Archive for December, 2017

How to Start 2018 in the Right Way Spiritually

2018If you do not plan to succeed in your spiritual life in 2018, you will fail. I want to challenge you to start 2018 in the right way spiritually. If you start strong, you are setting yourself up to finish strong.

There are many things you can plan to do to achieve this spiritual need and goal, but I want to suggest one that has really helped us at Cross Church.

Focus Leads to Success

At Cross Church, we have found that when we have a focused effort, it helps us go so much farther together. For the past several years, Cross Church has been allocating twenty-one days together to start our lives right spiritually each year.

Consider Twenty-One Days in January

January 1-21, 2018, we will be placing our focus on 21 Days of Prayer. We will focus our prayer each day in three specific areas:

  • Personal: A specific personal need that you have on your heart. In other words, pray for your greatest burden or burdens daily.
  • Church: We will communicate specific things our church needs to focus on each day.
  • National: Our nation has so many needs, and we will communicate some specific needs for our church to focus on each day.

There is something dynamic that occurs when we pray in agreement, at the same time, about specific things.

Additionally, we will encourage as many people as possible to fast, however God is leading them, during these twenty-one days. Fasting is abstinence from food with a spiritual goal in mind. When we humble ourselves through fasting, our prayers are purified, our hearts are softened, and God’s power ignites us like nothing else.

But let me be more than clear: The overall emphasis is something every person can do. Everyone can pray with specificity about things on their heart and things we will share for twenty-one days.

Daily Engagement and Communication Will Occur During Each of the Twenty-One Days: January 1-21, 2018

During these twenty-one days, our goal is to engage and encourage each other through daily communication. There are two ways we will communicate during each of these twenty-one days:

1. Daily Texts Sent at 6:00 a.m. CST

In these short daily texts, we will lead you to target a personal need, share a church need, and a national need. We will also share a Scripture as you pray for these needs and anything else God places on your heart.

You can sign up by texting “21days” to 313131. This daily text will provide focus and intentionality to our 21 Days of Prayer.

2. Join Me Daily via Facebook Live or Call in via Phone at 6:30 a.m. CST

During each of these twenty-one days, join me via Facebook Live, or call in via phone at (563) 999-1422 each morning for a brief message from God’s Word and prayer together.

These daily experiences will last no longer than 20 minutes. You can participate with us wherever you are in the world, and invite others to join us.

Plan Now for Spiritual Success in 2018

Whether you choose to participate with us or not in these twenty-one days from January 1 through January 21, develop your own plan. The key is having a plan to make your life all God wants you to be in 2018.

Think about your plan for the year and plan to join me for these twenty-one days of prayer.

Now is the Time to Lead and to Pray,

Ronnie W. Floyd
Senior Pastor, Cross Church
President, National Day of Prayer


Dr. Ronnie Floyd is the Senior Pastor of Cross Church, President of the National Day of Prayer, founder of the Cross Church School of Ministry, and host of the Ronnie Floyd on Life and Leadership Today podcast.

To request an interview with Dr. Ronnie Floyd
contact Gayla Oldham at (479) 751-4523 or email

Visit our website at
Follow Dr. Floyd on Twitter and Instagram @ronniefloyd

This Week at Cross Church | Dear Cross Church Family

Ben Mayes-roundedRF-blogDear Cross Church Family,

People need Jesus. People change the world.

In addition to our routine giving, year-end gifts are an integral part of our Ministry Budget and allow our Church to do even more to fulfill our mission.

Ways You Can Give

During this Christmas season, we want to challenge you to prayerfully consider helping meet the needs of our ministry by doing these things:

  • Please ask yourself, “Have I given to God at least one-tenth of all my income this year to my local church as Scripture commands?” If not, please honor Him with a gift this December to catch-up.
  • Please consider giving a special Happy Birthday Gift to Jesus in December so that our Church can continue to help meet the spiritual and physical needs of the people of Northwest Arkansas, America, and the World.
  • Please give a special gift to our Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions. By joining with 51,000 churches and congregations, we are able to place missionaries across the world.
  • Please also consider, our Reaching Our Mission Offering which funds our Cross Church School of Ministry, church plantings nationally and internationally, our FEED the 479 Ministry, and additional assistance for missionaries.
  • Please remember one of our VISION 2020 goals is to be debt free by 12/31/2020. Once that goal is achieved, our Church will be able to utilize the current debt service of $3.2 million annually for other opportunities to reach the world for Jesus.

One creative way to give a special year-end gift is to donate stock directly to the Church. Stocks often increase substantially in value over time. If you have been one of the beneficiaries of this happy event, consider contributing some of your stock to the Church. Such stock gifts usually result in significant benefits for both the contributor and the Church—in addition to God’s blessings.

We are Thankful for Your Continued Generosity

We praise God for His wonderful blessings and your generous giving. Cross Church, we need you; we believe in you; and, we thank you for your continued generosity. Please remember, you are a part of the many lives touched for eternity at your Cross Church. Your investment in the things of God are the things that will last for eternity and should be our priority in life – people leave legacies. So, please make the support of your Church a priority this wonderful season. Should you need any assistance, please give Ben a call in the Church Office at 479-751-4523.

THANK YOU for being an incredible, caring Church that touched a record number of individual lives for Jesus Christ this year. And as 2017 concludes, we need to each make sure we have honored God with at least the first one-tenth of all God has given us this entire year through our local church. When we do this through our Cross Church Ministry Budget, which is our first funding priority, these funds are utilized for Reaching Northwest Arkansas, America, and the World for Jesus Christ; and when we give, we are each a significant part of that mission. People need Jesus. People change the world.

Celebrating the Reason for the Season,

Ronnie Floyd
Senior Pastor

Ben Mayes
Executive Pastor of Finances & Operations