Archive for the 'Guest Post' Category

Guest Post | The Cross Church School of Ministry Enters Year Three by Jeff Crawford

CCSM-blogJeffC-blogToday, welcomes guest writer, Dr. Jeff Crawford. Dr. Crawford is the President of Cross Church School of Ministry and a Teaching Pastor at Cross Church.

It is my privilege to lead one of the most cutting edge ministry training programs in the country. The Cross Church School of Ministry is a unique, one-year ministry residency where next generation leaders come to Cross Church from literally around the globe. Based on their calling, we customize a ministry track experience built around solid mentorship.

In just a few weeks we will graduate our second cohort. As I reflect back on these last two years, I am amazed at the blessing and favor God has granted us. We’ve traveled the world on mission to places like Haiti, Venezuela, and Tanzania. We’ve traveled North America, learning from and helping church planters in Seattle, Columbus, Ohio, St. Louis, New York City, and Portland, Maine. Both years we have taken our School of Ministry cohort to the Southern Baptist Convention, exposing them to the best of who we are denominationally and the inner workings of how we get things done for the Kingdom. Nearly everyone who has come to us has engaged one of our numerous academic partnerships to earn degree credit toward a bachelor or masters degree.

Jeff-CCSM-blogAs the Cross Church School of Ministry is maturing, we are entering a new phase of sending. One of the major benefits we offer is having Cross Church in your corner for the duration of your ministry career. Once the one-year ministry residency is complete, our “students” move on, many of them to significant ministry positions literally around the country.

We are currently just weeks away from beginning our third year. God has once again brought to us a high caliber group of leaders. But I can’t help but wonder if God has more people for us, even at this late date. Pastor, is there a young man or woman in your church, called to the ministry, but needs to be trained? Send them to the Cross Church School of Ministry. We will pour into them everything we know about mission and ministry, the best of Cross Church – then we will send them back to you.

Maybe you are reading this and wondering if the Cross Church School of Ministry is for you. Let me encourage you to go to our website today: This website is packed full of videos, testimonies, and all the information you need to discern if the Cross Church School of Ministry is for you.

Let me close by asking this important question: In a world where 50% of men and women called to ministry quit on their calling within 5 years of taking their first church, don’t you think we can do better? Don’t you believe we are called to do better?

This is why the Cross Church School of Ministry exists. Not because God deserves better, but because He deserves our best.

Dr. Jeff Crawford

President, Cross Church School of Ministry
Teaching Pastor, Cross Church
