This Week at Cross Church | The Urgency is Upon Us

This past Sunday at Cross Church, the urgency was stressed through the message. If you missed being with us, I hope you will take time to listen or watch it now. Unquestionably, once you watch, you will learn even more the urgency that is upon us here at Cross Church.

7Words-twaccPalm Sunday, Communion, and 7 Sayings Begins

This coming Sunday is Palm Sunday, a special day in the life of a Christ-follower. This day denotes the final days of Jesus Christ. On this Sunday, we will observe Communion in each service. Then as we proclaim God’s Word, we will begin our Passion Week emphasis on “7: The Final Words of Jesus on the Cross.” On Sunday morning, we will begin with the 1st saying: “Father, forgive them, because they do not know what they are doing.” You will not want to miss it.

GoodFriday-twaccPassion Week Luncheons, Friday Night, and Easter Weekend

This coming week is Passion Week. Please join us for the continuation of “7: The Final Words of Jesus on the Cross,” and get your tickets now for lunch. Also, do not miss our Friday night worship experience with our Worship Choirs and the Symphony of Northwest Arkansas. Find more information here. Our Easter weekend theme is “Hope for Heaven,” and I trust it will be a great experience for you. Pray for this weekend and invite people to come with you.

New-HOPE-twaccIt’s Time to Accelerate Our Pace

Now is the time to accelerate our pace, all the way to Easter and beyond. Please join me as we work toward a strong Easter weekend and beyond. This will not happen without active attendance by each of us, a continual invitation made to others by us, and prayer for and by all of us. Please join me in accelerating the pace.

Holy Land Trip in 2015

If you have ever considered going to Israel, the Holy Land, come and go with Jeana and me in 2015. The dates are March 16-25, 2015. We are waiting on final airline costs before we release the schedule and cost. Please consider joining us. Let us know of your interest by contacting Gayla Oldham at 479-751-4523 or We will put you on a list to stay updated, but this does not obligate you to go on the trip.

Yours for the Great Commission,

Ronnie W. Floyd