This Week at Cross Church | The Final of 7 Conversations With God

7 Conversations-blogThis Sunday, we will give the final message in our series, 7 Conversations You Should Have With God. If you missed last week, we spoke about, A Conversation You Should Have With God About Your Future. I believe this message is critical to your future. If you were not with us last week, take some time to watch. Join us this Sunday at Cross Church for the final message in this series.

Communication is so Important

Each Sunday we attempt to communicate with everyone by presenting a printed piece and a video. Some Sundays, we may hand you a brochure about a special emphasis. I do hope you will take time to read the printed piece and brochures presented to you. Also, please focus weekly when we show you a special video about what is happening at Cross Church. For example, last week, we presented to you a powerful video challenge. Please watch it here.

International Missions Offering VideoLottie Moon-blog1

Our team produced an incredible and compelling video about our international missions offering. It may be one of, if not the finest videos about the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions I have ever seen. Please watch it here. It will move you personally and help you see why our giving to international missions is so very important.

Our Cross Church Christmas CelebrationChristmas 2015-blog

We are so thankful to our worship team, band, choir, and volunteers who led thousands of people in Christmas worship this past Sunday and Monday nights. This incredible experience will launch each of us into worshipping Jesus Christ during Christmas.

Christmas Backdrop PH-blogIf and when you are in the Pinnacle Hills area, take the opportunity to stop and take a Christmas picture with family and friends in front of our outdoor Christmas tree. It is a beautiful setting with the crosses behind the lighted outdoor tree. On Christmas Eve beginning at 4:30 p.m. and then for one hour following the service, we will have a professional photographer who will take photos for those attending the service. We will email you those pictures free of charge.

As well, please choose one of our Christmas Eve services you can attend with family and friends. On Sunday, December 20, you and your family and friends will be able to experience the Lord’s Supper together at our special Christmas Communion Services held at each campus. So many things are in store for Christmas. Please join us.

Ending the Year Well Spiritually and Financially

Be sure you set a goal to end 2015 in an honorable way for Jesus, both spiritually and financially. Let’s make sure before the new year comes, we have honored God with the first ten percent of all He has given to us in salary, bonuses, stock, dividends, property and other gifts of kind. If you have questions, please call the church office at 479.751.4523 and speak with Ben Mayes in our Financial Office. Ben is ready to answer any questions you may have.

Pray for Sunday and I will see you then,

Ronnie W. Floyd


How to Extend a Public Invitation

Pastor_InvitationExtending a public invitation at the conclusion of the preaching experience is no longer a normal part of local church worship.

My goal is not to debate this issue; however, I strongly believe it is obvious in the New Testament that people were given some kind of opportunity to respond to God. My goal today is to share four helpful things to keep in mind when you give a public invitation, asking others to respond to God.

1. Keep the invitation in mind from the beginning. 

When you are planning your preaching and order of worship, keep the invitation in mind from the beginning. In reality, a message built on the Word of God and centered on the gospel should be an ongoing invitation to follow Jesus Christ.

The worship order does not need to be crammed from beginning to end, but should provide both flexibility and latitude. An invitation is not the pastor’s invite to follow Christ, but the Spirit’s invitation to respond to God. We need the flexibility and latitude to follow His leadership; therefore, time needs to be allocated.

2. Clarity in the invitation is imperative.

Oftentimes the public response during the invitation is limited due to the lack of clarity from the preacher in extending it. People may be wondering, “What does he want me to do?” When the preacher is unclear on his invitation, frustration can be experienced not only by the preacher, but by those present.

As a preacher, you need to ask yourself while preparing the sermon, “What do I want to lead them to do as a response to God?” This response may be public or it may be private. It may be something while they are still in the worship experience or something they should do upon their departure. Regardless preacher, clarity is imperative.

3. Consistency in the invitation is helpful.

As a pastor of a local church, I think consistency in the invitation is helpful. People come to your church who are not genuine followers of Jesus Christ. It takes time to understand certain matters; therefore, consistency is helpful toward the response you desire. Laypeople who bring others with them find it helpful to know how the pastor leads in all aspects of the service, especially the invitation.

Each Sunday at Cross Church, where I have pastored for twenty-nine years, I have called people to one of these four calls for many years:

  • Call people to follow Christ
  • Call people to unite with our church family
  • Call people to surrender their life to God’s call
  • Call people to respond to God, His message today, or what God is doing in their life this week

You may wonder if I really emphasize these for things every week. Yes! Consistency is helpful.

4. Offer the invitation in a compelling manner.

Pastor, we are not therapists, but preachers of the gospel of Jesus Christ. When we preach the claims of Christ, we must preach and lead people to a decision in a compelling manner.

We need to recapture the passion and urgency of men like Richard Baxter when he stated, “I preach as never sure to preach again, and as a dying man to dying men.”

We need to preach like each sermon is our last, offer each invitation to follow Christ like it is our last time to offer it, and perhaps someone’s last opportunity to respond to Christ. We need to offer each invitation in a compelling manner.

A Final Few Words

May God create or awaken in the heart of each pastor and preacher of the gospel the conviction to extend in his preaching an invitation to follow Christ. And when he does, do it like it is his last opportunity.

Now is the Time to Lead,

Ronnie W. Floyd