Today We Honor This Champion of Freedom

MLK Insta

This Week at Cross Church | Engage in 21 Days of Prayer

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If you missed Sunday morning worship, please take a moment to watch our message that kicked off not just a new series, but also our 21 Days of Prayer. We want to urge you to find your level and go at your pace, but at least say, “For the days left, I will think through and focus on my spiritual life for the future.” If you would like to receive a daily text message that gives a brief snapshot of our emphasis for the day and a helpful word for your life, please text: 21DAYS to 313131. We also have printed versions on each campus.

Enter Into 2017 Honoring the Lord

New beginnings occur in the first days of any year, including the year 2017. Resolve beginning today “I will honor God weekly with at least the first one tenth of all God gives to me in 2017.” The Lord will be revered and you will be blessed. Do not minimize the importance of this in your life. Remember, blessing always follows obedience.

Gather the People

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Gather people to come to worship services at Cross Church with you. If you invite people, they will consider it and likely join you at some point. Gather people to one of our small groups meeting on or through one of our campuses. Gather teenagers to participate in our Freedom Weekend coming up on February 3-5, 2017. Gather men to our upcoming Northwest Arkansas Men’s Conference on February 24 – 25, 2017. Gather women to participate in our Women’s Bible Studies during the week. Gather people to consider a national or international mission experience. Gather people to volunteer some time or bring some things to be resold in our Compassion Center. Here is the bottom line: Gather the people!

How to Pray for America in This Historic Moment


On Monday, I released an article that challenged all Americans and followers of Christ on How to Pray for America in This Historic Moment. Please take time to read it and share it with a friend. Never has our nation needed prayer more than today. Join me in this journey.

Sanctity of Human Life Sunday


Sunday, January 15 we will observe the Sanctity of Human Life Sunday. For some women this can make the difference of choosing life or not. It is an opportunity to speak the truth in love about abortion. It is an opportunity to stir in someone’s heart the need to make a difference in the life of a woman and her expected child. In America alone, there are almost three abortions every minute. That is 3,400 lives a day that are taken. Be a part of changing this statistic for 2017 by learning, praying, giving, and serving.

See You Sunday at Cross Church,

Ronnie W. Floyd