Archive for August, 2018
Developing Your Staff Team
There are many ways a leader can develop their staff team, but I have never found a better way than allocating time away from the office together. In fact, whether it be days or hours, the end will result in a much stronger team.
Jeana and I Just Led Our 31st Consecutive Staff Advance
Last Thursday, Jeana and I closed out our 31st consecutive Staff Advance for our Ministry Staff and their spouses here at Cross Church. This three and one-half-day investment into our team was tremendous. We are grateful for this opportunity.
Why do we do it? We do this because we believe in:
- Developing God-called leaders to lead
- Launching God-called leaders to lead
- Empowering God-called leaders to lead
- Investing in God-called leaders and their spouses
Here is what we have found again and again, and please read this carefully: Not one God-called leader will ever rise above their marital relationship with their spouse, nor will they rise above the engagement of their spouse in their own ministry. That is why, for thirty-one consecutive years, Jeana and I have led this staff advance.
What Was Small Years Ago Has Now Flourished Greatly
When I came here as a boy preacher from Texas, I had no idea how long I would be here, but I believed even then in the importance of developing our small staff team. So, I started something that has flourished beyond my imagination. God has been so good to us.
I am convinced that one of the reasons why Cross Church has grown and flourished over the years is this intentional, continual commitment to our Annual Staff Advance. For simplicity’s sake, we plan it for the same week each year, beginning the last Monday of July.
It can be tiring for Jeana and me to plan and lead, but the investment of time into the lives of people make it more than worth it all. Each of us always leave better individually and we always leave more unified.
The larger our church has grown and the more complex our organization has become makes these days more important than ever before.
Find Your Way To Develop Your Staff Team
Our way is not the only way, but it works for us. I cannot imagine leading this large, complex ministry without these few days together each year. It would make the days longer and the grind of ministry less enjoyable.
Here is what I have discovered: Your staff team does not need to be like you, nor do you all need be best friends, but you do need to enjoy working together.
Leadership is hard. Having a team that you enjoy working with and even enjoy personally makes leadership a joy.
My counsel to you today is simple: Find your way to develop your staff team.
Now is the Time to Lead,
Ronnie W. Floyd
The Security and Protection of the United States of America on September 11, 2018
On Tuesday, September 11, join me in mobilizing prayer for the SECURITY and PROTECTION of the United States of America. Wherever you are on September 11, use this day to pray specifically for the SECURITY and PROTECTION of our nation. Why is this important?
The Day That Changed America
America has not been the same since September 11, 2001, when terrorists attacked our nation, resulting in nearly 3,000 deaths, 400 of which were first responders. A generation has been born since this horrible day in our history and we must never forget how that day changed America in our generation.
Since this day, it seems that enemies within our nation and enemies outside of our nation have continually threatened the SECURITY and PROTECTION of the United States of America. Schools, churches, airports, businesses, government buildings, parks, concert arenas, and our public venues are now open prey to the attacks of our enemies upon innocent Americans.
But You Are A Shield Around Me
While security measures have taken place and are being tweaked continually to secure our nation, authorities can only do so much to protect us. We need the Lord to secure and protect us.
Even when King David was being attacked by his enemies, he cried out to God, “But You, Lord, are a shield around me.” Psalm 3:3
With all of his great armies and weaponry, King David knew that God could do more for him than his powerful forces could ever do on their own.
The people of the United States, especially the children in our schools, need God’s defense and covering. We are each vulnerable and we need God’s intervention now to secure and protect us.
CRY OUT AMERICA In Prayer On September 11
CRY OUT AMERICA is a prayer initiative that began after terrorists attacked our nation in 2001. We are asking you to join us on September 11, to pray personally or participate in a planned gathering to pray for the SECURITY and PROTECTION of the United States of America. You can plan to meet with friends, pray outside of a school or public building, or at your church. Whether you spend 3 minutes or 30 minutes, please join us in spending a focused time of prayer on September 11 for the SECURITY and PROTECTION of the United States of America.
On Sunday, September 9, churches can lead focused prayer during their worship services for the SECURITY and PROTECTION of the United States of America.
SECURITY and PROTECTION of the United States of America
We need your help. Share the word. Share this graphic. Preserve this focus.
Pause now and write a note to remind yourself on September 11, to PRAY FOR THE SECURITY AND PROTECTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
Now is the Time to Lead and to Pray for America,
Ronnie W. Floyd
Senior Pastor, Cross Church
President, National Day of Prayer
Dr. Ronnie Floyd is the Senior Pastor of Cross Church, President of the National Day of Prayer, and founder of the Cross Church School of Ministry.
To request an interview with Dr. Ronnie Floyd contact Gayla Oldham at (479) 751-4523 or email
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Follow Dr. Floyd on Twitter and Instagram @ronniefloyd