United, Prevailing Prayer for Awakening in America
As the United States of America nears celebrating her 241st birthday this July 4, it should serve as a spiritual wake up call to every follower of Jesus Christ. Now is the time for the entire church of Jesus Christ in this nation to unite in prevailing prayer for spiritual awakening. There is no greater need in America.
There is no great movement of God that has ever occurred that does not begin with the extraordinary prayer of God’s people. The time is now for us to come together before God in clear agreement, visible union, and in extraordinary prayer for the next Great Awakening and for the world to be reached for Christ. This must be the united, prevailing prayer.
We Cannot Ignore Our History
Jonathan Edwards was a man who believed in the absolute sovereignty of God. As a catalyst for America’s first and second Great Awakenings, Edwards called upon God’s people to act. He believed God would listen to the promptings of His people. Edwards called for prayer and fasting, both in secret and with one another.
George Whitfield was used by God to shake America. His powerful preaching of the need to be born again was used by the Lord to bring thousands to Christ. God used both Whitfield and Edwards in a supernatural way in the mid-1700s. In the early 1800s, the second Great Awakening occurred, and God used men like Charles Grandison Finney, Timothy Dwight, and others who became instrumental preachers of the gospel.
Then in 1857-1858, Jeremiah Lanphier was a layman who had a burden to pray. Eventually, thousands were praying daily for a mighty move of God in the land, and our God shook America. In a two-year period, 1 million Americans came to Christ and another 1 million converted to Christ in Great Britain and Ireland. The church was revived and the fires of evangelism were burning brightly. Missions exploded with the Student Volunteer Movement, where 20,000 young people surrendered their lives to missions.
God used these great movements of God to further impact leaders like Charles Haddon Spurgeon, D.L. Moody, and William Booth. These men and others were shaking the world for Christ.
Sadly, it has been since the Jesus Movement of the 1960s and early 1970s since we have seen such a movement of God upon our land. Thousands were being saved as churches were exploding, and many were called into gospel ministry.
Interestingly, in each of these great movements of God, united, prevailing prayer was occurring.
We Must Prevail In United Prayer
It is time for churches to unite as the Church of Jesus Christ. If we cannot unite to pray in an ongoing way for God to bring spiritual awakening, we have far greater issues. It is time we stop ignoring our history, but learn from it; then, take action to pray for awakening in a compelling, united way.
James 5:16 (CSB) says, “The prayer of a righteous person is very powerful in its effect.” This is prevailing prayer. This is what the Church must learn to do together. Regardless of what we see with our human eyes, we must be faithful to cry out to God in our desperation, appealing to Him with all we have: God, we cry out to You with all we have and are: Give America a mighty spiritual awakening. Yes Lord, may You give us the third Great Spiritual Awakening in our nation’s history.
Let’s take these three actions beginning today:
- Pray Extraordinarily: This means praying more now than you have been for spiritual awakening. Create ways to unite with other people, leaders, and churches in prevailing prayer for spiritual awakening in America.
- Awakening Brings Evangelization: Billy Graham asked the question, Can Revival Come? He believed firmly that “An awakening can bring about evangelization of the world in our generation.”1 While denominations and churches try to fix their lack of genuine evangelism, they need to realize that a true spiritual awakening is the ultimate answer to this problem. While we must equip others and practice evangelism personally, we need to believe that God can do more in a moment than we can do in a lifetime. This is why we must prevail in united prayer for spiritual awakening.
- Maximize Prayer and Minimize the Rest: As we maximize the need to unite in prevailing prayer for the next Great Awakening, we need to minimize the rest. This is not a call to dumb down politics or stop speaking to the issues in our world today; nor is it a call to make simple our uniting in prayer. It is a call to understand that only God is the One who can change the hearts of Americans from the inside out.
A Final Appeal
The church of America needs to unite humbly in prevailing prayer for spiritual awakening in America. As we come together in clear agreement, visible union, and extraordinary prayer for the next Great Awakening and for the world to be reached for Christ, we need to believe our God is able to do it!
