This coming Sunday, we have a big message to share from Acts 18:1-22. We are going to learn about the value of each person in the church of Jesus Christ. I believe God has a wonderful word for us personally and collectively.

Final Message in Acts for a While

Sunday will be our final message from the book of Acts for a while. We have been in this fantastic book since January and on Sunday we will preach our 27th message from Acts. However, we are finishing up the second missionary journey of Paul. This will provide us a good time to breakaway for a period of time. We will return to the book of Acts and complete it in its entirety. Pray for God’s leadership during this next segment of preaching.

Cross Church Circle

CCCircleOur Cross Church Circle continues to enlarge. Yes, we are seeing a fabulous response from our people, committing to pray for 30 minutes each week using a prayer guide that we will email to them or mail to them, depending on their personal desire and practice. As of this posting, we have 3,257 people who have committed to be a part of the Cross Church Circle weekly.

Can you imagine what God will do in our church when we have at least 3,257 people following our prayer guide and praying 30 minutes a week for the ministry of Cross Church? As we pray in agreement in the name of Jesus and led by the Holy Spirit, we will be penetrating the darkness of hell and begin to see a mighty move of God among His people. It all kicks-off on October 1st! Be sure you are engaged with us. Sign up right here, right now.

Cross Church Family Night of Worship is Sunday at 5 PM

On Sunday at 5 p.m., we will have our quarterly Cross Church Family Night of Worship. This will be a special and powerful Sunday night service, involving our entire Cross Church Choir and Band — and special guest group Veritas will be joining Julio and the team in worship. It will be one fabulous experience!

Additionally, we will expound the Word of God and experience a powerful time of prayer and response to God. You will not want to miss this service.

We will walk out no later than 6:30 p.m. This will leave plenty of time to get home, have something to eat, and get those kids in bed. Childcare will be provided to all children up to 5th grade. Come on, let’s make Sunday night fabulous!

Thanks for all you are doing

I want to thank all of our volunteers for all you are doing. Whatever ministry you are volunteering in, please know I am very grateful to God for you. Without you, this ministry would limp along. With you engaged, we run towards God with greater eagerness, fulfilling His Great Commandment and Commission to His Glory!

1,000 Thank Yous!

Ronnie W. Floyd