Archive for September, 2018

This Week at Cross Church | Dave Ramsey This Sunday

Dave Ramsey-squareDave Ramsey is With Us Sunday on All Campuses

The creator and writer of Financial Peace University, Dave Ramsey, will be speaking on each of our campuses this Sunday. Regardless of your preferred worship time, you will hear him at Cross Church. This is a huge opportunity for you to invite someone to come to Cross Church with you. Due to Dave’s highly popular daily radio broadcast and books, and his guest appearances on television networks, many people who do not know Christ know Dave and appreciate him. Invite people! You can use this invitation tool Dave recorded for Cross Church.

Mark Your Calendar Now for Sunday, October 21

Who's Your 1-twaccMark your calendar for October 21, a significant stretch day in our entire ministry. Our focus for this day is Who is Your 1?  Who is the 1 person you need to invite to hear the gospel message this day? From our missions ministry to Small Group ministry to our Worship ministry, this is the day that we want to stretch to have one of our greatest days ever in attendance and participation. It starts with each of us prioritizing the day. Resolve to be in small group and worship on Sunday, October 21. Then, pray about Who is Your 1? Invite them to join you to hear the gospel message.  Plan to be here. Prioritize this special day.

Go Forward in Truth


This past Monday, I released an article entitled, Where is the Truthfulness in America? If you will take the time to read this extremely brief article, I think you will discover some things that will help you as we search for truth. You can read and share this article here.

New Fiscal Year Begins at Cross Church on October 1

This past Sunday, Cross Church approved our new budget for the upcoming fiscal year of October 1, 2018, through September 30, 2019. Our budget goal for this fiscal year is $20.8 million. Just as we have done historically for over thirty years, Sunday, October 7, is our “Prove the Tithe Day”, a day when we challenge all of our people to give at least the first tenth of all God entrusted to us. For some, this will be their first time to tithe, and they will find what many of us have – God will be faithful to take care of them. To each of us who are already practicing giving at least the first tenth, use this day to increase your giving over the next year. Jeana and I have done this continually and have learned time and again that you cannot out give God. Take the challenge. Make a mark. Obey God. Trust Him.

Don’t Miss This Sunday!

Ronnie W. Floyd

5 Ways You Can Increase Your Intentionality in Your Personal Walk with Christ

GoalPLanActionThere are no shortcuts in your personal walk with Jesus Christ. Just as an athlete has to train their body in order to perform at the maximum level when competition occurs, we even more need to train ourselves in godliness.

I want to list several ways you can train yourself in personal godliness. Resolving to take these intentional actions will increase your intensity as you walk with Christ personally:

1. I will develop my spiritual life daily.

When you resolve in your heart and mind that you are going to prioritize the development of your own spiritual life, you are making a decision to transform your personal life. Ask God for a plan, learn from others, develop your plan, and live by it daily.

2. I will release my life to God daily.

When you choose to humble yourself before God daily and release yourself to God fully, you will go to a new level in your life daily. When you lean on yourself it is pride; but when you lean on God alone, it is humility. Release your life to God daily.

3. I will read the Bible daily.

People who live out their faith daily are people who read their Bible daily. It is impossible to be all God wants you to be if you do not read your Bible daily. As Psalm 119:25 says, “Give me life through Your Word.” We find life when we read the Bible daily.  

In just a few days, I will again complete reading through the Bible. That means that over the last twenty-eight years, I will have read through the Bible at least one time annually.

Nothing has shaped me more than reading through God’s Word daily and annually.

4. I will talk to God daily.

When you read the Bible daily, God speaks to you through His Word. This will lead you to talk to God daily. In fact, it will not only inspire you to talk to God daily, it will shape what you say to God in prayer.

Do not complicate it. Create a list of people and a list of needs; then, talk to God about these people and needs daily.

5. I will take whatever necessary actions to intensify my walk with Christ daily.

You cannot delegate your personal walk with Christ.

Therefore, prioritize it. Discipline yourself. Press in to God and press forward to do whatever it takes to intensify your walk with God daily.

It starts with you. Stand on the following words: James 4:8, “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.”

Now is the Time to Lead,

Ronnie W. Floyd