6 Guidelines to Follow in Your Vision Casting


People will rally to support your vision when you cast it before them effectively. The big question is: How do you do it?

Many pastors and spiritual leaders work through the processes of their church or organization; however, they struggle sharing the vision with the masses, enlisting their support. Today, I want to provide you with six guidelines to follow in your vision casting.

1. Cast it clearly.

The most important thing a leader can be is clear. Therefore, when God has given you a vision, share it with others clearly. Are you providing clarity in your leadership?

2. Cast it simply.

If you want people to grasp your vision, keep it simple. So often, complexity absolutely destroys the ability to embrace a vision. While detail is important, limit how much detail you share; otherwise, people will get lost in your vision.

Just remember: what people do not grasp, they usually do not support. If you want them to come alongside of you with verbal, active, and even financial support, insure you cast the vision with extreme simplicity.

3. Cast it visually.

Technology is a friend to vision casting. Never has so much opportunity existed to get people excited about your vision. Brainstorm all the visual ways you can share your vision. People love to see where you want them to go. Show them!

4. Cast it biblically.

Tie your vision to how it fulfills reaching others for Jesus Christ. Tie your vision to how it makes disciples. Tie your vision to God’s Word, the Bible.

At Cross Church, I have always tied any vision to God’s Word and reaching other people. Our people have always embraced the vision when they see how it is tied to God’s Word.

5. Cast it creatively.

Ask God for insight into how you can share the vision with people creatively. You can even gather a small group of people to help you brainstorm on creative ways to effectively share your vision.

I believe one of the important things in sharing the vision creatively, is sharing the vision in multiple ways. Different people will respond to the vision in different ways.

6. Cast it enthusiastically.

Passionate enthusiasm always attracts people to a better future. Leaders must be passionate. A leader cannot expect people to follow them unless they are overflowing with enthusiasm.

One of the saddest things I observe in the lives of pastors and staff members of churches is their lack of enthusiasm. Check your enthusiasm level. Be excited about your calling. Be enthusiastic about what God is doing. Cast your vision enthusiastically.

When you follow these guidelines

When you follow these guidelines in your vision casting, people will follow your vision. In fact, they may even run to your vision with enthusiasm. Lead on.

Yours for the Great Commission,

Ronnie W. Floyd