Be Encouraged: Young Spiritual Leaders are on the Rise

When I look upon the lives of many leaders in their twenties and thirties, I am so encouraged. Young spiritual leaders are on the rise. While I have the incredible privilege to meet young leaders across all denominations, I am mostly connected to what I observe in my own denomination, the Southern Baptist Convention.

What I Observed Yesterday

Pastor Jordan Easley is the Teaching Pastor at Long Hollow Baptist Church in Hendersonville, Tennessee. Yesterday, Jordan preached for me at Cross Church. While I have known Jordan for many years, yesterday I observed him up close and spent time with him over lunch. Jordan was raised in a great family and has had immense experience as a thirty-three year old spiritual leader. His Dad and Mom, Dr. Ernest Easley and his wife, Julie, have demonstrated a strong commitment to their calling, their family, their church, and to our Southern Baptist Convention. What I saw yesterday in Jordan was a young man committed to the gospel completely. I saw him connecting with people in a genuine and loving way. He is a tremendous communicator of God’s Truth.

What I Know About These Young Spiritual Leaders


Jordan is just one of many great young spiritual leaders on the rise. You see, I have the privilege to work with many of them daily. I get to do church ministry daily with one of the best: my son, Nick Floyd. God is using him in so many extraordinary ways. I also think of Prestonwood’s Teaching Pastor, Jarrett Stephens. Jarrett is an amazing young spiritual leader in our generation. I must also mention others that are just as gifted and set apart for God’s service: Jeremy Roberts, Pastor of Church of the Highlands, Chattanooga, Tennessee; Ryan Blackwell, who pastors the First Baptist Church of San Francisco, California; and Chris Johnson, who pastors the First Baptist Church of Van Buren, Arkansas. Where do I stop? I could list a number of men that are just as strong and gifted as the men I have mentioned, all of which I have a strong relationship with and believe in their future. And there are so many other young spiritual leaders that I know of, but have never had the privilege to spend much time with them personally. I love them, respect them from a distance when I see them, and believe in them completely.

As I travel and preach in various conventions, seminaries, and universities, I am so very encouraged. Each time, I walk away with incredible encouragement for the future of the Church. As our own church invests in numerous church plants, I have had the privilege to meet so many younger men sold out to the vision of church planting. While paying the price of becoming proven in their calling, they are rock solid and committed to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Some of our younger brothers are committed to pastor existing churches and believe thoroughly their future is in serving an existing church, and give their lives to it. Others are located across the mission field of the world.

Some Commonalities of these Young Spiritual Leaders

Perhaps some believe that the next generation of spiritual leaders is on a downward path, and with that, I disagree completely. With where I go and what I know up close, I am observing a few strong commonalities. They are:

1. Convictionally committed to the inerrancy of Scripture.

They are not only believers in inerrancy, but can rightly defend why they believe it. Thank God for the fabulous seminaries they have attended that have taught and affirmed this in their hearts.

2. Passionately committed to the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Yes, they are centering their lives on the powerful gospel of Jesus Christ. They know the answer is not in “felt needs” or “compromise,” but in the Good News of Jesus Christ.

3. Pastorally committed to the local Church of Jesus Christ.

These men are committed to what Jesus is doing in and through His church. They love the Church. They believe in the bride of Christ. They are giving their lives to service and ministry through the local church.

4. Strongly committed to preaching the Word of God, the Bible.

These men are high believers in their academic preparation, and many have already earned or are about to attain their doctoral degree. When they stand, they preach the Word expositionally and effectively.

5. Enthusiastically committed to the Great Commission of Jesus.

These men are highly enthusiastic in reaching the world for Jesus Christ, beginning right where they are serving today. Their hearts and minds are dominated by reaching people for Christ and discipling them to be like Jesus Christ.


Therefore, my friend, be encouraged. God is raising up countless strong, young spiritual leaders who will surpass us all. May the favor of God be upon them.

Yours for the Great Commission,

Ronnie W. Floyd

P.S. This is a major reason we are equipping young spiritual leaders in our Cross Church School of Ministry. We are enrolling our next class right now, and you can find out more here.

One comment on “Be Encouraged: Young Spiritual Leaders are on the Rise

  1. Thanks for sharing that there are still young spiritual leaders out there who are committed to the inerrancy of the scripture. It seems so few still believe and trust in this.

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