EP 13: Life and Leadership Today with Guest, Greg Laurie

Greg LaurieYou may already be familiar with today’s guest on Life and Leadership Today. He is a bestselling author of over 70 books, pastor and founder of Harvest Church in Southern California and Harvest Crusades. Today, we welcome Greg Laurie. We’ll talk with Greg about something that changed his life in 1970, his current strategy to reach people in America for Christ and how he feels about the current climate in our nation. We also discuss turning vision into reality, and Greg’s new book, releasing June 13, about Hollywood actor, Steve McQueen, entitled Steve McQueen: The Salvation of an American Icon. Join us now!

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This Week at Cross Church | Summer is Coming!

A Personal Financial Goal for Each of Us This Summer

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A personal and worthy financial goal for each of us should be to give at least the first tenth of all God has given to us each week. Therefore, from May 28 – September 3, faithfulness is the goal. Regardless if we are in worship or away on vacation, we should be faithful to give. You can set up your account for recurring giving here. If each of us does this, we will reach our Summer Program of Giving goal of $5,580,000 over this fifteen-week period this summer. Included in this total need is $150,000 to provide financial assistance for students and children to attend camps this summer. This Sunday is the beginning date for this fifteen-week emphasis.  If you’d like to learn more about the Summer Program of Giving, you can go here.

“Did God Really Say” Series Began This Past Sunday

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This past Sunday, we began a new message series on the book of Genesis entitled, Did God Really Say. For eleven weeks this summer, we will be teaching from Genesis. This will keep us on task and in the Word of God this summer. If you missed the first Sunday in this series and our message, Did God Really Say He Created the Heavens and the Earth?, you can watch it here. Do not miss this Sunday, May 28, as we speak on, Did God Really Say He Created Everything in Six 24-Hour Days?

Send Your Students and Children to Camp… The Rest of Us, Let’s Pray!

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The most life-changing week of this summer could be the week that you send your student or child to camp. I promise you, by the time they return, they will be so glad they went. Parents, lead your children spiritually. Sending them to camp is one way to do this. For those of us without children or students to send, let’s pray for our camps. Here is a list of camps and their dates:

    • Kidz Camp – Camp Siloam, Siloam Springs, Arkansas, June 12-15: For children who have completed grades 2-5
    • Middle School Camp – Sky Ranch, Oklahoma, July 4-6: For students who have completed grades 6-7
    • Student Beach Camp 2017 – Destin, Florida, June 25-30: For students who have completed grades 8-12

Again, let’s call out to God for the students and children who will be attending one of these camps!

Pray for Me

I need your daily support in prayer. It is a busy season for all of us, and summer does not slow down. Leading our church and preparing to speak weekly, plus working on my next book manuscript due at the end of June means early mornings are sometimes paired with late nights. I want to fulfill the responsibilities God has for me to the best of my ability for the glory of God. Thank you for praying for me. I am most grateful.

See you Sunday, Cross Church!

Ronnie W. Floyd