Archive for February, 2015
This Week at Cross Church | Your Investment in the Kingdom of God
Today, I have attended the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington D. C. as a guest of Congressman and Mrs. Steve Womack. I count it a real privilege to do so and am thankful to our friend and Cross Church member, Congressman Steve Womack, for inviting Jeana and me.
Thank You for Investing in God’s Kingdom
I am so grateful for your investment in God’s Kingdom as a church. Your willingness in this unique season to share me and send me out to serve as President of the Southern Baptist Convention is a personal joy and blessing. Please know I represent you everywhere I go and count it a privilege and great responsibility.
Just this week, I was able to attend the major plenary session of the Board of Trustees of LifeWay Christian Resources. This $500 million corporation is a ministry that has to operate in a business culture, and is one of the most powerful anywhere in the world. Our own Wayne Story is a member of their Board of Trustees. After hearing the incredible ministry report from friend and President, Dr. Thom Rainer, I had the joy to speak to their Board of Trustees. While you may see LifeWay stores in various cities across America, this is just one of their arms of ministry. They are the premiere Christian publisher of their kind in the world.
After spending Monday with them, Tuesday morning was spent with various staff members of the Executive Committee of the Southern Baptist Convention. This esteemed group, under Dr. Frank Page, operates our convention in the day-to-day financial, business, and communication affairs. Together, we are preparing for the annual meeting of our Southern Baptist Convention this June in Columbus, Ohio.
Tuesday afternoon, I flew to Washington D. C., where Jeana connected with me. Together on Wednesday, we met with various Southern Baptist members of the House and Senate. We have 31 Southern Baptists who serve in the United States House of Representatives and eight Southern Baptists who are members of the United States Senate. Then today, we attended the National Prayer Breakfast, and will begin our journey home this afternoon.
Your Investment Continues Next Week
Yes, the work goes on here at the same time. Simultaneously, while on the road, I am connected, charting the future of Cross Church with our team. Next Monday and Tuesday, I am fully engaged here in meetings with our team and will participate in two Southern Baptist Convention conference calls.
On Tuesday, February 10, I will host over 100 pastors in our own SEND NORTH AMERICA luncheon, mobilizing them to join us and bring their laypeople to Cross Church on Wednesday night, April 15. Our SEND NORTH AMERICA EXPERIENCE with Dr. David Platt, President of the International Mission Board, will be that evening. Dr. David Platt will be preaching and the Passion Band will be leading in worship. Yes, you must mark your calendar now for Wednesday night, April 15and join us at Cross Church. You will love this night! We must have a burden for and reach North America for Christ!
On Wednesday of next week, I will spend the entire day in Florida with the state executives and state editors of our forty-two state conventions, who are a part of our Southern Baptist Convention. I love these leaders and appreciate all they do for the gospel. They are key and pivotal leaders in God’s Kingdom.
I will have the joy of leading our Northwest Arkansas Business Persons Summit next week. Listen church, you must join me next Thursday, February 12. Todd Starnes of FOX NEWS will be our guest. We heard Todd in Houston at the rally for the five pastors whose sermons were subpoenaed. He is a strong, conservative Southern Baptist who is a member of a Southern Baptist church in New York City. You will love Todd Starnes. He is a man with a dynamic faith and has huge influence to thousands and thousands of people.
Pray for Me
Therefore, Cross Church Family, pray for me. I am excited about what God is doing here and around the world. We need each other now more than ever before. Let’s pray for one another.
I love you Cross Church!
Yours for the Great Commission,
Ronnie W. Floyd
3 Decisions a Pastor Can Make That Will Help His Family
My wife Jeana grew up in the home of a Pastor, and we have always worked hard together to ensure our family is our #1 priority following our personal commitment to Jesus Christ. To God’s glory, my wife did not ever resent the church as the wife of a pastor, and as our children grew, they did not ever resent the church. In fact, our church was our life!
The four of us loved the church and we still love the church! Our boys’ spouses love the church and they are now raising children who love the church!
How did we escape the testimony I often hear of pastor’s families resenting the church? By God’s grace and prayer. I also believe we made several decisions that moved us along toward a positive experience. I will note three of these decisions.
Decision #1: We Were Always Positive About the Church
On multiple occasions, we shared with our children how blessed we were to be able to know some of the greatest people in the world, which were people connected to the church. While we did not ignore the challenges along the way, we did not ever resort to negativity in front of our children. Nor did we permit it to come out of their mouths.
Pastors, never speak negatively about the church in front of your children. In fact, rarely even speak negatively in front of your wife. It never proves to be beneficial to anyone.
An additional thought: remind your wife and children of the benefits you receive because of serving as a pastor. There are many. You get to know leaders of the community. You get to be a part of significant events and experiences. You also may be afforded some rare blessings and invitations that would never come to anyone other than a pastor. This is a blessing, and we need not ever forget it.
Decision #2: We Spent Time Together as a Family
There was a moment when I decided I would never sacrifice my family on the altar of ministry success. This pivotal decision led to a commitment to take each Friday off to be with my wife and children. All of these years, I have been faithful to this, rarely violating it. What began in 1985 is still practiced today.
Focused time with Jeana and the children while they were growing up in our home resulted in accelerating our family life greatly. Therefore, for thirty years, Jeana and I have spent Fridays together.
Yes, life sometimes gets in the way. And I have to admit this is being challenged now more than ever before. Two of the last three Fridays, Jeana and I were not able to spend together due to various responsibilities. But because it is a commitment we have made, this is rarely violated. At times, I have turned down significant opportunities that would take me away on Fridays, and have been glad to do so for our family.
You see pastor, you must realize now: Marriage and parenting has no dress rehearsals! You get one shot; therefore, make it count!
Additionally, we vacationed together as a family when our boys were young, and still do today. We allocate at least one week each summer to this experience none of us would ever consider missing. As well, I was with the boys at the events they valued in life. By the way, nothing was ever sacrificed at the church to make sure this happened.
Decision #3: We Prayed Together as a Family
Our boys never left for school without us praying over them. Yes, all those years. When challenges occurred in life, we would also hit our knees as a family and give our burdens to the Lord in prayer.
For years, I would pray and fast one day a week for my children, their future, and their success. When I still enter a day or a season of fasting, my children and wife always make my list of concerns along with my daughters-in-law and our six grandchildren.
I also pray daily for my wife, children and spouses, and grandchildren. For example, I pray the following daily for my grandchildren, Peyton, Parker, Jack, Reese, Beckham, and Nora:
“Provide them godly Christian friends and help them achieve in school successfully. May they love Jesus and His church. Grow them in their faith in years to come. May they be used to change the world for Jesus Christ. May they know we love them and we are there for them in every way. May the boys date and marry only godly girls who love Jesus and His Church. May the girls date and marry only boys who love Jesus and His Church, and will be men who are spiritual leaders.”
I take my role seriously as an interceder for my family. This is why for decades, I have prayed for Jeana, my boys, their spouses, and our grandchildren, placing the armor of God upon them spiritually as recorded in Ephesians 6:10-20.
Therefore, my Pastor Friend…
Lead your family spiritually. You can do it. It is done one decision at a time. Lead on!
Yours for the Great Commission,
Ronnie W. Floyd