The Prayer Life of a Pastor


One of the most powerful experiences of my life occurred when someone challenged me to prioritize prayer in my life. When I embraced prayer in my college years, not only did it change my life, it also became formative for everything in my life.

Prayer Is Built Upon the Word of God

Prayer is built on the Word of God. This prevents us from getting out of balance or off into theological error. Sometimes people think those who practice prayer are intellectual midgets or theologically inferior. Great prayer warriors base their praying on God’s Word, the surest truth in this world.

The most highly intelligent and theologically astute should be the greatest prayer warriors on the face of the earth. They should realize the Bible is God’s Word and authority on all things, praying with deep belief in God and His power.

Prayer Is Faith

Prayer is a declaration of my faith in God. I go to Him in prayer because of who He is and what He can do. I believe God is able to do anything with anyone, anywhere. Pastor, God can do this with you where you are right now.

Because praying is faith in God, we should lead our churches to have a deep belief in the power of prayer. At times, the announcements in church get more time and priority than prayer. This is not the way it should be. Our people should know that whatever they face in life, the church will be there to pray through their challenges and problems. Why? Praying is faith!

Prayer with Others

Nothing is more powerful than when we pray with other people. Each pastor and Christian leader should model this in every way. In my role as the current President of the Southern Baptist Convention, I am calling for pastors, laypeople, and churches to join many others in praying for the next Great Awakening in America and for the world to be reached for Christ.

Will you join this prayer movement? No great movement of God ever occurs that is not first preceded by the extraordinary prayer of God’s people. We need a mighty spiritual movement in our nation, beginning with us personally and in our churches collectively.

This is a fabulous opportunity to pray with others for the next Great Awakening and to reach the world for Christ. Please join us and invite others to do the same for God’s glory.

Yours for the Great Commission,

Ronnie W. Floyd