and ministries. Your gifts are also tax deductible.
Always remember, each gift from you will help us reach the next ONE for Christ! Every dollar helps us better fulfill our mission. Let’s all end 2015 on a strong giving note so we set the stage for even more exciting stories of lives changed in 2016.
One Thousand Thank Yous
Cross Church Family, thank you for all you do in service and financial support. Let’s give generously so that we can reach ONE more! Don’t forget, you can simply and securely give financially through
Now is the Time to Lead,
Ronnie W. Floyd
Give More Than Ever Before to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions
Reaching the world for Christ is the vision and passion of our Southern Baptist Convention. Our grand task to present the gospel of Jesus Christ to every person in the world and make disciples of all the nations is what our Lottie Moon Christmas Offering is all about.
Share This With Your Church
Because of Who He is is an inspirational video you can share in your worship services, small groups, or even the lobby of your church. As stated on the International Mission Board website, your giving enables missionaries to be sent to make disciples and multiply churches among the unreached peoples and places for the glory of God.
You and Your Church
This is why each one of us personally and our churches collectively must pray diligently and ask God what He wants us to give to reaching the world for Christ. The need has never been greater. The call is clear to advance the gospel whether it is through planting churches, ministries of compassion, or equipping the next generation.
Join Jeana and Me… Give More Than Ever Before
This year, Jeana and I are giving more than ever before to our Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions. I am challenging our Cross Church Family to join us. In this desperate hour, I appeal to every one of us to give more than ever before to our international missions offering.
Now is the Time to Come Together
Now is the time to come together to increase our giving to send missionaries around the globe. Yes, our International Mission Board has experienced an undeniable setback in the last few months due to our financial situation. However, this reset is not regress. Our Southern Baptist Convention is committed more than ever before to reaching the world for Christ.
Now is the time to come together and make Jesus’ name known to all the nations!
Because of who He is we must find a way together to declare His name to all the nations. Let’s rise up and give in an unprecedented way to our 2015 Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions. Now is the time to reach the world for Christ.
Now is the Time to Lead,
Ronnie W. Floyd
Senior Pastor, Cross Church
President, Southern Baptist Convention
Dr. Ronnie Floyd is currently serving as the President of the Southern Baptist Convention. The Southern Baptist Convention is America’s largest Protestant denomination with more than 15.7 million members in over 51,094 churches and congregations nationwide.
To request an interview with Dr. Ronnie Floyd
contact Gayla Oldham at (479) 751-4523 or email
Visit our website at
Follow Dr. Floyd on Twitter and Instagram @ronniefloyd