Archive for the 'Leadership' Category

3 Ways to Sharpen Your Leadership Influence

Someone once told me, “The sharper the ax, the bigger the blow!”Therefore, sharpening our leadership can increase the influence we have in the lives of other people.

Each of us can grow in our leadership. Some would say that you have it or you don’t. I disagree. Each person has the capacity to be a leader and to grow in their leadership influence.

A Major Mistake

One of the major mistakes a leader can make is overestimating their influence. If all a leader listens to and communicates with are the people who think like them and personally connect with them, they are greatly limiting their leadership. Oftentimes, social media amplifies this problem.

Here is what I have found in my life and leadership. The more expansive my leadership role is in life, the more it demands from me to interact and relate to people who are not like me. This motivates me to become a better leader.

In other words, it sharpens my leadership.

3 Ways to Sharpen Your Leadership Influence 

1. Determine to make the biggest difference you can make in your life.

This may or may not have anything to do with a position you hold in leadership. Quite honestly, many positionally-based leaders forfeit their leadership influence on the altar of self-worship. They are more impressed with the leadership position they hold than using this entrustment as a stewardship given to them by God.

Sharpening your leadership influence begins when you determine to make the biggest difference you can make with the leadership you have been given in your life. Regardless of your leadership position, seize where you are and the opportunities extended to you. Every great leader makes the most of wherever they are at the time.

2. Expand your leadership influence across generational lines.

I am convinced that many people limit their leadership because they are more focused on doing what comes natural to them: Relating and leading people in their own generation. This usually requires little to no stretch or change on their part.

Leadership influence demands more than this from you. In what way?

Learn to lead cross-generationally. Leading cross-generationally occurs when you are able to lead people in your own generation, the generation that came before you, and the generation that comes behind you. This is cross-generational leadership.

We all need to lead cross-generationally. When you only influence your own generation, you are limiting your leadership influence and quite honestly, your longevity in leadership.

3. Follow the biblical model for leadership influence.

Jesus, Abraham, David, Moses, Paul, and Nehemiah each provide a biblical model for leadership influence. Think about each of them.

  • They led spiritually
  • They led purposefully
  • They led cross-generationally
  • They led past their lifetimes and still do today

Sharpening your leadership influence is up to you.

You have one shot in your life and leadership; therefore, make it count wherever you are.

Now is the Time to Lead,

Ronnie W. Floyd
Senior Pastor, Cross Church
President, National Day of Prayer


Dr. Ronnie Floyd is the Senior Pastor of Cross Church, President of the National Day of Prayer, and founder of the Cross Church School of Ministry.

To request an interview with Dr. Ronnie Floyd
contact Gayla Oldham at (479) 751-4523 or email

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Follow Dr. Floyd on Twitter and Instagram @ronniefloyd

5 Ways You Can Increase Your Intentionality in Your Personal Walk with Christ

GoalPLanActionThere are no shortcuts in your personal walk with Jesus Christ. Just as an athlete has to train their body in order to perform at the maximum level when competition occurs, we even more need to train ourselves in godliness.

I want to list several ways you can train yourself in personal godliness. Resolving to take these intentional actions will increase your intensity as you walk with Christ personally:

1. I will develop my spiritual life daily.

When you resolve in your heart and mind that you are going to prioritize the development of your own spiritual life, you are making a decision to transform your personal life. Ask God for a plan, learn from others, develop your plan, and live by it daily.

2. I will release my life to God daily.

When you choose to humble yourself before God daily and release yourself to God fully, you will go to a new level in your life daily. When you lean on yourself it is pride; but when you lean on God alone, it is humility. Release your life to God daily.

3. I will read the Bible daily.

People who live out their faith daily are people who read their Bible daily. It is impossible to be all God wants you to be if you do not read your Bible daily. As Psalm 119:25 says, “Give me life through Your Word.” We find life when we read the Bible daily.  

In just a few days, I will again complete reading through the Bible. That means that over the last twenty-eight years, I will have read through the Bible at least one time annually.

Nothing has shaped me more than reading through God’s Word daily and annually.

4. I will talk to God daily.

When you read the Bible daily, God speaks to you through His Word. This will lead you to talk to God daily. In fact, it will not only inspire you to talk to God daily, it will shape what you say to God in prayer.

Do not complicate it. Create a list of people and a list of needs; then, talk to God about these people and needs daily.

5. I will take whatever necessary actions to intensify my walk with Christ daily.

You cannot delegate your personal walk with Christ.

Therefore, prioritize it. Discipline yourself. Press in to God and press forward to do whatever it takes to intensify your walk with God daily.

It starts with you. Stand on the following words: James 4:8, “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.”

Now is the Time to Lead,

Ronnie W. Floyd