Archive for February, 2016
This Week at Cross Church | I Love My Church Day, February 14
After 29+ years as Senior Pastor of Cross Church, I can say with conviction that you are an amazing church. I love my church!
This coming Sunday is I Love My Church Day. What a fun and exciting day for each of us to enjoy and experience. Invite others now to join us this Lord’s Day!
Sign Up Now for the NWA Men’s Conference
Jack Graham, Ted Traylor, and Steve Gaines are God’s men! This is why I have asked each of them to come speak to us on this subject. We need godly men to step up in our homes, workplaces, and our nation. Our 2016 Northwest Arkansas Men’s Conference begins Friday evening, February 26 and concludes at noon on Saturday, February 27. You can sign up now. Do not minimize the importance of these hours. It WILL make a difference in your life. Invite other men to join you.
Pray for America
These are interesting times in America. Each day it seems something new is unfolding. As we participate in these days, let’s remember that we need to pray for America. I have recently participated in many different settings where we have spent time praying for our nation. Take a few minutes this week, and perhaps even gather a few friends to pray for America.
Place These Dates on Your Calendar: June 14-15, 2016
For the second year in a row, we will be leading the Southern Baptist Convention in June. Our meeting this year is in St. Louis, Missouri. Please make these days a matter of prayer beginning now. Anyone can attend our Southern Baptist Convention, and the closer location this year might afford more people the opportunity to do so. It would be a joy to have you spend Tuesday and Wednesday with us, learning, being challenged in your spiritual life, and having your vision to reach the world expanded.
When the Southern Baptist Convention concludes on Wednesday afternoon, June 15, my tenure as president of our convention will end. I am humbled and overwhelmed with this opportunity of service. I have enjoyed it all. Thanks for praying for us and for praying me through to the end.
See You Sunday at Cross Church, the Church We All Love!
Ronnie W. Floyd
5 Things Pastors Need to Consider When They Are Navigating Through Their Future
Through the years, I have been able to observe many things as I’ve watched pastors navigate through their future. I believe pastors and ministers need to consider these five things as they navigate through their future.
1. Know Your True Calling
Many leaders think they know their calling, but may not know what they’ve truly been called to. Their personal aspirations often times do not connect with their genuine calling of God.
Because a person likes to preach does not mean he is called to pastor a church. Preaching every now and then or to a certain segment of the church consistently is not the same as ministering the Word of God to a church weekly as the lead pastor-teacher.
Self-awareness of your true calling will keep you from a multitude of sins and preserve you from misery in ministry. Otherwise, you will operate in ministry by attempting to do what you are not really called to do. Blessing, joy, and anointing follow you when you are loyal to your genuine calling.
2. Fully Experience Where God is Moving
When God rains down His supernatural blessings on a ministry you are leading and experiencing, refuse to get caught up in thinking the blessings will follow you. If you believe this, you are taking responsibility for what is taking place rather than looking to the God of Heaven who has chosen to come upon your ministry in His merciful sovereignty. Wisdom says you should slow down and experience fully where God is moving. Do not take it for granted.
Die to yourself daily. Surrender to Him and enjoy what He is choosing to do through you and around you. Running to the next ministry because it is always what you have aspired to do may, in fact, be like running from God if it is not congruent with the will of the Lord.
3. Geography is Not Your Choice
Where God calls you is not up to you, but to God alone. Geography is not your choice. You need to take the Bible and a map; then pray for God to lead your life and ministry.
Too many pastors want to define their specifications by size of church, city, state, or salary. Pastor, until you are willing to go anywhere, God will not place you somewhere.
One more time, geography is not your choice, your wife’s, nor your extended family’s choice. Where you minister is God’s choice.
4. Be Willing to do Anything, Any Time, Anywhere, in God’s Time
Be willing to do whatever God wants you to do in your life in His timing, wherever it may be. It is better to live in the will of God than to live out of the will of God, even though you may have the opportunity to do something you have always aspired to.
Relating to God’s timing: it is never rushed. It does not create unrest or appear to be forced. It is right. It fits. People see it. It is God’s timing.
5. Live in Joyful Contentedness
It is rare to see a pastor who is operating his life and ministry in joyful contentedness. He is comfortable with His calling and tries to operate accordingly. His countenance conveys joy and his spirit demonstrates contentedness.
One of the most challenging things in ministry is balancing what others think you should do and where you should do it while you operate where you are with joyful contentedness. Their words may challenge you to wrestle through where you are, but they should never motivate you to seek something that may not be the will of the Lord for your life.
Therefore, as you navigate through your future, do it in a way that is more than pleasing to God. Aspire to live with joyful contentedness.
Now is the Time to Lead,
Ronnie W. Floyd