Archive for the 'Bible Studies for Life' Category

Be Strong and Accept Your Leadership Role

Joshua is one of the most intriguing books of the Old Testament. As Moses’ successor, surely the children of Israel had high expectations. To pick up the mantle of leadership from the man for whom the law was named (the Mosaic law) and attempt to lead God’s people into the Promised Land must have been a daunting task. It was Moses for whom the Red Sea parted. It was Moses who stood down Pharaoh through plague after plague. And it was Moses who struck the rock, producing water for the thirsty nation.

Moses was a legend in his own time.

Yet, Joshua was no slouch. When Moses sent spies into Canaan to bring back a report, favorable or unfavorable, only Joshua and Caleb believed God would give the land to the children of Israel. The other ten spies were fearful of enemies they believed to big to conquer.

Joshua was a recognized leader.

Still, leading millions of people on a bloody conquest with innumerable skirmishes and battles, solving problems, hearing from God, finding food, and on and on, took a huge amount of commitment from Joshua. The people benefited from Joshua’s leadership.

God told Joshua three times in the space of only four verses in chapter 1 to “be strong and courageous.” God could say this to Joshua clearly and concisely, and Joshua could be strong and courageous because of several promises God made: “I have given you every place the sole of your foot treads” (v. 3); “No one will be able to stand against you as long as you live” “I will never leave you or forsake you.” (v. 5); “The Lord your God is with you wherever you go” (v. 9).

More Leaders in the Bible

Sometimes when we think of biblical leaders, Noah, Moses, Abraham, and Joshua come to mind. People like Shamgar, Barnabas, Martha, and Dorcas seldom do. When our idea of leadership is connected with celebrity, we often think ourselves unable to lead. Then, we become unwilling.

Writing in Bible Studies for Life, Paul Jimenez asks, “Do you see yourself as a leader? You are. Everybody leads in some capacity. Even if your influence only touches the life of one other person–adult, student, or child–that is leadership!”1

All leaders aren’t world leaders

You know, he’s right. All leaders aren’t world leaders. Most leaders lead groups at work, sports teams, families, churches, businesses, and other clusters of people. Some lead Bible studies, mission trips, small groups, or ministry teams.

What we should remember is that we can accept whatever leadership challenge God puts before us. If God is able to strengthen Joshua to lead a nation, He can strengthen us to lead our families, discipleship groups, ball teams, and any other assignment given.

God is powerful. His strength endures. Every leadership opportunity is a new chance to follow God, draw close to Him, and see Him work.

Yours for the Great Commission,

Ronnie W. Floyd

Senior Pastor, Cross Church
General Editor, Bible Studies for Life
President, Southern Baptist Convention


1Bible Studies for Life, Everyday Leadership from Joshua, Paul Jimenez
All scripture HCSB

Stick With Acceptance

Newly married couples learn quickly, if they didn’t already know, that opinions differ. Whether it involves trivial things like where to squeeze the toothpaste tube or which way the toilet paper rolls, or greater challenges like household budgeting or how to divide time between families, opinions will differ. Newly married couples learn what long-time married couples know: strong relationships will outlast differences of opinion.

After 38 years of marriage to Jeana, we know two things: Our opinions are different and continue to be, but more importantly, our relationship and its strength far exceeds the triviality of our opinions.

In a Perfect World

Ben Mandrell reminds us, “In a perfect world everyone would agree with me. Everyone would bring up their kids like I do. Everyone would vote for the candidates I endorse. Unfortunately, we don’t live in a perfect world. People don’t always see eye-to-eye.”1 We do sometimes think in despair–feigned or real–that things would be better if everyone just agreed with us. In this we miss the opportunities God gives us to grow spiritually through differences of opinion.

We often have differences of opinion with others in the Body of Christ over doctrinal issues. Other times we strongly disagree over things that are not so clear in the Bible. What are the behaviors we should or shouldn’t do if they aren’t specifically mentioned in scripture? What about those so-called “gray areas”?

The Bible says, “Accept anyone who is weak in faith, but don’t argue about doubtful issues. One person believes he may eat anything, but one who is weak eats only vegetables. One who eats must not look down on one who does not eat, and one who does not eat must not criticize one who does, because God has accepted him. Who are you to criticize another’s slave? Before his own Lord he stands or falls. And he will stand. For the Lord is able to make him stand.2

In another scripture, Christians are instructed to regard meat that had been previously offered to idols in much the same way.3 Mature Christians are to consider the spiritual growth of weaker Christians when exercising spiritual freedom. To put it another way, we should take care not to cause another spiritual brother or sister to “stumble.” Our relationships are more important than our opinions.

It is unusually easy to allow our opinions and positions to become dominant. Many of us have a very strong sense of truth and righteousness. We believe doctrinal accuracy is of utmost importance, studying for hours and hours to ensure we have every little thing in order. Yet, Paul says we are also responsible to God for those gray areas, which he calls “doubtful issues.”

Bear With One Another

If we take a moment to think about how many people have ruined relationships because of differing opinions, it becomes clear as to why God tells us to bear with each other. We cannot allow non-essentials to ruin relationships. We cannot challenge each other to love and good works if everything is essential.

Not everything rises to the level of a top tier theological issue, no matter how strongly we might feel about it. We do well to remember the old truth, “In essentials unity, in non-essential harmony, and in all things love.” We should, in all things, stick with acceptance.

Yours for the Great Commission,

Ronnie W. Floyd

Senior Pastor, Cross Church
General Editor, Bible Studies for Life
President, Southern Baptist Convention



1 Bible Studies for Life, Like Glue, Ben Mandrell
2 Romans 14:1-4 (HCSB)
3 1 Corinthians 8