This Week at Cross Church | On My Heart: Several things I want to share with my Cross Church Family

school-of-ministry-headerSeveral things are on my heart that I want to share with you, my Cross Church Family. I do hope you will take the time to read these brief thoughts so we can walk through life together as Pastor and People. Together, we can make a difference for the Lord.

Sunday We Speak From Acts 9

This coming Sunday, we learn from Acts 9. It will be a powerful message on iNFLUENCE! We will look at one of the major personalities of the New Testament, Saul. What a story. I cannot wait to share it with you. Please take the time to read Acts 9 before Sunday, invite someone to join you, and let’s make Sunday a joyful explosion in the name of the Lord.

Cross Church School Of Ministry

This one-year residential ministry experience will prepare spiritual leaders for life, leadership, and Gospel advancement globally. Our number one need: Students! Whether we have one, five, 10 students or more, we are going forward and doing so with confidence that we are following God’s leadership. Yet, we need you to pray that God will send us students! This is an innovative initiative, fresh to the ears and eyes of ministry today; therefore, it will take time. Pray for Dr. Jeff Crawford as he continues to talk to prospective students.

Southern Baptist Convention

After I preach on Sunday morning, Jeana and I will fly to Houston, Texas, for the 2013 Southern Baptist Convention annual meeting. I need your prayer support. Did you read that? I really need your prayer support. Why?

*Monday morning: I will speak at the Pastors’ Conference of our convention, serving in a roundtable discussion with two great men of God: Dr. Mark Dever of Washington D.C. and Dr. Tony Merida of Wake Forest, North Carolina. Dr. Gregg Matte, President of the 2013 Pastors’ Conference, will lead this roundtable discussion on the subject of preaching. Please pray that this practical, engaging, innovative approach will help thousands of pastors. I am honored to be a part of this roundtable.

*Monday afternoon: I will nominate Dr. Bruce Frank, Lead Pastor of the Biltmore Baptist Church in Asheville, North Carolina, to serve as President of the 2014 Pastors’ Conference of the Southern Baptist Convention, which will be meeting in Baltimore, Maryland. It is my prayer that God will raise up this incredible leader and preacher for this grand moment.

*Tuesday at noon: Life Action Ministries has asked me to join three other spiritual leaders over a major lunch meeting to talk about the subject of Spiritual Revival. I look forward to this engaging luncheon as hundreds of Pastors will gather for discussion around this theme. Pray for a mighty visitation from God.

*Tuesday afternoon: I will assist Dr. Eric Geiger and Dr. Thom Rainer in giving the Annual Report of Lifeway Christian Resources at the Southern Baptist Convention annual meeting. As many of you know, I am serving for three years as the General Editor of the Bible Studies For Life Curriculum Series — which is being used presently in over 30,000 churches by over 150,000 small groups, and over 1.5 million people weekly. They will interview me about my role and this new commitment we are making to help churches.

*Additionally: There are many other things I will be involved in Sunday night through Wednesday night. Pray for Jeana and I as we walk through these strategic days.

Let me make this clear: I already love what God will do during the days of the Southern Baptist Convention. I am so encouraged by so many things I am seeing and hearing. God is moving and we are so blessed. So, pray for our annual meeting next week in Houston, Texas.

Ministries of Cross Church

Nothing captures my imagination more than the ministries of Cross Church. I am thrilled with many things and at the same time have a few concerns about others. We must remain on task and refuse to be distracted! We are about reaching Northwest Arkansas, America, and the World for Jesus Christ!

Whether we are serving through our student and children’s camps, Vacation Bible Xtremes, Summer Freedom Celebration, or mission endeavors —locally, nationally, or globally — we must keep the vision ever before us and commit to evangelizing the lost, baptizing the new followers of Christ, and discipling all Christ-followers.

We must commit to call people to weekly worship, regardless of what the culture does to distract them from doing it! We must remind people of their need to be in a Small Group, even when they think their time is too limited! We must call people to be servants of Christ, doing something seasonally or weekly for the Lord through His church! We must call people to honor Christ with the first-tenth of all God has given them financially, even when they think we are out of touch! A Gospel life is a costly life. Jesus paid it all!

Therefore, we should be willing to count the cost and follow Christ unashamedly and unreservedly! Yes, we are the people of God committed to reaching Northwest Arkansas, America, and the World for Jesus Christ.

Yours for the Great Commission,

Ronnie W. Floyd