Seeds of Burden and Hope were Planted

RWF_Blog_10-7-13.jpgSeeds of burden and hope were planted last week in our Senior Pastors Prayer Gathering held in Southlake, Texas. God gathered 178 Senior Pastors from 27 different states in order to plant burden and hope in their hearts. What do I mean?

Seeds of Burden for Revival were Planted

Since this Senior Pastors gathering’s purpose was for praying for spiritual revival in the church and spiritual awakening in America, there was a level of longing that captured the hearts of the Pastors before they even came. Yet, after twenty-four hours together, hearing short but powerful challenges on principles of revival and awakening and being on our face before God, seeds of burden were planted.

These pastors came into this gathering expecting God to move in their life. Therefore, they came. Their hearts were fertile ground in which the Holy Spirit planted seeds of burden.

Revival and awakening always begin with a burden. Look at Nehemiah. It was a burden that arrested him in his tracks, called him back to his homeland, and led him to action to see his land awakened for God. It all started with a leader, then transferred into the people of God, and ultimately moved upon an entire country for God’s glory.

Nehemiah dealt with it. I deal with it. You will deal with it. Warfare will rage as you pursue God in your life. The enemies of God did their very best to discourage Nehemiah, but he stated clearly he would not come down off of the wall, doing God’s will, to answer their silly nonsensical concerns. What a leader! What a spiritual leader!

We need to become like Nehemiah, men of greatness, who understand God’s calling on our lives is far greater than the nonsensical concerns of many. If it distracts us from the will of God and word of God, we need to ignore it. We need to plant seeds of revival burden into the churches of America so they will move into action of becoming the people of God, in order to influence their country for God.

Seeds of Hope for Awakening were Planted

I have been in some settings through the years that were so dismal about the country’s conditions, I wanted to go home and never leave the house again. Last week, this was not so. Oh, let me be clear: We left Dallas burdened to see revival in the church, but we also left Dallas with hope that spiritual awakening was on its way in America.

When we pray, our faith is increased, believing God will revive His church and awaken the United States of America. For way over 100 years, believers like us have called upon the God of Heaven, pleading with Him for awakening to come into the land. Have all those prayers gone unheard? Absolutely not!

When we gathered, we gathered with the hope that one day, and prayerfully soon, all of those prayers will so move the Sovereign will of God, that He will send a mighty spiritual awakening to America! By no means did I come in discouraged and by no means did I leave discouraged. I am confident that one day God will do it, and I pray that I will be alive and our entire generation will be affected. May this be the Revival Generation!

Whether God uses Southern Baptists or some other evangelical people does not ultimately matter, as long as He ushers revival and awakening into the church and our nation. I had a friend who tweeted last week that he prayed God would raise up another Jonathan Edwards who could be entrusted with the leadership of the next awakening in our land. I agree wholeheartedly! Whether he be in his twenties or nineties does not matter to me; whether he wears a suit or jeans does not matter to me; or whether he likes traditional or contemporary music does not matter to me, I just want God to raise up His mighty work through His church that will awaken our nation spiritually.

Hope abounds in my heart that God will do it! Yes, I am believing God for it!

I am asking, seeking, and knocking relentlessly and persistently! Read the last of the Bible: Jesus wins! He is our hope!

Share the burden and the hope!

Everywhere you go, share the burden for revival and the hope of awakening. Our churches need it and America is hoping for it. Yes, I believe that. Politicians know it is broken and almost to a point that even they believe it cannot be fixed. This is why Pastors of local churches need to stand everywhere they go, imparting the burden for spiritual revival in the church, but concluding with the rising hope for spiritual awakening in America.

Yours for the Great Commission,

Ronnie W. Floyd