This Week at Cross Church | Time Change Sunday… the Good One!
This weekend, we will move our clocks back one hour on Saturday evening and gain an hour of sleep. Each of us should be in worship service on time on Sunday morning, ready to hear from the Lord. Bring someone with you. Pray for Sunday.
Vote on November 8 or Before
Each person who is registered to vote needs to vote on or before November 8. Do not minimize this election or be discouraged by the tone. Do not go to sleep or be deceived by others: This election is about issues that will ascend America or contribute toward our ongoing descent. If you are qualified to vote, not voting is absolutely wrong. To throw away your vote will place people and issues in places of power and influence that may believe nothing like you believe. Be wise. Your faith votes!
Just one example in the state of Arkansas is the legalization of marijuana for medical purposes. All of this may sound noble, but it is not. Larry Page, Executive Director of the Arkansas Faith and Ethics Council writes this about Issue 6 on legalizing medical marijuana: “Compassionate health care is smart health care. Issue Six is neither smart nor compassionate health care. It is simply reckless and irresponsible.” I agree. Again, be wise and do not be deceived.
It is Not About Benefitting the Church, but You and Your Family
Giving the first tenth and more of all God has entrusted to you is not about benefitting the church, but you and your family. Therefore, give at least the first tenth of all God gives to you through your local church. Additionally, giving beyond that first tenth is when generosity really occurs. It is so very important to do this weekly, faithfully, and consistently. Ask God to give you the faith to give in this manner. He will take care of you. If you can trust God to save you from hell, there should be no question in trusting Him for your financial future. Trust God in your life like never before.
1,000 Thank Yous and More!
Dear Cross Church Family, I love you and am so thankful for the privilege of serving as your pastor for these past thirty years. Almost two weeks ago, you encouraged our hearts greatly by celebrating with us. It was powerful. We are so very grateful. If you missed my article about it from last week, you can see it here. Again, thank you, Church. We love you. We champion our cause together: Reaching Northwest Arkansas, America, and the world for Jesus Christ.