Pastors, Join All of Us Now #yearofgoodnews
The following is an article I co-signed, posted by Greg Laurie on February 28, 2017. Published by permission.
2017 – The Year of Good News!
by Greg Laurie
I have written a letter that I have asked a lot of my friends to sign.
It is a declaration to make 2017 “The Year of Good News.”
Franklin Graham was the first to get the word out.
Will you join him and sign as well at
The Year of Good News
In a time of bad news, distracting news, divisive news, disorderly news, and, sometimes, depressing news we—as Christians and as leaders—want to recommit ourselves to making sure that the Good News of Jesus cuts through it all. We call upon Christians in America to make 2017 “The Year of Good News.”
Christians everywhere must share the message of Jesus with everyone they can at every opportunity they can. Pastors must preach the Gospel boldly and pray intentionally for national revival.
Despite the divisions and distractions dividing our nation and disorienting our culture, we believe that the Gospel of Jesus Christ remains the hope of the world and is more needed in our nation now than at almost any point in our nation’s history.
This is not to diminish the important good works and example that the Church as a whole provides, but it is to emphasize that Jesus has commanded us to “go into all the world and preach the Gospel” and to “make disciples of all nations.”
Our message is the Good News that God loved us so much He sent His son to this earth on a rescue mission. Jesus who is fully God and fully man lived a perfect life, died a perfect death and rose again from the grave.
We need a national miracle to heal our political, racial and cultural divisions, and that miracle is found in the power of Jesus to change our hearts. Therefore, we commit to preach louder than our nation’s politics, and we aim to make the message of Jesus Christ transcend the monopoly of our media. We confess our only hope of unity is on the level ground at the foot of the cross of Jesus, and our only hope of healing is in the victory achieved through his empty tomb.
The gospel is the timeless, God-honored, God-ordained message that can change a human heart for time and eternity. We accept Jesus’ command to proclaim his message, wherever we are to whomever we are around.
Because 2017 is such a critical year for America, it must become the Year of Good News. Please share #YearofGoodNews with everyone you can.
Greg Laurie
Senior Pastor, Harvest Christian Fellowship.
Al Mohler
President, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
Anne Graham Lotz
Brian Brodersen
Senior Pastor, Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa
David Jeremiah
Pastor, Shadow Mountain Community Church
Eric Metaxas
Author, Speaker, Radio Host
Franklin Graham
Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
George Wood
General Superintendent, Assemblies of God
Jack Graham
Pastor, Prestonwood Church
James Dobson
Author, Family Talk with James Dobson
James MacDonald
Founder and Senior Pastor, Harvest Bible Chapel
Joe Focht
Senior Pastor, Calvary Chapel of Philadelphia
Joel Rosenberg
Kevin Ezell
President, North American Mission Board (NAMB)
Levi Lusko
Pastor, Fresh Life Church
Max Lucado
OS Hawkins
President, Guidestone Financial Resources
Randy Alcorn
Robert Morris
Pastor, Gateway Church
Ronnie Floyd
Senior Pastor, Cross Church
Rev. Samuel Rodriguez
President, National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference
Skip Heitzig
Founder and Senior Pastor, Calvary of Albuquerque
Steve Gaines
President, Southern Baptist Convention
Go to and add your voice to the respected evangelical leaders listed above.
People Change the World
We believe people change the world. At Cross Church, we value this reality deeply.
Through the years, our fellowship has made sacrifices to forward this belief in our church. For us, it is a non-negotiable that we share passionately and clearly. We value that people change the world so much, we would call it one of our “team colors” of Cross Church.
Sending God-Called Leaders to Change the World
I do not know who said it first, because I have heard it said by many for decades: What is important in your church is not your seating capacity, but your sending capacity. While living and leading in a special region of the country known as Northwest Arkansas, our church has learned the value of sending leaders out from our church to change the world.
I want to focus on the power and influence of sending out God-called leaders from our church to change the world. We see this in Acts 13:2-3 when the church at Antioch sent out Paul and Barnabas. Unquestionably, their influence upon the world in the first century was beyond description, but even to this day, their influence is God-sized.
How is This Possible Here?