I believe God can do it. I am trusting God to do it.
Keep your perspective: Our greatest need is the next Great Spiritual Awakening in America.
Now is the Time to Lead,
Ronnie W. Floyd
Senior Pastor, Cross Church
Dr. Ronnie Floyd is the Senior Pastor of Cross Church, Immediate Past President of the Southern Baptist Convention, founder of the Cross Church School of Ministry, and host of the Ronnie Floyd on Life and Leadership Today podcast.
To request an interview with Dr. Ronnie Floyd
contact Gayla Oldham at (479) 751-4523 or email gaylao@crosschurch.com.
Visit our website at http://ronniefloyd.com
Follow Dr. Floyd on Twitter and Instagram @ronniefloyd
1 Graham, Billy. “Can Revival Come?” Sermon, Inauguration of Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Jr., Louisville, KY, October 14, 1993. http://equip.sbts.edu/article/can-revival-come/
5 Reflections on the 2017 Southern Baptist Convention
After serving as President of the Southern Baptist Convention from 2014-2016 and presiding over the 2015 and 2016 Annual Conventions, this year’s convention was an interesting journey for me personally. With the peace of God and the confident assurance in His timing, I enjoyed praying and participating as a messenger again.
I participated in the entire meeting, and my reflections are from my observations, where my own indelible memories from previous years cannot help but shape my perspective. Here are five personal reflections on the 2017 Southern Baptist Convention.
Reflection #1: Evangelism Awaits Becoming The Priority In Our Churches Again
Dr. Steve Gaines, our president, shared with conviction the great need for evangelism to become the priority of our churches again. While baptisms continue to decline deplorably, at least it is being talked about again. Thank you, President Gaines, for making this the needed priority again.
In my own 2016 Presidential Address in St. Louis, The Stakes Are High, one of the main points of my message was, “Now is the time for Southern Baptists to evangelize.” In fact, as I called upon us to prioritize evangelism again, I stated: “While theological debate is ascending and is applauded loudly in our convention, evangelistic fervor and fire is being extinguished and the masses are silent about it.” Yes, it is time for us to evangelize. Furthermore, I stated, “Our convention celebrates everything but the main thing and then we wonder what happened with the main thing… evangelism.”
Until evangelism becomes the priority of pastors, church leaders, and churches again, our baptisms will continue to decline. Thank God, evangelism matters in our Cross Church family and it is applauded in every way. We are on our way perhaps to one of our greatest years in baptisms and possibly the strongest yet. However, we will recommit ourselves, and yes, I have recommitted myself personally to intensifying my own witness for Jesus daily.
Reflection #2: Personal Stewardship Is Being Emphasized and Strategized
Thank God that personal stewardship is being emphasized and strategy is taking place. This is far overdue, and I applaud this action. Dr. Frank Page gave an excellent report on Tuesday afternoon, championing a new partnership with Dave Ramsey Solutions.
Dave Ramsey is the leading champion in helping families in areas of personal finance. Just recently, Dave Ramsey was a guest on my podcast, and you can listen here. Additionally, we put together an article of some lessons I’ve learned from Dave.
This is a brilliant stroke by our Executive Committee. Financing the work of Southern Baptists was one of my great burdens for our convention while I was President. In fact, in the same 2016 Presidential Address noted above, I talked about our great need of stewardship.
By the way, the Wednesday afternoon panel on stewardship I was privileged to participate in was strong. You can watch this panel here. It is something you could even show your church in certain settings.
Reflection #3: Southern Baptists Spoke Clearly and Powerfully Against All Alt-Right White Supremacy
Southern Baptists denounce all racism as anti-Christ and anti-Gospel. This has been our position and is our position today. I believe it will always be our position. We are clearly and powerfully against all Alt-Right White Supremacy.
