Vision is Shared on Labor Day Sunday, Do Not Miss It!

Pastor-BeachThis coming Sunday I will share something very important with you. It will affect each person, family, and our church collectively. Please be on time this week, ready and eager to hear the vision shared from the Word of God.

A Vision Shared from God’s Word

This coming Sunday, we will exit the book of Acts to introduce a new ministry that will affect each of our lives. I believe it has the capacity to impact our church in an unprecedented way. I see God’s timing in this as perfect. Therefore, please come prepared to hear us launch this vision.

We will spend all of September enlisting people into this new ministry, which we will launch on October 1. This is something every middle school student through senior adult can engage in personally.

In fact, we want you to join us in this new ministry. Nothing is needed in our church any greater than this vision. Nothing. All else is vain unless the Spirit of the Holy One comes down!

Prayerfully, after a victory on Saturday afternoon at Razorback Stadium, we will do all we can to be here. NOW is the time for us to engage weekly in worship and small groups.

A Small Group is Critical in Your Life

Each of us needs to be involved in a small group. When we face life’s greatest trials, we need to walk through it with others. A small group can become your personal connection to Cross Church and another way to pour the Word of God into your life.

Pressure Points is the title of our first lesson in our new Bible Studies for Life study for our small groups. Please start with us in a small group and engage weekly. Come eagerly and enthusiastically, more than ready to grow together.

Summer Program of Giving Concludes This Sunday

Thanks to each of you who have given faithfully this summer. Hundreds of our families have honored God with the first-tenth and above during this summer season. We are highly grateful for you.

If you have been away this summer, a few Sundays or many, this is a catch up Sunday for you in your giving. Please plan to do so. As well, let me remind you there are ways to give faithfully to this ministry besides placing your offering in the plates in worship. You can discover these five ways here.

Yours for the Great Commission! I will see you Sunday!

Ronnie W. Floyd