Deliver Us From the Evil in America

deliverusfromevilThe continual shootings in America are unprecedented and they are evidence of a desperate need for a spiritual awakening in this country.

Whether the shootings in America are related to terror, work, race, family, mental illness, or hate, they are killings. Violent. Lawless. Evil.

This lawlessness cannot be solved by legislation, but by the power of the love of Jesus Christ to destroy the evil in our hearts.

More Than One Evil Shooting a Day

The New York Times addressed the San Bernardino killings as the 354th mass shooting in America this year. The New York Times stated1,

“Since January, there have been at least 354 such cases in about 220 cities in 47 states, according to”

In response to the San Bernardino mass shooting, The Washington Post stated2,

“The Mass Shooting Tracker is different from other shooting databases in that it uses a broader definition of mass shooting — the old FBI definition focused on four or more people killed as part of a single shooting.”

In fact, both the New York Times and the Washington Post illustrate graphically the shootings that have occurred in 2015.

Others can debate the terminology and statistics regarding what comprises a mass shooting. Regardless, we cannot deny we are seeing people shoot and kill others at a rate of more than one a day.

This is pure evil. It is a spiritual problem.

The Human Heart and The Forces of Hell 

What is the cause of this shooting spree in our nation? Opinions abound, every one is expressed passionately, and they are debated continually. Yet, almost no one discusses the real problem, which is much deeper.

The problem is the condition of the human heart, as affirmed by the Holy Scripture in Jeremiah 17:9,

The heart is more deceitful than anything else, and incurable—who can understand it?

The human heart has the potential to express evil in unimaginable ways. We are experiencing this today. While each of these shootings is occurring in different cities and for different reasons, the root problem is consistent in each of them… the evil condition of the human heart.

Jesus Himself answered a question from his disciples about various signs that will point toward His coming and the end of the age. One of these glaring signs Jesus gave to them is stated in Matthew 24:12,

Because lawlessness will multiply, the love of many will grow cold.

This is the evil we are witnessing in our time. Lawlessness is multiplying. The love of many is growing cold. Everything we are seeing relating to the devaluation of human life from an epidemic of abuse to the coldhearted murder of innocent people begins with the condition of the human heart.

I believe the Bible speaks clearly about the powerful force of Satan and his demonic forces; and a weak, sinful, and evil human heart is vulnerable to the evil forces of hell. The Bible states in 1 Peter 5:8,

Be serious! Be alert! Your adversary the Devil is prowling around like a roaring lion, looking for anyone he can devour.

Be assured, Satan is alive and well, scheming against each person who is a devoted follower of Jesus Christ, and stoking the fire of hate in the hearts of those who chase after violence.

I believe Satan is especially and continually scheming against America because of our Christian heritage. His goal is to destroy our lives, our nation, and all it represents. This is why evil abounds not only inside of our nation, but also from outside our nation.

America is becoming more susceptible and vulnerable to our enemies when we fail to listen to the words of Psalm 11:3,

When the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?

The foundation of our nation is strong, but with every attack on that foundation, our nation suffers. Presently, America seems to be experiencing a season unrestrained and unrelenting attack.

The Hope for America

On December 2, 2015, an op-ed was printed in the Wall Street Journal by its owner – Rupert Murdoch – who is also the executive chairman of News Corporation. Rupert Murdoch had received the Hudson Institute’s Global Leadership Award, and the op-ed, which was entitled America the Indispensable3, was an excerpt of his remarks in that gathering. Murdoch’s remarks are worthy of the attention of America.

He called for, “Reviving our sense of direction and celebrating America’s exceptional nature.” Then he stated these words that captured my attention: “Around our country, there is a restless desire for revival.” He is speaking not of a spiritual revival, but a revival of our nation that is in, as Murdoch called it, “a slow descent.”

I appreciated his dynamic words and his call to our nation.

Yet, my call to America would take his concern one step further – to a revival of the human heart. I love America and believe in our future greatly. But the evil we are seeing unrestrained in our nation today will not find its answer politically, socially, materially, nor financially. Rather, it all begins in the heart.

My Hope is in the Gospel

The condition of the human heart discovers its cure only in the life, death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. When we repent of our sin and by faith turn to Jesus Christ, our sins are forgiven completely. A spiritual transformation occurs within us, changing us from the inside out.

We must share, speak, write, and preach the gospel to people and in places where the gospel has never been before, across our nation, and world.

My Hope is in the Revival of the Church

I believe there is a restlessness also occurring in the church that is desirous of an unprecedented move of God like we have never seen before. Spiritual revival in the church is our hope.

When the church desires this move of God and seeks the God who can give it, then we will become even more convicted of the need to pray for ourselves and for our nation the powerful words of Jesus from the Lord’s Prayer in Matthew 6:13,

“ …deliver us from the evil one.” 

The Church needs to get prayer back in the church. We need our churches to become houses of prayer as Jesus said we must be. The Church must become the leader in praying, “Deliver us from the evil in America.” It is the Church that must lead the way in praying for the security in our nation.

My Hope is in a Great Spiritual Awakening

I am often asked, “Dr. Floyd, have you given up on America?” I respond immediately, “Absolutely not!” I have not given up on America because I believe in a God who can do anything, any time, anywhere, with anyone.

