This Week at Cross Church | 4 Important Things for Our Cross Church Family

The larger our Cross Church Family becomes, the more challenging it is to communicate to our people. My weekly email to you is an attempt to forward the important things of Cross Church to you.


Today is the National Day of Prayer in America

Today, I am in Washington D.C. attending the National Day of Prayer gathering. I will return tonight and be part of a national radio broadcast that testifies about all God has done on this day and beyond. At some time today, it is important that we really draw aside and spend focused time on praying for our nation. I pray you are planning to or have already attended one of our local prayer breakfasts or times of prayer. The key is to pray for our nation, wherever you may be.


Mother’s Day is This Sunday

On each of our campuses, we will dedicate parents and their children. This happens during our pre-service time, so please be here early to support these families and pray over them with me.

Have your complimentary family photo taken this Sunday at all of our campuses as our gift to you.


Charlie and Gloria Foster’s 30-Year Anniversary at Cross Church

It is incredible that Charlie and Gloria Foster have served our fellowship for thirty years. Charlie is a loyal, faithful, committed staff member and man of God. His assistance in Pastoral Care permits me to do things I could never do without him. This past Sunday at our Springdale Campus, we celebrated their thirtieth year on our team. Charlie and Gloria, we love you and thank God for you.

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Say Yes!

If you weren’t here last week, please take a few minutes to listen to or watch the message from Sunday entitled, “SAY YES!” This message was a pastor-to-people moment where we talked about our church. We have much before us and this gives insight into where we are and where we are going. Go with us!

Your Pastor,

Ronnie W. Floyd