This Week at Cross Church | Summer is Heating Up
Dr. James Dobson Interview About Dads In America
Every father, mother, son, and daughter needs to listen to my 22-minute interview with the renown Dr. James Dobson. No one has defended and forwarded the family and the vital role of fathers in America more than James Dobson. He is an amazing leader. This will help you as you prepare for Father’s Day this coming Sunday. Here is the direct link.
Man Day
Do not miss Sunday at Cross Church! It is Father’s Day, also known around Cross Church as Man Day. We will be honoring all dads, and it will be a special day for the whole family. Each campus will have unique opportunities that will make this a fun experience for everyone. We will continue our series Did God Really Say from the book of Genesis, and it will be a challenging word for both men and women. Make sure you invite your dad to church for Man Day! Use the graphic below to share with others.
Summer Freedom Celebration: “America, Come Together”
Summer is heating up at Cross Church! That means our annual Summer Freedom Celebration is right around the corner. On Sunday, July 2, on every campus of Cross Church, we will have a wonderful time of celebration together. Our theme for the morning celebrations will be, “America, Come Together.” The message, songs, and technology will create and sustain this powerful theme, which reminds us of the need in our great nation today. Many have sacrificed so much for the freedoms we all enjoy in this great nation God has given us. We will give honor to those who have served and are serving still today. From bright smiling children singing to our worship choir and band, along with military representatives from every branch of service, it will be a great day. I look forward to speaking this day and being with you. BRING A FRIEND! Don’t miss it, and begin now to invite others to join you.
Fireworks & Baptism at the Crosses
On the evening of Sunday, July 2, our Pinnacle Hills campus will host our 10th Annual Fireworks & Baptism at the Crosses. This is one of my absolute favorite days of the year. We will host a patriotic celebration featuring live music, outdoor baptisms, and fireworks. Go here for details. Before the fireworks start, we will have the opportunity for our people to be baptized outdoors under the crosses. If you’d like more information on being baptized that evening, you can find more information and sign up here.
First Things First
At Cross Church, summer doesn’t mean we slow down. In fact, ministry heats up! Because of your faithfulness to give during these 15 weeks of summer, we are able to minister to so many children and families throughout the summer through VBX, summer camps, IMPACT Ministries, and so much more. If you are away, you can still give faithfully via automated giving or by giving online. Continue to join together with us in giving to the Lord weekly. We cannot out give God!
See You Sunday,
Ronnie W. Floyd
5 Life and Money Lessons I Learned from Dave Ramsey
This year I decided to tread new waters and launch a new venture to develop leaders: a leadership podcast, featuring conversations with some of America’s top voices in faith, business, media and sports.
From Fox News’ chief religion correspondent, to Auburn’s football head coach and the former president and CEO of Walmart U.S., each episode features a guest with a unique perspective on life, faith and leadership.
Recently, I had the honor of talking with Dave Ramsey. When it comes to biblical financial wisdom, no one has had more reach or impact than Dave. Through his national radio broadcast, books, and financial management university, he helps thousands of people find financial peace and freedom every day.
Here are five lessons on life and money I learned talking with him.
1. Success is all about the size of your legacy, not the size of your stuff.
In a world obsessed with names, brands and money, it’s easy to confuse success with a pile of stuff. After all, what more tangible evidence can you ask for than the material stuff your hard-earned money can buy? Yet, according to Dave, true success is ultimately about leaving a legacy. It’s about that which will outlive you.
What kind of business are you leaving behind? Is it a business with a vision and mission to bless your employees and customers and glorify God with the excellence of your work?
What type of church has your leadership helped form? Does your congregation love each other and the Gospel of Jesus more than the day you first started pastoring?
And—most important—what kind of family have you raised? Are your children godly and involved in ministry? Have you cultivated a relationship of love and service with your spouse?
We should measure our success by the kind of legacy—and not the amount of stuff—we are leaving behind.
2. Communication about finances is a key to marital success.
You’d be surprised to learn that money problems in marriage are rarely ever about money itself. They are instead conflicts regarding value systems in the household. As Matthew 6:21 declares, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Finances force couples to communicate ultimately about their hearts’ desires. When couples understand this truth, they can see financial discussions as an opportunity to strengthen the marriage bond of trust and intimacy.
3. Use the Bible as a guide for financial direction.
When it comes to our daily financial decisions, there is no other book in the world packed with more wisdom than the Bible. The Bible mentions money and possessions 2,350 times, charting the path to good stewardship and financial success. Financial advisors and plans are extremely important—and you should always seek help when in financial trouble—but only in the Scriptures will you find the wisdom to wealth and leave a lasting legacy in a healthy, life-giving way.
4. The best way to escape debt is to get angry about it.
No one wanders out of debt. The only way to defeat debt is with passionate intentionality, determination and hard work. In other words: you have to get angry about debt, and concentrate your energies on eradicating every shred of it. Perhaps the most effective method of getting rid of debt is the “Debt Snowball” method. While you pay the monthly minimum on every debt, you attack the smallest loan with vengeance until it’s gone, and then move to the next and so forth. Each win—no matter how small it may seem—will uplift your spirit and move you closer to financial freedom.
5. Financial success is marked by budgeting and high-quality relationships
As obvious as it might sound, the best way to avoid debt is to avoid overspending. Determine a budget at the beginning of each month and stick to it. Manage your money; don’t let money manage you. And always surround yourself with people who will encourage you towards financial success. Scripture says, “Bad company corrupts good morals” (1 Corinthians 15:33). If you want financial freedom—for yourself and your family—you have to walk out of the relational environments that lead to debt and financial compromise.
In the end, never forget that every “good and perfect gift is from above” (James 1:17). Both in plenty and in want, trust God’s provision, imitating His kind generosity toward us.
Dr. Ronnie Floyd is the Senior Pastor of Cross Church and the Immediate Past President of the Southern Baptist Convention. Follow him on Twitter @ronniefloyd. Subscribe to Ronnie Floyd on Life and Leadership Today here.
This article was originally published on June 7, 2017 on