This includes America. A great spiritual awakening is the greatest hope for America. This is our hope.

Lord, deliver us from the evil in America.

Now is the Time to Lead,

Ronnie W. Floyd

Senior Pastor, Cross Church
President, Southern Baptist Convention


Dr. Ronnie Floyd is currently serving as the President of the Southern Baptist Convention. The Southern Baptist Convention is America’s largest Protestant denomination with more than 15.7 million members in over 51,094 churches and congregations nationwide.

To request an interview with Dr. Ronnie Floyd
contact Gayla Oldham at (479) 751-4523 or email

Visit our website at
Follow Dr. Floyd on Twitter and Instagram @ronniefloyd

1LaFraniere, S. & Cohen, S. & Oppel, Jr., R. A. (2015, December 2). How Often do Mass Shootings Occur? On Average, Every Day, Records Show. The New York Times. Retrieved from

2Ingraham, C. (2015, December 2). The San Bernadino shooting is the second mass shooting today and the 355th this year. The Washington Post. Retrieved from

3Murdoch, R. (2015, December 1). America the Indispensable. The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved from

Why We Are Where We Are in America and the World

DirectionalSignsWe are living in an unprecedented time in America.

The secularists in America had an original goal to see Christianity become extinct from American life. They failed. Then, their desire was that Christians and Christianity would be neutralized. This desire has been met with some level of success. Now, their goal is to see Christianity become silenced in America. Sadly, their intimidating methods have been successful with some Christians, but thankfully ignored by others.

Where We Are in America

Consider these things with me today: Lawlessness abounds nationally. Racial unrest and violence erupt endlessly. Marriage and family are being completely redefined. God’s definition of sexuality is constantly degraded. Killing the unborn is shamelessly accepted or ignored. Arguments about immigration occur constantly.

Simultaneously, biblical authority and infallibility are defiantly mocked. Political promises are repeatedly broken. Religious freedom is continually losing ground. National security is now the #1 conversation in America.

What is the answer? What do we do now? Where is our hope?

Where We Are in the World 

The world is becoming more dangerous daily and more frightening by the minute. Why?

Iran is becoming more empowered by our own nation. Many across the world are marginalizing Israel. Russia is being ignited and permitted to be a world leader. Syria and Iraq are in disarray. This has resulted in 7 million refugees from these two countries. This stands as the greatest humanitarian crisis in the world today.

At the same time, ISIS and Boko Haram are on the move, showing no reserve or retreat. Both are destructive forces in the world. Women are being raped, girls are sold into sex slavery, and Christians are beheaded. The recent destructive and deadly attacks on Paris in mid-November have now placed fear not only in European countries, but also globally. Since a Russian jet was destroyed in October, killing hundreds of people, air travel has changed both nationally and internationally.

Yes, the world is becoming extremely dangerous.

Why We Are Where We Are in America and the World

Why are we where we are in America and across the world? It would be easy to point fingers, but the blame game never leads to anything productive. It always divides; it never unites. Since we are the Church of Jesus Christ, built upon the infallibility and inerrancy of the Holy Scripture, we need to approach where we are spiritually.

In our world comprised of 7.28 billion people, an estimated 3 billion are regarded as unreached and unengaged with the gospel of Jesus Christ. This means that to our knowledge, the gospel has never been known among these people. Some missiologists even believe that to our knowledge, the vast majority of the world has no knowledge of salvation by faith in Christ alone. Therefore, could it be that the world’s condition of lostness is the reason our world is where it is today?

Here at home, of the 322 million Americans, missiologists believe that three out of four do not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. There is a need for the pure gospel of Jesus Christ to be communicated to all persons in America and across the world.

Regardless of what research may report or studies conclude, thankfully, we know that God is always working and knows what we do not. We do know that God is committed to redeeming the world.

America and the world are acting just like they are supposed to: Spiritually lost and in deep need of the life-changing power of Jesus Christ. This is why we are where we are in America and the world.

We are where we are in America and the world because so many people are spiritually lost and in deep need of the life-changing power of Jesus Christ. 

Meanwhile, Back in the Southern Baptist Convention

While all of these realities are undeniably happening nationally and internationally, back in the Southern Baptist Convention, we are facing enormous challenges:

Therefore, in This Moment

Therefore, in this moment when violence in our nation and world is increasing, the church must rise up, condemning unjust and senseless violence, and resolve to advance the gospel of peace to every person here and across the world.

Pastors, church leaders, and churches, regardless of what has been said, written or presumed about you, let it go. Take it to the Lord in prayer. Forgive.

Preach and share the gospel anytime, anywhere with anyone. God will be with you and empower you to do it in His power for His glory.

It is more obvious by the minute that we need a great Spiritual Awakening in America and the world. Therefore, pray, live, and lead accordingly.

Now is the Time to Lead,

Ronnie W. Floyd

Senior Pastor, Cross Church
President, Southern Baptist Convention


Dr. Ronnie Floyd is currently serving as the President of the Southern Baptist Convention. The Southern Baptist Convention is America’s largest Protestant denomination with more than 15.7 million members in over 51,094 churches and congregations nationwide.

To request an interview with Dr. Ronnie Floyd
contact Gayla Oldham at (479) 751-4523 or email

Visit our website at
Follow Dr. Floyd on Twitter and Instagram @ronniefloyd