Faith is the Victory
Over the past few weeks, we have considered the role of resilient faith in the believer’s life. We can grow in faith as we follow Christ, and such faith endures suffering. Such faith also sees us through to ultimate victory in Christ.
John and Peter call us to faith
Consider two apostles, John and Peter. John writes, “This is how we know that we love God’s children when we love God and obey His commands. For this is what love for God is: to keep His commands. Now His commands are not a burden, because whatever has been born of God conquers the world. This is the victory that has conquered the world: our faith.”1
Peter gave words of blessing to those who were already undergoing suffering, “Now the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ Jesus, will personally restore, establish, strengthen, and support you after you have suffered a little.”2 Why does our faith overcome the world and end in victory? Because the God of all grace will “restore, establish, strengthen, and support” us until the end. Peter concludes in verse 11, “The dominion belongs to Him forever. Amen.” God can strengthen and restore us because all authority and power belong to Him for all of eternity. There simply is nothing Satan can throw at us that can destroy our faith if our faith is constant and rooted firmly in Christ.
As a pastor for over three decades, I have watched people go through all kinds of challenges in life. Nothing is more devastating than losing something they love. Whether others look at their loss as severe or just part of life, it is severe to them, calling them to faith greater than what is in themselves. While no one can control their future, they can respond with faith in the Word, the Lord, and His plan for their lives. This does not relieve their pain, but helps them through their pain.
Victory is through Christ
Faith was never designed for us to demonstrate how strong we are or show how much we could accomplish. Faith depends upon and displays God’s strength, giving us assurance that victory will be ours. This victory is not a victory we earn; it’s a victory we enter. It is Christ’s victory. This is why victory is assured if we trust Christ. It’s His victory already won. This is why Paul could write, “But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!”3
Trusting in the Lord
The victory of Christ is why our victory is in faith rather than our works. We do not enter the victory of Christ by our works, but by faith. God is not moved by what we can do, but He does respond to our trust in Him. When we trust God, we are victorious and He is glorified.
Faith never gives up, never dies, and through Christ, never loses
This summer’s sessions of Bible Studies for Life have encouraged us toward a faith that never gives up, never dies, and through Christ, never loses. As Mary Jo Sharp reminds us, “A resilient faith is one that is grounded in the person and work of Christ. Faith in anything else will prove unreliable. Jesus provides us the example of how we stand resolutely with God regardless of what difficulties or opposition we face.”4 May we ever stand with faith, in the victory Christ has won!
Yours for the Great Commission,
Ronnie W. Floyd
Senior Pastor, Cross Church
General Editor, Bible Studies for Life
1– 1 John 5:2-4, HCSB
2– 1 Peter 5:10, HCSB
3– 1 Corinthians 15:17, HCSB
4– Bible Studies for Life, Resilient Faith, Mary Jo Sharp
[…] Today on the blog, Bible Studies for Life General Editor Dr. Ronnie Floyd looks at Peter and John as examples of victorious faith. Read more […]
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