One Size Doesn’t Fit All: Scriptural Prayers for All Situations | From an Article I Wrote for Prayer Connect Magazine

PCcover 32smaller (1)I’d like to share with you an article I wrote for Prayer Connect Magazine and Church Prayer Leaders Network, which are now part of the National Day of Prayer family. Prayer should be our first option, but what if you don’t know how to pray or just feel inadequate when you pray? Even those who feel comfortable talking with God can learn more about prayer. In this article, you can find five scriptural ways to pray. Let it encourage you and help you elevate your prayer life.

One Size Doesn’t Fit All
Scriptural Prayers for All Situations

Many years ago, when my wife Jeana was diagnosed with cancer, it was a wake-up call for us. At that time we had two young boys, a large and growing church, and a great life. But when cancer struck my 35-year-old wife and led to surgeries, ruthless chemotherapy treatments, and additional radiation treatments, our lives turned upside down.

This crisis did not drive us away from God but to God. It changed both of us and shaped our life together.

On the overcast morning of her initial diagnosis, I remember walking into our home, getting on our knees together, and crying out to God. I don’t remember the exact words we prayed, but they were not processed and refined. Honesty before God, with fear we had never known before, poured out of our hearts. Fears and tears eventually turned into faith and peace.

Read the rest here.