Archive for March, 2016
Southern Baptists and the Power of God
Far too many pastors, leaders, laypersons, and churches live life and do ministry without the power of God. Spiritual mediocrity leads to a lukewarm spiritual condition. Jesus severely rebuked a lukewarm life and church.
An Honest Evaluation of Ourselves as Southern Baptists
The Scripture warns us against deceiving ourselves. Modern day leadership warns against leaders who are not aware of their limitations. Both can happen personally, in a church, and even to a convention like Southern Baptists.
Almost 74% of our churches are plateaued or declining in attendance. The number of people we have reached and baptized has been declining for a number of years. In fact, this last year, we reached the same number of people as in 1948. Additionally, we are now witnessing our global missions personnel diminish by 1,132 people, 983 of which are God-called missionaries.
Simultaneously, many churches are filled with schisms and divisions. Our Southern Baptist family comprised of churches, associations, state conventions and national entities has continual challenges both internally and externally as we strive to walk in unity.
What are the answers to these challenges and others not mentioned?
The Power of God
I will never forget what Dr. Adrian Rogers and Bob Sorrell, Senior Associate Pastor of Bellevue Church in Cordova, Tennessee told me years ago: You cannot spiritualize management problems.
I agree with their words one hundred percent! Some challenges we face in our churches and within our convention are management issues that cannot be fixed by trying to spiritualize them. This only leads to further and deeper problems.
Yet, I am convinced that our greatest problem today is a lack of deep conviction of our need for the power of God. Far too many of us are living life, providing leadership, conducting and attending worship services, and doing ministry without the power of God. This has become so glaring within our churches and convention that we must not be deceived by where we are and what we do.
Activity is not spirituality. And spirituality by itself does not result in effective leadership. We need spiritual leadership! An effective spiritual leader maximizes their giftedness and is ignited by the power of the Holy Spirit at the same time.
When the Power of God is Released
I am convinced the power of God is released upon us when we walk in obedience to Jesus. Although this is not an exhaustive list, I humbly submit a few ways we can become recipients of His power together.
1. Preaching the Word of God
A practice I began years ago is standing upon 1 Corinthians 2:4-5 in prayer before I teach and preach the Word of God. It says, “My speech and my proclamation were not with persuasive words of wisdom but with a powerful demonstration by the Spirit, so that your faith might not be based on men’s wisdom but on God’s power.” Oh, how I want to preach God’s Word faithfully, but I also want it to be with a demonstration of God through me.
Eloquence of speech or cleverness of mind is nice, but without God’s power upon the preacher, they are empty. Charles Spurgeon knew deeply his need for the Holy Spirit in preaching. In fact, Spurgeon stated that he or any other preacher were “only skeletons without the Holy Ghost.”
Too much preaching today is done by nothing more than skeletons absent from the power of God’s Holy Spirit. Pastors, preach the Word of God in the power of the Holy Spirit. Crying out to God in prayer is a major part of your preparation in preaching. Do not minimize it. Laypersons, call upon God to anoint the preaching of your pastor with His Spirit.
2. Sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ
We read these words in Romans 1:16, “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is God’s power for salvation to everyone who believes, first to the Jew, and also to the Greek.” The gospel is the power of God unto salvation.
When my evangelism professor, Roy Fish, taught personal evangelism at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, he talked about how the power of God is always commensurate with our sharing the gospel. As he taught us this from Acts 1:8, he said God’s power will go to the level of our willingness to witness for Jesus Christ.
By the present state of affairs in our convention, the evidence is clear and convicting: We need an awakening in our commitment to personal and church evangelism. The power of God will go to the same level that we are willing to be witnesses practicing evangelism.
3. Crying Out to God in Prayer
Acts 4:31 says, “When they had prayed, the place where they were assembled was shaken, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak God’s message with boldness.” Prayer was dominant in the New Testament church. The power of God shook the place where they were meeting because of prayer!
The church has never needed to pray more than today. We need the power of God to shake us and shake the churches of America! This will lead to a fresh filling of the Holy Spirit and we will speak the message of God to this world with boldness.
We need to cease giving more time to promoting the church in our worship services than we give to calling out to God in prayer. No great move of God ever occurs that is not preceded by the extraordinary prayer of God’s people.
4. Walking in Unity
The power of God comes upon the church that walks in unity. Jesus said in John 17 the world will only know we are His by the oneness we have together. Walking in unity is imperative to the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon us.
Before the outpouring of the Spirit on Pentecost, they were in one accord. The power of God is released upon a church when a church walks in unity. The power of God is released upon a family when they walk in unity.
The Southern Baptist Convention needs to recommit to walking in unity. When we are unified in our doctrine, mission, and fellowship, we will position ourselves for the release of the Holy Spirit’s power upon us.
