1 Phrase Every Minister Needs to Live By
Churches are filled with all kinds of people. This presents numerous challenges for each pastor. When the Apostle Paul addressed the church at Corinth, it was evident that the church was struggling with their interpersonal relationships.
They were called to unity, compelled by the dynamic of love. Therefore, Paul writes about this power of love in 1 Corinthians 13:4-8. From this incredible section of Scripture written to the church for the church, I want to lift up one phrase that every minister needs to live by.
What Phase Is It?
1 Phrase Every Minister Needs to Live By:
“… does not keep a record of wrongs.” 1 Corinthians 13:5
This strong statement is compelling. It should become a priority for every relationship we have on this earth: Does not keep a record of wrongs. When we do not live by this phrase, we put up or create a block in our relationships, closing off our hearts to one another.
This phrase is translated literally: “Love does not count up wrongdoing.”
From nearly wed to newlywed to long-time wed, we must learn to live by this phrase: Does not keep a record of wrongs. Regardless of generation, vocation, or religion, this is the secret to living a strong and meaningful life.
While love does not count up wrongdoing, it is also never rude, impatient, negative, and does not rejoice when someone else sins. The secret to this is discovered when we forgive.
What does it mean to forgive? Forgiving someone means we wipe the slate clean, releasing it completely.
Only Jesus’ love and your love for others lead you to forgive. Forgiveness is miraculous. It’s supernatural!
Unforgiveness is an internal problem we experience personally. It is not just about someone else; it is also about you.
Love and unforgiveness cannot coexist.
A strained relationship is one in need of forgiveness. Therefore, forgive and love. Remember this one phrase that each minister needs to live by: “… does not keep a record of wrongs.” (1 Corinthians 13:5)
Pastor, how do we live this out? Pastor’s wife, how do we live this out? Let me show you how we can do this.
3 Keys to Healing Unforgiveness
1. Unforgiveness keeps a list of wrongdoings; but love keeps no lists.
Pastor, refuse to keep a list of people who are on your bad side.
2. Unforgiveness is judgmental; but love is merciful and graceful.
Pastor, refuse to become judgmental and be filled with bitterness. Take the initiative and seek forgiveness. Love compels us to do the right thing in the right way toward all people.
3. Unforgiveness holds on to the wrong; but love releases all wrongs.
Pastor, determine now that you will be a daily forgiver. Regardless of what someone has done to you, let it go. Forgive. A choice not to release and forgive is a choice of bitterness and destruction.
Never let anyone outside of your circle of love.
Remember this, pastor: When you get things right with God, you will truly make things right with others.
Often a pastor becomes a target, being attacked by someone else. It may help you to also remember: Hurt people hurt people. Forgiven people forgive people.
We are a forgiven people; therefore, always forgive.
Remember, there is one phrase every minister needs to live by and it is this phrase: Love… does not keep a record of wrongs.
This will lead you to a free and joyful life and ministry.
Now is the Time to Lead, Live, and Love,
Ronnie W. Floyd
This Week at Cross Church | Get Your Eyes on February 12… Why?
Join us Saturday Morning from 9:00-10:00 a.m. at One of Our Five Campuses
21 Days of Prayer concludes on Saturday, January 28. On this day, we will have a major prayer and worship Celebration Service on each of our five campuses. This will be from 9:00-10:00 a.m. Dear friends, make the choice to join us. I look forward to being part of this 21st day of prayer. Let’s ensure that on this Saturday, we will see Cross Church become a house of prayer for all the nations!
Get Your Eyes on Sunday, February 12… Why?
There are two reasons February 12 is highly significant and your attendance is critical. First, this is our annual I Love My Church Day, a day when we do all we can to move every church member to be in worship with us and prayerfully, also a small group. If you are a Small Group leader, a choir member, a mission leader, or a First Impressions leader, this is the Sunday we work diligently and strategically to get our people here. Second, we are notifying everyone right now: On February 12, the message will be focused on a strong message of salvation, calling people to follow Jesus. Therefore, this is THE Sunday to do all you can to bring someone with you to worship that does not know Jesus Christ personally. Pray. Invite. Bring.
Reaching Our Mission
Whether you use a weekly giving envelope or use online giving weekly, there is a line item designated for Reaching Our Mission. We have asked our people to give something above their first tenth to the Reaching Our Mission offering. This offering provides funding for our Cross Church School of Ministry, church planting nationally and internationally, and additional missionary support. When you get a chance, consider joining us in giving over and above weekly, even if it is $5 a week. Find your level of giving and know that when we do this over 52 weeks, it adds up. You can give here right now. And most importantly, always remember that our missional vision here is: Reaching Northwest Arkansas, America, and the world for Jesus Christ.
Save and Pray for These Dates
February 3-5 brings our Freedom Weekend student conference for 6th – 12th graders. Our students will hear from Jeff Wallace and Tony Merida, and experience worship led by Shane Schauer. You don’t want your student to miss it. For more information visit crosschurch.com/freedom.
Our NWA Men’s Conference will be held on February 24-25 at our Pinnacle Hills campus. This year’s conference features dynamic speakers including Brad Graves, Alex Himaya, Brad Jurkovich, and Aaron Werner. Sign up now. Men, don’t miss this weekend. Find MORE HERE.
Our Series Continues This Sunday at Cross Church
This Sunday, we will continue our series, BARRIERS and we will speak about one of the greatest barriers in the Christian life. Do not miss Sunday. If you missed this past Sunday, please watch the message here.
Continue to Pray and Invite Others to Worship,
Ronnie W. Floyd