Church Members: What Is Your Pastor Packing on His Back?

Have you ever considered as a church member, all that your Pastor is packing on his back? Besides carrying the load of the church as Senior Pastor or the load of a ministry as a Staff Pastor, every pastor has a personal life and family that impacts him dramatically.

Just Last Monday

Just last Monday, looking around the room in our monthly Ministry Team meeting, I surveyed the audience. There were around 40 people present, men and women who lead our specific ministries, along with some personal assistants. Among that group of not more than 40 people:

  *Four of them had lost one of their parents in the past four weeks

         *One of them had just lost twins through a miscarriage

         *One of them had lost a 30-year-old son four months ago, which also meant another one of our staff members lost their son-in-law

Therefore, imagine this room of around 40 people — seven of them had suffered dramatic life-altering loss in recent days.

Pastors Pack Personal Pain And Challenge Daily

Church members often forget the personal life of a Pastor. He experiences real pain, suffering, and loss just like them.

Dr. Keith Thomas, one of my dear Pastor friends was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer six years ago. Until last Saturday night, he confounded the wise, outliving this disease like few, if any, others. Can you imagine: He lived before the church and the world all of those years, having been handed a death sentence over six years ago. Yet, he literally crawled to the pulpit in his last days, sitting in a chair while he preached, stopping to catch his breath. Less than one month ago, he preached for the last time.

Dr. Rick Warren, another dear Pastor friend, lost his 27-year-old son this past Saturday. For all those years, Pastor Warren and his wife, Kay, carried the burden of having a son that dealt with mental illness. Before the entire world, Rick and Kay have carried this ongoing challenge on their backs. Yet, they remain faithful.

These two ministry families are representative of every Pastor and his family across the world. While these families may be extreme illustrations, please know that every pastor I know carries personal “stuff” on his back, PLUS church “stuff.” As a church member, are you being sensitive to the needs of your Pastor and his family?

Do Not Add To What Your Pastor Is Packing On His Back Already

I have thought about how the “critics” of Keith Thomas and/or Rick Warren feel today, knowing these men have suffered loss greatly, one of his own life, and another, the loss of his son. I talk to pastors regularly from all over the nation and the church critics are tough on them, causing immense despair periodically.

I understand — I have my own critics. I always have and always will, just like any other pastor. The amazing thing I have come to know personally, is that it does not usually matter if your wife is fighting cancer, or your dad dies suddenly, or your mom dies of cancer, or other painful matters arise . . . critics usually never retreat in the midst of pain. They just add to what the pastor is packing on his back already.

There have been Sundays where I felt like crawling to the pulpit to preach. Besides my own challenges or grief or losses, I had to deal with the critics, never seemingly able to live up to their unrealistic expectations. On top of this, I minister to them regardless of what they think or how they act, yet I’m ignored by them when I have carried my own pain and loss.

Pastors Need You To Help Carry Them

I love ministering to pastors and their families. I know what it is like. I am one of them. I have served all size churches, in all kinds of towns, and in all types of situations. Pastors need people to help carry them. If I can do that for a Pastor, I will do it.

As a church member, I want to challenge you gently but unashamedly, walk with your Pastor, carrying him not only in prayer but also encouraging him. It does not matter which conference I am asked to speak at, I am always told, “Just encourage our pastors. They are dealing with discouragement and never have anyone encourage them in their calling and pastoral journey.” How sad! I promise you, those word are the words I am told repeatedly.

The church should walk with their Pastor. The Church should lift their Pastor up in prayer continually. The Church should be the greatest defender of the Pastor, not his greatest critic. Don’t add to what he is packing on his back already . . . the burden of the church and various personal life struggles. Make it your goal to carry the load with him. Be like Aaron and Hur, who lifted up the arms of Moses, not weighing them downward. When they stood with Moses in prayer, the people of God won and when they did not, the people of God struggled. Make it your personal goal to stand with your Pastor, bringing honor to him because he teaches you the Word of God.

Pictured: Pastor Ronnie and Jeana encouraging friend and fellow pastor, Keith Thomas (June, 2012)

Yours For The Great Commission,

Ronnie Floyd  



13 comments on “Church Members: What Is Your Pastor Packing on His Back?

  1. Lonnie and Georgina Jordan says:

    Lonnie and I pray for you and Jeana and will always defend and lift you up in prayer. We will be your Aaron and Hur!

  2. David and Jennifer Jones says:

    Our family is so grateful for a pastor who stands boldly for God’s truth. I can only imagine the attacks Satan has placed before you and your family over the years. This just affirms that you are walking in the Spirit and not your own power, in order to withstand. No expectations of perfection from us and always grateful for your transparency from the pulpit. Continued love, prayers, and support from our family to yours!

