Now is the Time to Bring Prayer Back into Our Churches and the Southern Baptist Convention
Do our churches and Southern Baptist Convention talk more about evangelism and prayer than practice evangelism and prayer? Our annual statistics show this is definitely true about evangelism. Yet, prayer itself does not have the same type of visible scoreboard of evaluation as evangelism.
The Bible says this about Jesus Christ: “…He went up on the mountain by Himself to pray.” (Matthew 14:23) If Jesus Himself sensed the deep need to pray and fellowship with God, how much more we need to pray!
A Nod or a Necessity
Our churches and Southern Baptist Convention give an acknowledging nod regarding prayer. It is rare to see a meeting begin without a brief prayer. We believe in it, yet our convictions regarding prayer seem to deepen in actual priority and practice only when the diagnosis is bad, the problem is overwhelming, or the crisis seems to lead to great loss.
Prayer deserves much more than a simple nod because prayer is an absolute necessity. Not just in our personal lives and church worship services, but also in our Southern Baptist Convention. The greatest action we can take is to pray.
Prayer does not eliminate other actions. If a person needs a job, we do not simply pray for a job, we also take the action of trying to find a job. But prayer must become a matter of priority and prominence in your life, your church, and in our Southern Baptist Convention.
Bringing Prayer Back into Our Churches and Our Southern Baptist Convention
Christians want prayer back in the schools; however, we ought to first bring prayer back into the worship services of our churches and into our Southern Baptist Convention! Most churches spend more time promoting the ministries of the church than praying in their worship services. Many Baptist gatherings I have been involved in follow this same pattern.
It injects a sense of “let’s move on to more important things” rather than taking prayer seriously like it is the necessary air we breathe in order to live and thrive.
Yet, Jesus wants His church to be a house of prayer for all the nations! When is the last time you experienced an entire Sunday morning worship service dedicated to prayer? Has this ever occurred? Has prayer received more than a small focus in any worship service you have attended recently?
If not, why? If we are not filling God’s churches with passionate prayers that are focused with purpose, what are we filling our worship services with? Could it be that we are not seeing that our greatest need is for the power of God to intervene in our lives, our church, our convention, and our nation? Could it be that we do not connect the deep need for prayer with the church’s greatest mission—to take the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all the nations?
Four Characteristics of Building Prayer into Churches and Our Southern Baptist Convention
Some churches are committing an entire worship service to the ministry of prayer. Will your church do this soon? At least a decade ago, I remember leading the entire staff of one of our national entities of our Southern Baptist Convention in an entire day of focused prayer.
America is falling apart. The world is becoming more dangerous daily. The church is way too content to keep on doing ministry without the power of God. Now is the time to pray! When we set aside special times to pray, implement these four characteristics:
1. Teaching
Each prayer time needs to be based on a teaching time from God’s Word. We stand on His Word, not on our words or passions.
2. Principles
Each prayer time should be focused on principles like repentance, revival, surrender to the Lordship of Christ, the filling of the Spirit, spiritual awakening, or reaching the world for Christ beginning in your own community. Additionally, include specific principles that relate to your specific needs contextually.
3. Led by the Spirit
Worship and prayer moments should be led as God’s Spirit leads, not necessarily according to the order of service. We plan specifically, but always leaving latitude to follow God’s leadership spontaneously.
4. Expression
Hymns and worship songs are given to us to express our worship of Jesus Christ as our Lord. These can be powerful expressions as transition moments, moving from one prayer time to the other. We see David model this in the Psalms.
Just Imagine
What could happen in your church if an entire Sunday morning service was turned into a prayer service? You could experience God moving in ways unlike you have seen in a long time, perhaps ever. People could come to Christ. Personal repentance could result in a releasing of the Spirit upon your church, unleashing the church to greater worship and ministry that is on mission with God.
Here is what I know: If we do not plan to pray, we will not pray!
It is past time for us to prioritize prayer, both personally and in the church, as well as in our Southern Baptist Convention. For far too long, we have seen what we can do; it is time for us to see what God can do. This can only happen when we pray.
Acts 4:31, “When they had prayed, the place where they were assembled was shaken and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak God’s message with boldness.”
This is why the entire evening session on Tuesday, June 14 at the Southern Baptist Convention in St. Louis will be committed to prayer. We will begin at 6:30 p.m. This prayer gathering is far more important than eating with friends, conducting secondary meetings, or attending a Cardinals baseball game. Please make plans now to attend.
Now is the Time to Lead,
Ronnie W. Floyd
Senior Pastor, Cross Church
President, Southern Baptist Convention
Dr. Ronnie Floyd is currently serving as the President of the Southern Baptist Convention. The Southern Baptist Convention is America’s largest Protestant denomination with more than 15.7 million members in over 51,094 churches nationwide.
To request an interview with Dr. Ronnie Floyd
contact Gayla Oldham at (479) 751-4523 or email
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Follow Dr. Floyd on Twitter and Instagram @ronniefloyd
This Week at Cross Church | Spring at Cross Church
We are celebrating what God has done and will do at our new Fayetteville campus location. If you have not yet heard, visit to watch the video and learn more.
Reaching Our Mission helps us fund our missional efforts here and around the globe, and is above and beyond our normal tithes and offerings. Our heart in this is to prepare and send. Reaching Our Mission helps directly fund our preparation of future ministers through the Cross Church School of Ministry and helps us financially partner with churches in some of the least reached places. We hope you’ll join us as we partner together to reach Northwest Arkansas, America, and the world for Jesus Christ.
Compassion Center and Spring Cleaning
It’s spring, and a lot of us are thinking of cleaning up and getting ready for yard sales. Instead, consider donating those items to the Compassion Center. When you do, those donated items are offered to a waiting community, and the sales proceeds are returned right back to the community in the form of financial assistance for fuel, rent, utility, and clothing needs along with one of the largest needs in our region, food. We have helped over 3,000 people with hunger needs and project we will more than double that before the year ends. The Compassion Center is an independent, IRS-recognized 501(c)(3) organization, and your donations are tax deductible. Also, as a vendor, small business owner, or part of the corporate community, you can donate financially or with product to the compassion center with confidence. The Compassion Center has made it easy to make a difference in the lives of thousands in our community. For more information about donating or serving at the Compassion Center, email Eric Vaughan at
Sunday is coming, and we are looking forward to GIVE ME JOY! at all our campuses. Invite someone to join you.
See You Sunday,
Ronnie W. Floyd