5 Questions Every Pastor Will Answer in 2017


These are five questions every pastor will answer in 2017 whether he addresses or neglects them.

Pastor, how will you answer each one of these five questions?

Question #1: Will I prioritize my personal walk with God daily?

This is not a question about whether you will study for sermons, but a question about prioritizing your personal walk with God. Your personal walk with God will determine everything else in your life and ministry. Therefore, prioritize your personal reading of the Scripture, your personal prayer life, and your personal spiritual growth in Jesus Christ.

Question #2: Will I devote myself to being the spiritual leader in my family?

This is not about functioning as the spiritual leader of your church, but it is a question about devoting yourself to be the spiritual leader of your family. The level of your spiritual leadership in your church will never go beyond your personal walk with Christ and the genuine spiritual leadership you provide in your family. In other words, you cannot lead your church spiritually if you do not lead your family spiritually. Therefore, determine now to operate with great intentionality as the spiritual leader of your family.

Question #3: Will I lead my church to do all we can to reach my community with the gospel of Jesus Christ?

This is not about taking a few members of your church on a mission trip; it is about leading your church with a vision and an intentional strategy to reach your community with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Pastor, are you leading your church with a fire in your heart to reach your community for Jesus Christ? Our goal should be saturating our entire community with the gospel and strategizing to insure it has the opportunity to penetrate the lives of each person in a life-changing manner. Therefore, do it.

Question #4: Will I grow in my teaching and preaching of God’s Word?

How are you going to teach and preach God’s Word in a more effective manner than ever in your ministry this year? Following the prioritization of my personal walk with God, I must follow this with a strong commitment to study God’s Word accurately and deliver it effectively. Each pastor must feed, lead, and intercede! Preparation is the key to feeding God’s people with the Word of God. Your preparation will never be greater than your discipline to do it. Therefore, determine to grow in your teaching and preaching of God’s Word.

Question #5: Will I take care of myself physically?

Whether you see this as important or not, each pastor must answer: Will I take care of myself physically? Pastor, cease from laughing this question off or neglecting its importance in your life and ministry. Each of us will reap what we sow. If you do not feel well physically, it will affect your life in every way. If you do not feel good about the way you look, it may limit your level of confidence when you are standing before your church. God has made us all in different shapes and sizes. This is not a question about your shape and size. This is about you taking care of your body, the temple of the Holy Spirit, where God lives in you. Therefore, commit to being intentional about taking care of yourself physically.

I believe the future of your life, ministry, and church will be determined by the way you address these five questions. Therefore, address each of them intentionally.

Now is the Time to Lead,

Ronnie W. Floyd

How to Pray for America in This Historic Moment


We are living history. The election of a new president and the transition of power in this nation are always historic. Both the House and the Senate have proven veterans and newly elected leaders. This is historic.

At this time in history, how do we pray for America? Last week, I spent two days in Washington, DC. I attended meaningful meetings and heard convictional, dynamic, elected leaders speak and converse with us about the future of America. Again, we are living history.

Beyond the political pundits and talk show hosts, beyond the rising challenges of violence and danger in our nation, we have God. Yes, we are one nation under God!

I want to tell you how I am praying for America daily. In fact, not only am I praying daily, but thousands of members in the church I pastor are praying with me each week in their time of prayer with our church.

Call out to God for the United States of America

The Scripture Text We Are Praying Daily:

Call to Me and I will answer you and tell you great and incomprehensible things you do not know. Jeremiah 33:3

With confidence in the authority of Scripture and a deep belief in the power of prayer, we stand on the words of Jeremiah 33:3.

7 Things We Are Praying for America

1. Father, we cry out to You alone: Give America a nationwide spiritual awakening, resulting in millions coming to Christ.

2. Father, we cry out to You alone: Wake up and revive Your Church in America, beginning with waking up and reviving our church.

3. Our God, we cry out to You for a safe and orderly transition of power between the administrations of President Barack Obama and President-elect Donald Trump. Lord, please protect President Obama and his family, Vice President Biden and his family, President-elect Trump and his family, and Vice President-elect Pence and his family in these days of transition and in the future.

4. Lord, as we have prayed for you to raise up the leader You desire for us to have over the next four years, we thank you and pray today for our future President, Donald Trump, beginning with his inauguration on January 20.

5. Father, give President-elect Trump wisdom in his choices for America’s leadership and grant Vice-President elect Mike Pence and both houses of Congress the wisdom to assist the President-elect in these decisions.

6. Lord, grant our nation unity. We must come together. In Jesus’ name, we pray against division and disorder, asking for unity in America.

7. Father, grant mercy upon the United States of America.

These are my thoughts and prayers. If these will serve as a guide for you, use or share them. If not, come up with your own ways to pray for America.

In this historic moment, there has never been a greater need for prayer. Join me. Join us. Let’s see a great spiritual movement of prayer emerge in our nation in an unprecedented manner.

Now is the Time to Lead and to Pray,

Ronnie W. Floyd
Senior Pastor, Cross Church


Dr. Ronnie Floyd is the Senior Pastor of Cross Church, immediate past President of the Southern Baptist Convention, and founder of the Cross Church School of Ministry.

To request an interview with Dr. Ronnie Floyd
contact Gayla Oldham at (479) 751-4523 or email gaylao@crosschurch.com.

Visit our website at http://ronniefloyd.com
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