EP 14: Leadership Lessons that will Transcend All Generations and Organizations

Ronnie Floyd-podcastThis week on Life and Leadership Today, Ronnie Floyd sits down with you one-on-one and talks about leadership that will transcend all generations and organizations. For the first time on his podcast, you will hear him talk about life and leadership in today’s world.

He will talk with you about:

  • Leadership in today’s world
  • Vision and what it can do for your future
  • Surfing the waters of cultural change
  • Nuggets he has learned from great leaders
  • Acceptability and vulnerability in leadership
  • Why all people matter
  • Why you should stay out of the ditches of life and leadership
  • Fallout that happens when you move your organization forward

By opening his heart and telling stories that will ignite your leadership, this week will be a little different, but a very enriching time.

Listen, share it with a friend, and share it with your social networks.

Pray For Our 2017 Southern Baptist Convention on June 13-14

SBC 2017-blogJust next week, thousands of Southern Baptists will gather in Phoenix, Arizona for our Southern Baptist Convention. I want to call upon each participant, all Southern Baptists, and churches to pray for next Tuesday and Wednesday, June 13-14. We can pray in these ways:

1. Pray for SBC President, Steve Gaines.

Pray for the President of our Southern Baptist Convention, Dr. Steve Gaines. From experience, I know that Dr. Gaines is experiencing an overwhelming amount of preparation and endless details. Pray for the Lord’s strength and endurance as Dr. Gaines approaches next week, and that the Lord’s will would be carried out through Dr. Gaines. Ask God to give to Dr. Gaines His wisdom for every situation.

2. Pray for our churches to become more effective in advancing the gospel in their region, America, and the world.

As Christians, it is our mission to take the gospel to all nations, beginning in our own backyard. Pray for our Southern Baptist churches to have the urgency to share the gospel, and be bold and effective in their reach. One of the great reasons to attend the Annual Meeting on June 13-14 is to be motivated to finish this grand task, as the vision will be set before our eyes clearly.

3. Pray for unity as a convention.

Pray for unity within our Southern Baptist Convention. As always, there are diverse thoughts and opinions among a convention the size of ours. Regardless of our individual preferences, we must have unity in order to be as effective as God would have us be.

4. Pray through the schedule.

Pray through the schedule, asking God to bless each meeting as only He can. Ask God for wisdom and anointing for each person on the schedule, calling them out by name. Give specific detail to our President, but also to the eleven entity Presidents, and the President/CEO of our Executive Committee. You can find the full schedule here.

Thank you for praying. I am looking forward to seeing what God will do in Phoenix on June 13-14.

Now is the Time to Lead,

Ronnie W. Floyd
Senior Pastor, Cross Church


Dr. Ronnie Floyd is the Senior Pastor of Cross Church, Immediate Past President of the Southern Baptist Convention, founder of the Cross Church School of Ministry, and host of the Ronnie Floyd on Life and Leadership Today podcast.

To request an interview with Dr. Ronnie Floyd
contact Gayla Oldham at (479) 751-4523 or email gaylao@crosschurch.com.

Visit our website at http://ronniefloyd.com
Follow Dr. Floyd on Twitter and Instagram @ronniefloyd