Leadership Lesson: Not Every Hill is Worth Dying On
Today, I’d like to share more about one of the lessons I listed earlier this week in 30 Lessons I Have Learned in Leadership Through Leading the Same Organization for 30 Years.
The greatest leadership lesson I have ever learned is: Not every hill is worth dying on. If I had believed and practiced this in my previous churches and perhaps during the first few of my 30 years at Cross Church, my influence would be greater and the ministry would be more effective. I have seen ministers and other leaders let their stubbornness and pride wreck their own lives, ministries, and careers. Usually, it is because of violating this great leadership lesson.
In case no one has said this to you, whether you are a rookie or an icon in your profession, let me tell you right now: Not every hill is worth dying on!
It took me many years to learn this. Again, if I had learned it earlier in pastoral ministry, each church I served would have prospered more effectively. The fellowship would have been sweeter, the growth would have been greater, and the preservation of that growth would have been more successful.
It Was A Process
How did I learn this lesson? It did not happen at a particular turning point, but through a process. Some things in leadership you can only learn through the growth of the entity you are assigned to lead. The evolution of the organization through growth in structures, personnel, dollars, and expectations requires the leader to operate by the conviction that not every hill is worth dying on.
As I write these words, I think about the times that I could have carried more people with me along the church’s vision path if I had only been more patient and personal along the way. In the name of “urgency” or “reaching,” we can at times hurry matters in a church when hurrying is not an asset, but a liability. I wish someone had spoken these words to me earlier in life. Perhaps they did but my passion distorted my hearing.
It’s Not About Being Right
Most Christians are more interested in being right than they are in being Christ-like. Many times pastors are no exception. The Christian life is not about being right — it is about being Christ-like. I heard this said years ago and I have never forgotten it: If Satan cannot get you to do the wrong thing, he will get you to do the right thing in the wrong way. When you think you are always right, you will die on needless hills. When you constantly have to prove you are right and don’t take the time to work toward making the best decision in the right time and in the right way, you lose something with your people.
The Hills Worth Dying On
There are some hills that are worth dying on no matter what anyone in your congregation might think. Let me give you just three to consider.
1: Truth – You must be willing to die on the hill of God’s truth found in Scripture. You must stand in your pulpit, in your meetings, and everywhere else you go with the confidence that the Bible is God’s truth for today and always. Sadly, many people in the church will die on the altar of tradition rather than be willing to die for truth. Pastors, let’s be committed to God’s Truth!
2: Morality – Jesus was very clear that we are to be the salt and light of the world. We must be the moral conscience of our regions, nation, and world. Biblically, we have no alternative. We have to engage our culture. Remember, when we do, there are times that our faith will collide with the culture.
3: The Great Commission – The Great Commission should drive every Christian and church. For a church to advance toward the future in terms of health and growth, the church needs to be emblazoned by the Great Commission. There is not one person in the church who ought to be more fired up and passionate about sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with every person in the world and making disciples of all the nations than the Pastor.
When You Go To The Hill
Good leadership determines not only which hills to die upon, but it also chooses the timing of when to ascend those hills for battle. Let me give you some strategic experiences you should go through before you ascend the hill.
Leadership has to be clear – One of the biggest mistakes of church leadership is assumption. We cannot assume people understand our vision. We must make it clear.
Processes have to be thorough – Have you gone through the various networks of decision-making bodies on the issue at hand? Have you done your homework? Have you connected with the right players about the matter at hand to answer their questions or address their concerns? These questions are important to answer to ensure the processes have been clear.
God’s timing – Before you ascend the hill, you need to check the timing. The decision to ascend the hill cannot be made because of pressure from a special interest group or because you would like to get the matter behind you. Don’t forfeit your leadership on the altar of poor timing. It has to be God’s timing.
Wisdom is exercised when you have been clear and know it, the process has been thorough, and you have waited on God’s timing to ascend the hill. A wise leader will always do things in God’s timing, in God’s way, by God’s Word. If you have worked through these issues and you stand in confidence, you have no other choice than to ascend the hill. Therefore, ascend with confidence in God’s Word, power from God’s Spirit, and love for all people you want to join you on the hill.
Not every hill is worth dying on.
Now is the Time to Lead,
Ronnie W. Floyd
To learn more about this subject and additional practical ministry principles, see Dr. Floyd’s book “Ten Things Every Minister Needs to Know.”
