This Week at Cross Church | Wrapping Up Summer
Consider Going to Israel With Us in July 2018
Investing in your spiritual walk is important. Nothing will ascend your love for the Bible and warm your heart for spiritual things more than walking where Jesus walked when He was here on this earth. Consider going with us to Israel July 5-14, 2018.
Summer permits you to take older children and teenagers if you desire. It is not necessary to be a member of Cross Church or live in Northwest Arkansas in order to go with us. We welcome family and friends outside of our region or church to go on this trip with us.
People are already signing up, and I would encourage you to do the same. You can go here to learn more about the trip. I promise you, it will be superb!
What You need to Know About the Global War on Christianity
This Sunday morning at Springdale and Pinnacle Hills, I have asked my friend, Johnnie Moore, to speak on What You Need to Know About the Global War on Christianity. He is an author, speaker, and a proven leader on this subject. He is the author of Defying ISIS: Preserving Christianity in the Place of its Birth and in Your Own Backyard, and releasing this fall, The Martyr’s Oath: Living for the Jesus They’re Willing to Die For. This 34-year-old Christian leader is a super communicator and gifted leader that God is using. He was recently awarded the prestigious Medal of Valor by The Simon Wiesenthal Center. Do not miss hearing Johnnie Moore on Sunday at the Springdale and Pinnacle Hills campuses.
Let’s Finish Summer Well by Reaching Our Financial Goal
Our summer financial goal is only reachable when each of our people honor the Lord weekly with the first tenth of all God has entrusted to us. Would you make up for any Sundays you have been away? You can find all the ways to give here. If we are faithful, we will reach this financial goal, which is simply the summer budget for the fifteen Sundays between Memorial Day Sunday and Labor Day Sunday. Let’s be faithful and finish well. Thank you for all you are doing!
Sunday, August 20 is Kick-Off Day on All Campuses
Mark your calendar now: Sunday, August 20, is Kick-off Day on each of our campuses. Gather the people, extend the invites, and do all you can to be present and ask others to come as well. Summer time is nearing an end. It is time to get serious about our commitment to Sundays and our local church. Thank you for being faithful.
See you Sunday,
Ronnie W. Floyd
Good Seasons in Your Life and Leadership
As football teams begin their final preparations for the season, optimism abounds. Whether these teams compete at the high school, college, or professional level, they are working toward a great and winning season.
Any experienced coach realizes that he must celebrate good seasons, wins, and championships with his team. Not only must he celebrate, he must celebrate big. Winning is hard, and each win is much harder than many realize.
The Same is True in Your Life and Leadership
Winning in your life and leadership is also much harder than others may realize. Quite honestly, inexperienced leaders may not understand how much of a blessing it is when your life and organization are in a winning streak or season.
Just as it is true for any team at any level of the game of football, it is true for each of us. In a moment, an injury, setback, loss of a team player, or a bad quarter can literally change the trajectory in your organization, and therefore, changes your life and leadership.
The bigger your team and your organization, the more probability for setback occurs. Perhaps you can get through it quicker due to the size, but it still cripples and complicates the road to success.
When Good Seasons Occur
When the good seasons occur, what are some helpful things to remember in your life and leadership?
1. Celebrate the good seasons
Good seasons in your personal and family life should be celebrated! Good seasons in your organization, business, church, city, or anything that affects your life, should be celebrated. Good seasons are hard to come by, so do not be so driven to the next thing that you do not celebrate the good season of today.
2. Verbalize your gratitude for the good seasons
I am thankful and blessed to pastor a local church. It is a church with multiple campuses and a large staff team that God uses to impact thousands of people weekly. We have had our setbacks and challenges. We will have them again.
But right now, we are in a good season. I am so thankful to God for our team and for our church. Health and growth are occurring. I am grateful for any good season in life and leadership.
I no longer take the good seasons for granted. I know this culture and posture that exudes health and growth can change quickly. I have learned to celebrate good seasons and verbalize my gratitude for them.
3. Remember where the good seasons ultimately come from
Good seasons ultimately come from the favor of God. Only God can work so powerfully through the affairs of our life and leadership and bring things together in a good and favorable way.
Just as Nehemiah, Joseph, and many others in the Bible were recipients of the favor of God, we have what we have and do what we do because of the favor of the Lord. By the way, Nehemiah, Joseph, and others in the Bible had their setbacks. We will also.
Remember that ultimately, the good seasons come from the hand and favor of God. Therefore, always be thankful to God and recognize that He is the Giver of His favor.
There is Nothing Like the Favor of God
Please remember, there is nothing like the favor of God. It can take the most unlikely person and exalt them with favor, responsibility, and leadership.
Just a few weeks ago, I was privileged to be interviewed by Chris Brown for his Momentum Leadership podcast. Living and leading through the seasons of life is the very subject we discussed. Yes, all kinds of seasons. It may add help and encouragement to those who may be in a tough season. You can listen to the interview here.
Now is the Time to Lead,
Ronnie W. Floyd
Senior Pastor, Cross Church
Dr. Ronnie Floyd is the Senior Pastor of Cross Church, Immediate Past President of the Southern Baptist Convention, founder of the Cross Church School of Ministry, and host of the Ronnie Floyd on Life and Leadership Today podcast.
To request an interview with Dr. Ronnie Floyd
contact Gayla Oldham at (479) 751-4523 or email
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Follow Dr. Floyd on Twitter and Instagram @ronniefloyd