This Week at Cross Church | 4 Important actions for Our Cross Church Family

Let me share four important actions I want you to take as members of our Cross Church Family. They are:

CC@amp-twwac1st: Sunday Night at the AMP

I’m sure you have driven by it on I-49 in the Pinnacle Hills Region of Rogers…it is called the AMP. This coming Sunday night, all of our campuses will come together at the AMP at 6:00 p.m. with gates opening at 5:00 p.m. It will be a time filled with powerful worship led by all of our Cross Church Worship Team, an incredible testimony, powerful prayer, and I have a message from God’s Word that I believe will inspire us to reach Northwest Arkansas for Christ. After great services on Sunday morning on all of our campuses, join us on Sunday night at the AMP. This would be a fabulous time to invite guests from all over our region. You can find more information and directions here.

JointheMovement-twacc2nd: Join the Movement

On Monday morning, I want you to go to to JOIN THE MOVEMENT. This is a powerful movement that we pray will engage thousands of Southern Baptists. Cross Church, I need you to consider two things:

  1. Join the movement personally
  2. Appeal to other Southern Baptist laypersons, pastors, and churches to join us

God is up to something powerful. Please, JOIN THE MOVEMENT.

FallKickOff-twacc3rd: Kick-Off Sunday is August 24

On Sunday, August 24, we are gathering all of our people back from the summer for our Kick-Off Sunday! I have something that each of our Preaching Pastors and I will share on that day that is so exciting, it provides a way to impact thousands of lives in the future. Please do not miss August 24! Gather the people back from the summer and let’s make this a fabulous day. Additionally, invite friends who are unbelievers and friends who are believers. This will impact their lives like nothing else.

LordDoItAgain-twacc4th: This Coming Sunday’s Message

This coming Sunday morning, I believe God has a word for us that is absolutely powerful because it is from God’s Word. Oh friend, join us. Bring others with you. Some of what we have been talking about will come together this Sunday.

By the way, last Sunday I preached on the subject of: Immigration: What The Bible Says About It. If you missed the message, take the time to watch it soon.

Yours for the Great Commission,

Ronnie W. Floyd