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The Next Great Move of God
I have a growing conviction that we are on the brink of the next great move of God in America. I do not proclaim to have any special insight on this, but I just sense in my heart that God is preparing His people to do something special.
Seasons and Moments
I do believe we have had seasons and moments when God was up to something big, but we walked away from it. Hundreds of thousands of people who are my age came to Christ during one of these great seasons called, The Jesus Movement. Countless thousands of us were called into ministry and missions due to this great move of God. Since the church did not embrace it fully, in time, the movement seemed to subside. Yet, many of the results of that great move of God have been long lasting and eternal for, perhaps, millions of people.
It appears to me, some twenty years later, there was another great surge of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Matters like prayer, fasting, and holiness seemed to emerge in the ranks of Christianity. Great men like Bill Bright began to lead conferences on prayer and fasting, and at the same time, a men’s movement called Promise Keepers seemed to be rising greatly. The status in the nation, along with this rising tide of the Spirit of God, seemed to move us to the brink of entering the land of that next great move of God.
I Will Never Forget
Due to God’s movement in my own life in a profound manner, I found myself, on October 4, 1997, preaching to 1.3 million men in the Washington D. C. Mall at a Promise Keepers national gathering for men called, “Stand in the Gap.” As I left Washington D.C. that evening, I thought we were about to cross over into the unknown territory of the next great move of God.
Yet, for some reason, it seemed it just did not happen. Some would say they know why, and perhaps they do. I will leave that up to historians to decide. Yet, one cannot deny the powerful movement of God that led up to that day in Washington. It was something far bigger than conferences on prayer and fasting, or Promise Keepers. But for some reason, by the year 2000, this rising tide seemed to go back out to the sea, yet to return.
God Is Preparing His People
My life was changed by the power of the gospel of Jesus Christ in the first movement I described, and I was involved actively in the second great movement. For the past ten to fifteen years, it seemed the tide would not roll in again. While the nation continues to fall into deeper depravity, the church seems to be losing ground greatly.
However, I am very hopeful! I sense God is rolling in the tide of the Holy Spirit in a fresh way. Yes, sin abounds in our nation; but grace abounds much more! While many churches seem powerless and others are dying, God is doing some mighty things in many churches across the land. While some may be closing their doors, others are entering into moments never before seen in the American church. Yes, I believe God is preparing His people.
Why I am Hopeful we are on the Brink of the Next Great Move of God
I choose to believe by faith that we are on the brink of the next great move of God for these reasons:
1. Desperation is growing. People are convicted, now more than I have seen in many years, God is our only hope. While desperation is growing, God is getting us ready! I believe all generations are desperate for God to do something great in our day.
2. Prayer is on the rise. I am hearing and sensing that prayer is on the rise in the church. People are beginning to cry out to God again. God always answers when His people cry out to Him in their desperation for Him to move. Extraordinary prayer always precedes the manifest presence of God. As desperation is growing, prayers are rising up from the people of God.
3. Leaders are ready. Everywhere I go and every spiritual leader I talk to is aware the need for a move of God is greater today than ever before in our generation. They know, with growing conviction, God is our only hope! Leaders appear to be more ready for this next great move of God than I have seen in years.
4. Church is the key. We hear continually that denominations and conventions are losing their meaningful influence they held in the past. Whether this is true or not, without question, even those in denominational or conventional gospel work, are aware the landscape has changed from even a decade ago. This places the church at center stage, just the way Jesus intended.
I believe this next great movement of God will fall upon a church that is experiencing:
- A return to the gospel. Not just receiving the gospel, but living out the gospel.
- A rising commitment to planting gospel churches nationally and globally.
- A revitalization and rebirth of vision and mission.
- A renewal towards compassion for the poor, the needy, the orphan, the widow, the broken, and the hurting; whether it has come from a person’s past, misfortune, or even a disaster, a renewal towards compassion is occurring.
- A release of people, dreams, and resources to the finishing of the task of making disciples of all the nations.
This is why I am hopeful we are on the brink of the next great move of God in our nation. The church is as ripe as I have ever seen it. If indeed the great outpouring of the Spirit happens in our generation, He will be poured out upon a church that is as ready as possible, and prayerfully desperate. When the church is prepared and prayerfully desperate, I believe we will cross on over into the land of that next great move of God and ultimately finish the task of making disciples of all the nations.