While some were confused by our Resolution Committee’s challenge relating to bringing forward this resolution, it was not a matter of the heart, but of judgment and logistics. However, the Resolutions Committee and their chairman, Barrett Duke, with humility, offered apology, responding with a resolution all Southern Baptists could support. This Resolution #10 is powerful and you can read it here.
There were many references to resolutions and ways we have spoken to the entire race issue in the past. Yet, the Alt-Right White Supremacy issue needed to be addressed specifically. Southern Baptists have made a remarkable commitment over the past years. Both the 2015 and 2016 conventions prioritized sections of the annual meeting regarding racial unity, and addressed this great need clearly. We must and will continue forward in this area, and this resolution is proof.
Reflection #4: Celebrate The SBC Process
The past two years, we have seen messengers help the Resolutions Committee reach important decisions. Last year, it was related to the Confederate Flag. If the 2016 Resolutions Committee would have brought out a resolution calling for the confederate flag’s removal, it would have been very divisive and probably defeated. Yet, the humility of last year’s chairman, Stephen Rummage and his committee, permitted the messengers to help shape the resolution. It was done in a wholesome and right manner, all over a very difficult issue.
Again, this year, the messengers helped the 2017 Resolutions Committee achieve Resolution #10 in the right way and in the right tone. This process should be celebrated.
Yes, the SBC process can be slow, laborious, and at times, not friendly to growth. But, we need to celebrate the SBC process that was a true friend to our convention this year. The SBC messengers have been and are heard at the annual conventions.
Reflection #5: H.B. Charles’ Election As The 2018 Pastors’ Conference President Was Special
Pastor H.B. Charles of Jacksonville, Florida, was elected President of the 2018 Pastors’ Conference. I so rejoice over his election, a pastor and great preacher of God’s Word. His message in the final session of the convention was strong and wonderful.
Pastor Charles will be the first African American President of our Pastors’ Conference. This again, more than shows our great commitment to racial diversity in the future of our Southern Baptist Convention. As I stated in my 2016 Presidential Address last year, “It is with deep regret that I can do nothing about this stained past against our African American brothers and sisters; but with all I am and with all I can, I join you in creating a future together that binds up the nation’s wounds and always marches ahead knowing we will not be satisfied until “justice rolls down like waters, and righteousness like a mighty stream.” (Amos 5:24)
Electing Pastor Charles is another forward step toward our future in the Southern Baptist Convention. I cannot go forth without calling our attention to the humble spirit demonstrated by Pastor Brad Graves of First Baptist Church in Ada, Oklahoma. Pastor Graves, already a candidate for Pastors’ Conference President, stepped aside in humility and in honor of Pastor Charles within 24 hours of Pastor Charles being nominated. Pastor Graves did so because he too saw this as a major need in our convention and future; therefore, he put aside himself for the sake of the convention. This is refreshing and worth celebrating. Thank you, Pastor Graves and Pastor Charles, for both being great leaders and examples for all of us. We are thankful for each of you.
By the way, this past Saturday, Pastor Graves’ dad passed away. One day after withdrawing from the election, Brad led his dad to Jesus Christ after twenty-five years of witnessing to him. Thirty-seven days after giving his life to Christ, Pastor Graves’ dad went to heaven. Oh, we serve a great and gracious God. Please pray for Pastor Graves and his family during this time.
Now is the Time to Lead,
Ronnie W. Floyd
Senior Pastor, Cross Church
Dr. Ronnie Floyd is the Senior Pastor of Cross Church, Immediate Past President of the Southern Baptist Convention, founder of the Cross Church School of Ministry, and host of the Ronnie Floyd on Life and Leadership Today podcast.
To request an interview with Dr. Ronnie Floyd
contact Gayla Oldham at (479) 751-4523 or email gaylao@crosschurch.com.
Visit our website at http://ronniefloyd.com
Follow Dr. Floyd on Twitter and Instagram @ronniefloyd