30 Lessons I Have Learned in Leadership Through Leading the Same Organization for 30 Years
ESPN produces a series of documentary films entitled 30 for 30. They highlight important people and events in sports history. Each of these is powerful and highly engaging.
Today, I want to share with you my own 30 for 30. I want to call it 30 LESSONS I HAVE LEARNED IN LEADERSHIP THROUGH LEADING THE SAME ORGANIZATION FOR 30 YEARS. Many people have led organizations for 30 years. Yet, only a few have led the same organization for the past 30 years.
905 For and 12 Against
As a kid preacher, I came to be the pastor of our church on Sunday, October 26, 1986. Before we began our third of the five campuses we now have at Cross Church, our church was called First Baptist Church of Springdale, Arkansas.
In September of 1986, I came to preach in a view of being called as pastor. After an extended weekend, the church voted to call me as pastor. The vote was 905 for and 12 against. One month later, our very young family left our home state of Texas and arrived in Arkansas driving an old orange suburban. On the last week of October of this year, I will have served as Senior Pastor of Cross Church for 30 years.
I have learned much about leadership by serving and growing with this region called Northwest Arkansas. This region has been filled with a strong innovative leadership culture, producing powerful corporations with global headquarters here. Walmart, J.B. Hunt, Tyson Foods, and the University of Arkansas have anchored this Northwest Arkansas region. Surprising to most, somewhere between 1,200-1,400 national and international companies have a presence here to service their Walmart account. This presence may be from a few employees to hundreds. Additionally, private business, law, education, and politics are thriving here. In reality, the world comes here to do business. That is one way this region has taught me so much about leadership.
Simultaneously, I began serving in all kinds of roles and with many responsibilities in the Southern Baptist Convention. In the most recent two years of my life, I served as the President of the Southern Baptist Convention, the largest Protestant denomination in America. Additionally, the Lord has graciously given me all sorts of opportunity to minister to many evangelicals outside of our Southern Baptist Convention.
Through all of these things and life experience, I have learned plentiful lessons on leadership. I want to share just 30 of these lessons on leadership.
I will only list these lessons in this article today. Perhaps in the future, I will write something on each of them. They are not listed in any order. I will stay with only 30 lessons to represent my 30 years here, but in writing, I initially listed at least 60 lessons on leadership I have learned these past 30 years.
30 Lessons on Leadership I Have Learned in 30 Years Leading the Same Organization
#1 Leadership is rallying people to a better future.
#2 Vision is seeing it before you see it.
#3 All people matter.
#4 Put change in your pocket in relationships so you will have something to spend when you lead people.
#5 Walk slowly through the crowd.
#6 Limit time with people who deplete you, but expand time with people who replenish you.
#7 Enjoy the special moments.
#8 Learn from your defeats but celebrate the victories.
#9 Stay out of the ditches in your leadership.
#10 Truth guides great leaders, not trends.
#11 Do what is best for the organization.
#12 Who surrounds you will define you.
#13 Hire people slowly but fire people quickly.
#14 Wisdom, discernment, and timing are critical in decision making.
#15 Do not sell out to keep any staff member.
#16 Transition is inevitable and strategic change always has a cost.
#17 People who are highly critical of others will also be critical of you.
#18 Never let anyone outside of your circle of love.
#19 You can go faster alone but farther with others.
#20 Invite your opponents to help you formulate the future.
#21 Lift the principles high and do not lose the vision on details.
#22 Beware of mission drift; confront mission rift.
#23 Investing in leaders strategically ascends the organization and extends your leadership influence.
#24 Never believe all the good people say about you or you will also have to believe all the bad they say about you.
#25 Leadership is comprised of various seasons.
#26 Leadership longevity is possible when you learn to surf the waters of cultural and leadership change successfully.
#27 Always start your day with God.
#28 Generosity sets a leader apart from other leaders.
#29 Build exercise and fitness into your life five to six days a week.
#30 Not every hill is worth dying on.
You Have One Shot
You have one shot in your life. Live enthusiastically. Lead passionately. Make a difference. Make it count!
Now is the Time to Lead,
Ronnie W. Floyd
Senior Pastor, Cross Church
Dr. Ronnie Floyd is the Senior Pastor of Cross Church, immediate past President of the Southern Baptist Convention, and founder of the Cross Church School of Ministry.
To request an interview with Dr. Ronnie Floyd
contact Gayla Oldham at (479) 751-4523 or email gaylao@crosschurch.com.
Visit our website at http://ronniefloyd.com
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