This is Why
This is why we all need to come together in St. Louis, Missouri, on June 14-15, 2016. We need to agree, unite, and pray. We need the power of God more than ever before. Please adjust your schedule, find the funds, and make your way to St. Louis.
Let’s refuse to do ministry apart from the power of God.
Now is the Time to Lead,
Ronnie W. Floyd
Senior Pastor, Cross Church
President, Southern Baptist Convention
Dr. Ronnie Floyd is currently serving as the President of the Southern Baptist Convention. The Southern Baptist Convention is America’s largest Protestant denomination with more than 15.7 million members in over 51,094 churches nationwide.
To request an interview with Dr. Ronnie Floyd
contact Gayla Oldham at (479) 751-4523 or email
Visit our website at
Follow Dr. Floyd on Twitter and Instagram @ronniefloyd
Introducing Our 2016 SBC Committee on Resolutions
As President of the Southern Baptist Convention, one of my major tasks is to appoint the 2016 Committee on Resolutions. From now through Tuesday, June 14, this committee will work diligently.
This is not an easy assignment for these ten Southern Baptists. For example, they will arrive the Wednesday before our convention and begin their detailed responsibilities together on Thursday morning. Before this time, they will work via conference calls and email exchanges.
A Challenging Process
There are by-law requirements that must be adhered to in making these appointments. Additionally, with the plethora of Southern Baptists to choose from to serve on this committee, it is like putting together a complicated puzzle. It is a challenging process.
Introducing The Chairman and Vice-Chairman
Dr. Stephen Rummage, Senior Pastor of Bell Shoals Baptist Church in Brandon, Florida, will serve as the Chairman. Dr. Rummage is a recognized leader in ministry, academics, and Baptist denominational life. He previously was professor of preaching and director of the Doctor of Ministry Program at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, North Carolina, and continues to teach on a visiting basis at several institutions. Dr. Rummage earned his Master of Divinity degree from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and his PhD from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. He is a committed pastor who prioritizes evangelism in his church.
Dr. Jason Duesing, Provost and Associate Professor of Historical Theology at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Kansas City, Missouri, will serve as our Vice-Chairman. He earned his Master of Divinity from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and his PhD from the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Dr. Duesing is highly recognized as an outstanding theologian in our convention. Dr. Duesing is a member of Antioch Bible Baptist Church in Gladstone, Missouri.
Both of these men served on our Committee of Resolutions last year. I appointed them then due to my personal respect and admiration for their strong commitment to the Word of God and the work of Southern Baptists. They will serve our convention in this capacity in an excellent manner.
The Additional Eight Members on Our Resolutions Committee
Assisting Dr. Rummage and Dr. Duesing in their assignment will be eight additional members. As a team of ten persons, these gifted, unique individuals from all of Baptist life will work together to bring resolutions to our convention for approval.
Kelvin Cochran – Kelvin is the Chief Strategic Officer at Elizabeth Baptist Church in Atlanta, GA. He is an author, public speaker, former Administrator of the United States Fire Administration, and the former Fire Chief of Atlanta Fire Department in Atlanta, GA. He is a champion for biblical marriage and religious liberty.
Linda Cooper – Linda is the National President of the Woman’s Missionary Union. She has had the important task of naming the Search Committee who will identify the next Executive Director for this key missions organization. Linda is committed to serving others and sharing the gospel across her community, America, and the world. She currently serves on the Executive Committee of the Southern Baptist Convention and is a member of Forest Park Baptist Church in Bowling Green, KY.
Dr. Mark Harris – Dr. Harris is the Senior Pastor of the First Baptist Church of Charlotte, NC. He was a founding member of “Vote for Marriage NC”, which helped pass the North Carolina Marriage Protection Amendment in 2012. He has held positions of leadership in the North Carolina Baptist State Convention and the Southern Baptist Convention. Dr. Harris was a 2014 candidate for the United States Senate from the state of North Carolina.
Dr. Brad Jurkovich – Dr. Jurkovich is the Senior Pastor at First Baptist Church Bossier City in Shreveport, LA. He has served in churches in Arkansas and Texas. Dr. Jurkovich is a gifted communicator of God’s Truth, compelled by a vision to reach the world for Christ.
Shannon Royce – Shannon Royce is the Chief of Staff and Chief Operating Officer at the Family Research Council in Washington D.C. She has served in various pro-family organizations as a public policy advocate and has served two U.S. Senators as a policy advisor and counsel. From 1999-2003, Shannon also served as Director of Government Relations and Legislative Counsel for the SBC’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission. In 2013, she was a pivotal leader and contributor to the SBC Consultation on Mental Health Issues. She earned her Juris Doctorate from George Washington University and is licensed to practice law in the Commonwealth of Virginia. She is a member of Colombia Baptist Church in Falls Church, VA.
