The Spiritual State of Our Union in 2016: America Must Come Back to God

SpiritualStateofOurUnitionThis is the time of year when millions of Americans tune in to hear our President give his State of the Union address. He will give his assessment of our national security, our priorities, and our vision for the future.

This is a tricky word—“our.”

For these days it seems as if America can hardly find “our vision” for anything, much less the future. Our nation is deeply polarized around our political parties and totally unrelenting in our commitment to fighting against one another. Despite growing national security threats, violence erupting, escalating racial tensions, the devaluing of human life, and economic insecurity, we find ourselves unable to agree on almost anything.

What’s especially alarming to me, serving as the President of the Southern Baptist Convention, is that we fail to realize how the spiritual health of our nation affects the state of our union. As our spiritual lives go, so goes the nation.

It wasn’t meant to be this way in America. One of the reasons our founders so cemented Judeo-Christian principles in our nation is because they were skeptical of men’s ability to govern themselves. America would be a nation first subject to God – and subject to His higher law – so that our respect for our creator would provide a baseline for our “more perfect union.”

We would at least be united around important things when we couldn’t find unity among many things. Where are the leaders in America today that can bring people together, rather than separate us?

For our founders knew that the moment we no longer saw ourselves subject to God – and to His higher law – that we would begin to fight over everything in an attempt to gather God’s authority for ourselves.

When our political leaders and the people of America lack fear of God, we become subject to that awful temptation we find in Judges 17:6, “to do what is right in their own eyes.”

Since the beginning of time, we have been tempted to be like God. And when a nation’s leaders and her people lose their fear of God and replace it with their own authority, we begin to live in a kind of chaotic unity – not with one another – but in an unholy union with that very sin that brought sin to earth in the Garden of Eden. Aside from all of the others, we fail to follow the very first commandment given to us through Moses, “thou shalt have no other gods before me.”

In America, we have replaced God with government and granted politicians the ability to circumvent God’s higher law at will. It is our fault as citizens because we are a country that elects our leaders.

While we profess to remain “one nation under God” – and while we have inscribed such belief on our currency and in marble all over our capital – we seem to be more interested in “God bless America” than in actually being “one nation under God.”

The first phrase infers what we want from God, and the second phrase infers what God requires. We want His blessing, but His blessing comes with our being subject to His authority.

Rarely is God ever mentioned in the State of the Union address except with that customary salutation, “God bless America.” It’s all about what we can get from God, and less about what we need from Him.

So, what is the actual spiritual state of our union?

It is very simple.

We need to repent, come back to God, and put our trust in God alone. America needs a Great Spiritual Awakening.

Now is the time to elect leaders who fear God and we need to learn to fear God again ourselves.

We need not say phrases like “God Bless America” because they are our tradition. We need to speak them with a holy reverence for God’s authority, for without God there never would have been an America at all, and without God at its center America would not exist as it has.

I’m trusting that 2016 is a year where we apply a simple verse from 2 Chronicles 7:14, If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”

Now is the Time to Lead,

Ronnie W. Floyd

Senior Pastor, Cross Church
President, Southern Baptist Convention


Dr. Ronnie Floyd is currently serving as the President of the Southern Baptist Convention. The Southern Baptist Convention is America’s largest Protestant denomination with more than 15.7 million members in over 51,094 churches nationwide.

To request an interview with Dr. Ronnie Floyd
contact Gayla Oldham at (479) 751-4523 or email
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Follow Dr. Floyd on Twitter and Instagram @ronniefloyd

This Week at Cross Church | The Spiritual State of Our Union in 2016: America Must Come Back to God

SpiritualStateofOurUnitionThis past Monday, I released an article called The Spiritual State of Our Union in 2016: America Must Come Back to God. It has been picked up by several news sources and the Lord has used it. I do hope that you will take time to read and share it with your friends and family members.

God is on the Move in Cross Church

The Lord is on the move in Cross Church. We have several exciting things ahead in every realm of ministry. Please note these important upcoming events and take time to learn more about them. Let’s also pray for them together.

  • January 31, Special prayer services on each Cross Church campus to conclude our 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting.
  • February 5-7, FREEDOM WEEKEND: A weekend-long event for students featuring speakers Ed Newton and Brian Mills.
  • February 12, NIGHT TO SHINE: Cross Church is partnering with The Tim Tebow Foundation to host this wonderful event to celebrate and love our friends with special needs.
  • February 14, I LOVE MY CHURCH DAY: A Sunday to rally all adults in our church and in our region to worship the Lord with us.
  • February 15, THE FERVENT TOUR: A women’s battle plan for victory! Using her signature dynamic teaching, Priscilla Shirer will share keys to experiencing the power of God in personal and practical ways.
  • February 20, NWA BEAST FEAST: A night for outdoorsmen to come together for food, fellowship, the gospel, and to hear from guest speaker Spook Spann.
  • February 26-27, NORTHWEST ARKANSAS MEN’S CONFERENCE: Held on Friday night and Saturday morning to rally all men together for worship and challenges from the Word of God. Pray for speakers: Steve Gaines of Bellevue Baptist Church, Memphis, Tennessee; Jack Graham of Prestonwood Baptist Church, Dallas, Texas; and Ted Traylor of Olive Baptist Church, Pensacola, Florida.

Expect Great Things, Attempt Great ThingsWilliamCarey

Missionary William Carey was credited with the terrific phrase: “Expect great things; attempt great things.” Our 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting that began this past Sunday will lead us to expect great things from the Lord. It is an epic time for each of us as we attempt great things together. If you are not with us yet in this journey, there is still time to join us.

Weekly Worship Service and Small Group Ministry

It is vital to your spiritual health to be involved in a weekly worship service at Cross Church. Yes, you can stream it live or watch on television, but God’s full intent, if you are physically able, is to be engaged in your local church weekly through attending a worship service and participating in a small group. These two things are essential to a flourishing spiritual life. Please engage weekly.

Pray for Sunday!

Ronnie W. Floyd