For many years, the DNA of our church has included sending out God-called leaders to change the world. Many have come to Christ through this ministry, were called by God into ministry, and sent from here around the world. Others God calls here for a season, not only to help and minister with us, but to be further equipped in leadership and ministry, then sent from here to change the world. Through the years, some have come here injured emotionally from the challenges of ministry, given a safe place to be refreshed and healed, and in God’s timing, sent out to change the world. Another example began four years ago, when we began the Cross Church School of Ministry to place structure and systems to support what God has done through Cross Church for many years. This one-year residential ministry experience prepares leaders for life, ministry, and gospel advancement globally. Yes, we believe people change the world.
4 Unique Illustrations Within the Last Year
Within the last year, we have experienced a unique season, with at least four men from our staff becoming Lead Pastors of dynamic ministries.
Noe Garcia: Lead Pastor, North Phoenix Baptist Church, Phoenix, Arizona. Noe was called here to lead our collegiate ministry. God came down in power and might, using Noe greatly. Many Wednesday night worship services, Noe would preach to 700-1,000 college students. This resulted in him being known nationally as a powerful proclaimer of God’s Word and gifted evangelist. Even though Noe had never served as a pastor, God called him miraculously to the historic North Phoenix Baptist Church.
Dr. Ronnie Parrott: Lead Pastor, Christ Community Church, Huntersville, North Carolina. God used Ronnie to assist Dr. Nick Floyd in launching our campus in Fayetteville, Arkansas. This ministry exploded in growth and influence. After serving there with Nick for several years, we asked Ronnie to walk alongside of me when I was elected President of the Southern Baptist Convention, assisting me in many ways. While Ronnie has never served as a Lead Pastor previously, God began to intervene last summer, moving in Ronnie’s heart to answer the call to be the Lead Pastor of this North Carolina church that has a huge opportunity in the greater Charlotte area.
Julio Arriola: Church Planter, Guadalajara, Mexico. When Julio joined our team almost six years ago, he had just interviewed with the International Mission Board about answering the call to missions. While his heart was set there, God intervened and called him here. This new citizen of the United States became not just our Global Worship Pastor, but the first Mexican-American elected as Music Director for both the 2015 and 2016 Southern Baptist Conventions. Over a year ago, Julio told me God was calling him to Mexico to plant a church in his home city that has millions in population, the city of Guadalajara. From interpreting for me while in the Dominican Republic together and watching him lead, I knew he could preach the gospel. Even though he has never served as Lead Pastor, he left a fabulous opportunity here to proclaim the gospel and become a Lead Pastor and Church Planter.
Dr. Jeff Crawford: Senior Pastor, Grace Baptist Church, Knoxville, Tennessee. This past Sunday, Jeff answered God’s calling to this church as Senior Pastor. While serving with us for thirteen total years, for the past four years, Jeff has served as the first President of our Cross Church School of Ministry and Teaching Pastor. Jeff is a great preacher and God will use him in this very strategic church, not only in Knoxville, but throughout all of Tennessee.
I love these men and their families. They are family not only to Cross Church, but to Jeana and me.
Jehovah Jireh, the Lord our Provider, always meets our needs. He sent us Brian Mills, one of the greatest Student Pastors and leaders in America, to lead our collegiate ministry when God led Noe away. God called Brad Noblitt here, one of the most dynamic and gifted worship leaders, to lead our Worship Ministry at Pinnacle Hills and fill the campus position where Julio was called to lead six years ago. Due to Ronnie’s position being unique in his last two years with us, we have not called anyone to fill his slot at this time. Now, the search will be on to fill the fantastic opportunity to be President of our Cross Church School of Ministry. As always, God will provide.
Closing Challenge
If you are a pastor or a member in a local church, begin to reimagine your future as a church: The influence of your church is not determined only by how many you gather for worship and ministry, but also by who you are sending out to change the world.
At Cross Church, we believe people change the world.
Now is the Time to Lead,
Ronnie W. Floyd
Senior Pastor, Cross Church
Dr. Ronnie Floyd is the Senior Pastor of Cross Church, immediate past President of the Southern Baptist Convention, and founder of the Cross Church School of Ministry.
To request an interview with Dr. Ronnie Floyd
contact Gayla Oldham at (479) 751-4523 or email
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