  3. Tiffany and David Stegall says:

    Wow… just wow. What a privilege it is to help carry the burdens of those who serve so faithfully. Pastor, we will help carry your pack any day.

  4. Jim Gunter says:

    I had the pleasure of calling Keith Thomas my pastor and my friend for over 23 years and the honor of serving on his staff in two locations for over 17 years.. During this time I saw my pastor, friend, boss in many different settings and situations. In each of these I saw the same man, a man who loved his Lord more than all else. I saw Keith supported and viciously attacked, healthy and near death still the same man loving and trusting his Lord for his total sustenance.
    As a senior pastor or ministry staff our support and reward ultimately comes from The Lord we all serve but it is sure a much more pleasant journey when you are loved and supported by those you pour yourself into than when you are dodging arrows. There is more to a pastors job than preaching on Sunday, that’s the easy part.
    To quote my dear friend “help me Rhonda”.
    Keith poured his life into me and my family and a great part of who I am is a result of Keith’s giving of himself. Both of my children were saved while Keith was their pastor. I love and will miss my pastor. Let me encourage you to show your pastor how much you love him before you miss him.

  5. Laura Moore says:

    I will always be grateful for your ministry to our family in our hour of need. Having a pastor and church family that cared when we were hurting meant the world to me. Every chance I get to send folks to Cross Church I take! Steve and I love you and thank you for standing strong for the Kingdom.

  6. Debra Smith says:

    You and Jeana are always in mine and my family’s prayers. We are so grateful and thankful to be under your leadership. I am truly sorry for the loss of your friend. When it comes to defending or standing up for you, I will always have your back! Love you both!

  7. Be-Ann Walker says:

    Even though praying for you and Nick daily (I’m a member at CCF), I wanted to thank you for this well worded reminder to help carry your load…not add to it! We should all do that for one another, as we love one another. I’m sorry about your loss of your dear friend, and the grief his family will go through in the coming days, but was a joyous time he is experiencing now in the presence of God Almighty!! As you weep for your friend, remember that your friends here are praying for you and Jeana, and God is always with you to strengthen you.

  8. Peggy and Monty Lucas says:

    Pastor, please know that we pray for you daily. For you and Pastor Nick. I lasked God to be with you today and to lighten your load, to give you strength and peace. We are grateful for the man of God that you are for bringing us the Word and God’s vision spoken to you for our church. I pray that God give you peace that surpasses all understanding and encouragement for today and always. May He be a comfort to you so you can be a comfort to others.
    Peggy and Monty Lucas

  9. Pam Williams says:

    Praying for you and Jeana as you remember your dear friend today. May God give you all the right words of encouragement to this grieving family and the members of God’s church. I love you both and admire your strength that comes from our dear sweet Lord Jesus.

  10. Dianne Smith says:

    Keith and KAren were my neighbors, friends and pastor. I taught their children in SS. It wa s a hard time in my life and having Bro. Keith stand so solidly for truth was a security and taught me the importance of Gods Truth. So I pray for the family and staff in the days and weeks to come. Today I pray for Bro. Ronnie. It is no easy task to show the strength others will look for and be the friend/man who grieves. I honor you and join with others to stand with you today as we say goodbye to a true servant of God.

  11. Joyce McCone says:

    Pastor & Jeana, I just watched Pastor Keith Thomas’ wonderful sermon from the 1997 SBC Pastors Conference..What a precious servant of God….I am praying for YOU today as you deliver the “HOME GOING MESSAGE” for your dear friend.. May HE give you the strength to do what you need to do in the days to come…PRAYING for Pastor Thomas’ family as well as Pastor Rick Warren’s family. BLESSINGS for safe passage home…We love you and your family much and APPRECIATE what you do.

  12. Perry & Shirley Franklin says:

    Dear Brother Ronnie and Jeana,
    First of all, we want to thank you for being our beloved pastor team for the last twenty-two years of our lives. We have witnessed and been a part of the incredible journey in which God is leading you and our church to reach Northwest Arkansas, America, and the world for Jesus Christ. We also want to thank you for personally ministering to and praying for our family as we have walked through the “valley of the shadow of death”, twice, in the last four months. Also, the precious time that we spent with you and Jeana in Israel encouraged us greatly. We witnessed first-hand the genuineness of your faith-walk and will always be grateful that you invested time in our lives in such a dynamic way. Know that today we are lifting your arms in prayer as you travel to Texas, bringing the message that Jesus is the Resurrection, our very Life, and our only Hope. We pray that the Holy Spirit’s comfort will overflow to Keith’s family and friends.

  13. susan white says:

    Please know you, and your family are always in my prayers. I love hearing you preach, you up lift up me every time i hear your sermons. I look up to those 3 crosses when you preach, and i feel that much closer to The Lord. You are doing a wonderful job, and you are appreciated! Love in Chist, susan

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