Wherever You are Located, Will You Join Us in Praying for Revival and Awakening Monday Night and Tuesday Morning?



Be encouraged: We are moving towards 400 Southern Baptist Convention Senior Pastors and Ministers in attendance in Atlanta to pray for revival in the church and spiritual awakening in America.

Why we are gathering

While we are encouraged by reports of God’s work in many churches in America, we are all aware of the great need for spiritual revival in the church. We need a fresh, mighty moving of God that awakens the church from spiritual slumber and moves us into an aggressive mobilization to see America and the world come to faith in Jesus Christ and Him alone for their eternal salvation.

When the church is experiencing revival, spiritual awakening can occur in America. This awakening is so needed. When God comes upon the church, the church is mobilized, resulting in great numbers of people coming to Jesus Christ. When this occurs, regions are impacted, families begin to live differently, cultures can be changed, and cities can be shaken for Christ.

Nothing can move the heart of God like people crying out to Him in prayer. This is what we will do in Atlanta beginning Monday night and again on Tuesday morning. It is not a conference, but a prayer gathering. It is not a preaching event, but a prayer movement experience.

Where these Pastors and Ministers are coming from

As of this moment on Monday morning, we have 354 registered from 28 states, coming from at least 172 local churches and 18 conventions, entities or ministries. Wow! What an impact. God is creating an enormous burden for revival and awakening in the lives of spiritual leaders. Many others have shared regrets that they are unable to attend due to unchangeable commitments or prohibitive travel expenses.

Pastors, Ministers, and Laypeople, PRAY with us wherever you are

God is not contained by space and location. We need thousands of believers to pray with us for revival and awakening. We will be praying from:

Monday: 6:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. (EST)

Tuesday: 8:15 am. – 12:00 noon (EST)

Would you take a few minutes or the entire time to join us wherever you are? Pray for a mighty move of God.

When you read these words, hopefully your heart will be encouraged:

And in movements of the Spirit the first thing that happens and which eventually leads to a great revival is that one man or a group of men suddenly begin to feel this burden and they feel the burden so much that they are led to do something about it. (Martyn Lloyd-Jones, REVIVAL, p. 163)

This is why we are gathering to pray.

Yours for the Great Commission,

Ronnie W. Floyd