Rev. Rolland Slade – Rev. Slade is senior pastor of Meridian Southern Baptist Church in El Cajon, Calif. He also is a faith community representative on the Regional Continuum of Care Council that addresses issues relating to homelessness in the region. He currently serves on the SBC Executive Committee. This is Rev. Slade’s second year on the Committee on Resolutions. He is a former missionary with the North American Mission Board and one of the founders of the Faith Based Leadership Training Institute through San Diego State University and is the former faith community mobilization coordinator with The San Diego County Health and Human Services Agency.
Jim Smith – Jim is the Vice President of Communications for the National Religious Broadcasters in Washington D.C. Prior to his role at the NRB, he served as the Executive Editor and Chief Spokesman of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY. From 1989-1995, he was director of government relations for the SBC Ethics & Religious Liberty Committee, and was the primary ERLC staff member who related to the Resolutions Committee. Jim also served as a member of the SBC Resolutions Committee in 1996. Finally, from 2001-2013, Jim was executive editor of Florida Baptist Witness. He is a member of Ninth & O Baptist Church in Louisville, KY.
Mat Staver – Mat is the Founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel, an international nonprofit litigation, education, and policy organization dedicated to advancing religious freedom, the sanctity of human life, and the family. He is Chairman of Liberty Counsel Action, Salt & Light Council, Freedom Federation, President of Covenant Journey, Christians in Defense of Israel, and Liberty Relief International, a humanitarian ministry to persecuted Christians. He serves on the boards of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference-CONEL, the Hispanic Israel Leadership Coalition, and The Timothy Plan, a family of Mutual Funds listed on the New York and Tel Aviv Stock Exchanges. He is the former Vice President of Liberty University and Dean and Professor of Law at Liberty University School of Law. He has argued landmark cases before the U.S. Supreme Court; over 230 legal opinions; author of eight scholarly law review publications, 10 books, and hundreds of articles. Mat is a member of the First Baptist Church of Orlando, Florida.
I am thankful for these ten persons who will serve our Lord and all Southern Baptists in this significant task. We have worked diligently to put together this gifted committee that will represent our convention in the highest manner.
The Process for Submitting Resolutions
The procedure for submitting resolutions is as follows according to Bylaw 20:
- Proposed resolutions may be submitted as early as April 15 but no later than 15 days prior to the SBC annual meeting, giving the Committee on Resolutions a two-week period in which to consider submissions. This year’s cut-off date is May 30. Resolutions may not be submitted during the annual meeting.
- Proposed resolutions should preferably be submitted by e-mail through the resolutions submission page at net/resolutions/submit or mailed to the Committee on Resolutions in care of the SBC Executive Committee, 901 Commerce St., Nashville, TN 37203. Proposed resolutions must be typewritten, titled, dated, and include complete contact information for the person and his or her church. The submission form on the web page will be available beginning April 15.
- Proposed resolutions must be accompanied by a Credentials for Resolutions Submittal form (downloadable from the resolutions submission web page), or by a letter on church letterhead, either of which must be signed by the pastor or other church officer from a church qualified to send a messenger to the SBC annual meeting, certifying that the individual submitting the resolution is a member in good standing.
- No person will be allowed to submit more than three resolutions per year.
- The Committee on Resolutions submits to the Convention only those resolutions the committee recommends for adoption. Such resolutions may be based upon proposals received by the committee or may originate with the committee.
- If a properly submitted resolution is not presented by the Committee on Resolutions to the messengers at the SBC annual meeting, a two-thirds vote is required to bring the proposed resolution to the convention floor for consideration.
Join Me in Praying for These Leaders and for Our 2016 Convention Experience
Please pray for these ten persons who will be serving our convention in this important purpose. Additionally, pray daily for our upcoming meeting in St. Louis. Please read the 2016 HIGHLIGHTS for specific prayer needs.
Registration is now open for our convention meeting. Your church can register its messengers here. All Southern Baptists can attend this meeting; however, only registered messengers have voting privileges. If your church’s slate of messengers is complete, don’t let that keep you from attending. It is our desire to have as many of our Southern Baptist family present as possible.
Now is the Time to Lead,
Ronnie W. Floyd
Senior Pastor, Cross Church
President, Southern Baptist Convention
Dr. Ronnie Floyd is currently serving as the President of the Southern Baptist Convention. The Southern Baptist Convention is America’s largest Protestant denomination with more than 15.7 million members in over 51,094 churches nationwide.
To request an interview with Dr. Ronnie Floyd
contact Gayla Oldham at (479) 751-4523 or email
Visit our website at
Follow Dr. Floyd on Twitter and Instagram @ronniefloyd