This Week at Cross Church | Great to be Back at Cross Church

It was a joy to be in worship with our Cross Church Family this past Sunday. God is at work among our church family and we have some fantastic days ahead together.

Prioritizing Sundays

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This past Sunday morning, I spoke on It Takes More Faith to Rest Than to Work. I do hope if you missed this message, you will take the time to watch or listen to it. Sundays are key to the principle of rest. Prioritizing Sundays in life is critical to our walk with Christ daily. 

40 Days of Faith is Coming

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Cross Church is preparing for a spiritual journey. Beginning September 28, we are challenging you to participate in what we are calling, “We Believe – 40 Days of Faith.”  This is a church-wide focus with sermons, focused small group curriculum, and devltionals starting on October 2 and concluding on November 6.  We believe these could be the most impactful days of our year. Please make plans to join the journey!

Inviting Others to Cross Church

Folks, this fall, let’s be very intentional to invite others to join us on Sundays at Cross Church. Let’s ask God to bring people our way from the workplace to the ball fields to the neighborhoods. I would love for us all to commit to being intentional on a weekly basis. Let’s begin this week.

Praying for Our Church

Circle-twacc.pngDo you consistently pray for Cross Church? You can pray daily on your own or join 3,000+ in our Cross Church Circle. Our Circle members have committed to pray for Cross Church weekly for 30 minutes, wherever they are in the world. You can sign up here to be part of our Cross Church Circle and commit to a specific time and day.

I love and appreciate each of you. See you Sunday!

Ronnie W. Floyd

The Pastor and His Prayer Life


The following article was featured on on September 7, 2016. 

One of the most powerful experiences of my life occurred when someone challenged me to prioritize prayer in my life. When I embraced prayer in my college years, not only did it change my life, it also became formative for everything in my life.

To this very day, beginning my day with God in His Word and having an ongoing conversation with Him has been the greatest key to my entire life and ministry. The ministry of preaching will not ever go beyond the preacher’s personal walk with God.

Prayer Is Built Upon the Word of God

Prayer is built on the Word of God. This prevents us from getting out of balance or off into theological error. Sometimes people think those who practice prayer are intellectual midgets or theologically inferior. Great prayer warriors base their praying on God’s Word, the surest truth in this world.

The most highly intelligent and theologically astute should be the greatest prayer warriors on the face of the earth. They should realize the Bible is God’s Word and authority on all things, praying with deep belief in God and His power. Preaching must be in the power of the Holy Spirit and this will never occur if a preacher and his prayer life is not built upon the Word of God.

As a pastor is preparing a sermon, it is imperative to seek God first above all else. Preaching is a relationship between the preacher and the people of God; however, this relationship will never supersede the preacher’s relationship with God personally.

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