Yours for the Great Commission,
Ronnie W. Floyd
One Person, Celebrating Four Families
Today’s blog is an article I was honored to contribute for Celebrate Arkansas Magazine’s July 2013 issue.
(Our grandchildren – all six of them!)
Family matters. Yes, I believe in the family. I am convinced that one of the keys to a happy life is engaging with four families in your lifetime. Each of these families play a distinct role within your life and each of them is vital to your overall success.
Your Immediate Family
You were born into a family. Whether you grew up with both Mom and Dad in the home, or you grew up in a single parent home, or perhaps you were adopted, family does matter. Whether your family is living in harmony and oneness today or conflict has resulted in dysfunction and heartbreak, family does matter.
Family teaches you how to live. Family teaches you love and forgiveness or hate and bitterness. Family teaches you the value of life and the value of others. Family teaches you what is and what is not important in life.
Jeana and I have been married over 36 years. We have two sons, each married, and six grandchildren, all seven years of age and under. This season of life, which can occasionally be filled with challenges, is ultimately always overflowing with joy. We are learning to continue living a joyful life while teaching our grandchildren what really matters in life. Yes, it begins with family.
Celebrate your family today. Even in their weaknesses and shortcomings, they are your family. Love them. Hug them. Kiss them. Family matters.
Your Work Family
Most adults work outside the home in some respect. You may work in private business, corporate America, education, politics, or elsewhere, but wherever you work you engage people. Each of these people have an immediate family but you come together for 30, 40, or 50 or more hours each week.
Do you view the place you work and the people you work with as being a family? You should. You will spend most of your waking hours with this family. You had better love where you work, who you work with, and what you do professionally or else you will have a difficult time being happy.
In my profession as a local church Pastor, I find that most people do not feel good about their jobs. Through the last decade, I have done more counseling relating to vocational challenges than any other subject. This continual workplace displeasure comes for many reasons.
I believe unhappiness in the workplace results in a miserable life. Life is too short for you to not love the kind of work you do, where you work, and those you work with. Where you work and those you work with should be viewed as your work family. Look at your workplace as your family. They are real people you have chosen to live much of your life with; therefore, get to know them, meet their needs, and show them compassion in the midst of various crises they may face. Yes, your work family matters.
Your Church Family
I love the testimonial words found in Joshua 24:15, “But as for me and my family, we will serve the Lord.” As for our family, we have made this choice. We have made it personally to follow Jesus Christ as Lord and we have made it as a family through engagement in a local church.
The New Testament is comprised of multiple letters written to local churches. The Scripture is very clear: Jesus is the Head of the Church. Unquestionably, Jesus died for the church. The Scripture makes that more than clear.
Since the church is important to Jesus, it needs to be important to you and your family. Life is hard and tough personally and for the family. No one is exempt from this. Each family needs a church family.
I have been a Pastor of a local church for over 36 years. I have pastored the same church for 26 of those 36 years and I can testify to you that there are no perfect churches and no perfect pastors and yes, no perfect church members. Regardless, each of us needs one another and we need the church.
Find a church that will teach you how to live God’s way — from the Bible. Engage in that church consistently and faithfully. Treat it like it is your family because it is your spiritual family. The church can help you live your life more successfully.
Your National Family
This month, we are celebrating the 237th birthday of the United States of America. I love our country. I pray daily for our President and many other national and state leaders. America is my national family.
Sure, America faces problems periodically. So does your immediate family. So does your work family. So does your church family. This is why we need one another. This is why we celebrate the need for each of these families. Each of them bring a distinctiveness to your life, but together, they will make you a better you — a happier you — yes, a more successful you.
Celebrate America this month. God has placed you in what we believe is the greatest country of the world. Whether you are native born or an immigrant into our nation, we are all family. We are America. We are family.
Family Matters
Yes, family matters because people matter. What matters to God should matter to me. People I live life with in my immediate family, my work family, my church family, and my national family all matter to me because they all matter to God.
Engage each of these families in your life. Individually they will make life better for you. Together, they will help make your life great. You are one person. Now celebrate your four families.
Yours for the Great Commission,
Ronnie W. Floyd