Moments, Part 2
Moments are special. While some moments are brief but significant, others are significant and comprised of a season of time. Earlier this week, I released part 1 on this subject of Moments. Today, I want to pick up where I left off.
More Favorite Moments
As I neared the end of my first 15 years here, I experienced a significant season.
A Significant Sabbatical
In the summer of 2000, I was gifted a sabbatical by the church. This was a season of eight weeks apart from preaching and leadership. Since technology was not as advanced as it is today, it was truly a season away. I left before mid-June and did not preach again until the first Sunday in August. I think I “called in” twice during these eight weeks and 90% of our time, we were traveling.
God used this time to work within me. I read no less than twenty-five books and the entire time was highly refreshing to both Jeana and me. When I returned, I came back highly refreshed and energized. There is something very refreshing about being away over a successive number of weeks. God used that time away in 2000 to prepare me personally for a tremendous season that was before us at Cross Church.
February 11, 2001
In the early fall of 2000, I thought God may be opening doors to sell our Springdale campus. The church was exploding in growth, the region was changing and growing, and a new season of possibilities was being investigated.
While God closed one door, our hearts were moved to expand our footprint through what was then only being done by less than 200 churches nationally. We became a multi-campus church.
Through detailed diligence and a mighty move of God, doors opened widely for our church. On February 11, 2001, I stood before the First Baptist Church of Springdale and shared a vision that would change our church dramatically. It was way beyond what I knew at the time.
February 11, 2001 will go down as one of the most memorable days in my pastoral life. What was preached as a vision that morning was experienced by our people on a cold, windy, frigid February afternoon as our people saw with their physical eyes what I believed God had shown me spiritually. That evening, the church voted powerfully to become a multi-campus church. When our Pinnacle Hills campus opened in August of 2001, it was a grand day and led to some mighty gospel opportunities.
June 2006 Was a Humbling Time for Me
In response to appeals from colleagues, my name was placed into nomination for President of the Southern Baptist Convention in 2006.
I did not win the election. The circumstances surrounding the election were difficult in many ways, and I was humiliated by the entire experience. Needless to say, it devastated me personally. But that was exactly what God desired me to experience. From that point on, I never thought I would even be asked to lead in silent prayer at the Southern Baptist Convention. God used this experience to break me further in my life and work within me powerfully. I was content that God just did not will this for my life at that time, and possibly ever.
June 2009 to June 2010: Leading the Great Commission Resurgence of the Southern Baptist Convention
After being off the scene for a while in SBC life even though I was attending our state and annual conventions, God opened the door for me to lead the 21-member Great Commission Resurgence Task Force of the Southern Baptist Convention. For one year, each day, I was faced with the lostness of the world and the fulfillment of the Great Commission as it relates to the Southern Baptist Convention.
While the burden was more than obvious, the joy of moving more money, emphasis, and missionaries to penetrate lostness motivated me greatly.
The year of leading the Great Commission Resurgence was one of the most impacting, life-changing years in my life and leadership. I was never the same again.
January 2011, Fayetteville Campus Began and Our Church’s Name Changed to Cross Church
We knew all along that when we became a church with three campuses, we would need to change the name of our church. We could not continue to add various names. The day we held our first service at our Fayetteville campus, we also changed our name to Cross Church. These decisions were made a few months earlier and the church believed in it greatly.
Changing our name gave us a chance to reidentify ourselves and reestablish our distinctiveness as Southern Baptists. It was a powerful experience. Our Fayetteville campus has continued to emerge and grow. Five years after we began the campus, just two weeks ago, the groundbreaking for the new building was another great moment. Furthermore, bringing the other two campuses located on College Avenue in Fayetteville and in Neosho, Missouri, into our Cross Church Family have been significant, memorable experiences and moments.
Fall of 2013: Prayer Gatherings Began to Occur
Due to an experience with four dear friends, God planted a vision in our hearts to call pastors from across America to come together for twenty-four hours in serious prayer for ourselves, our churches, our nation, and the nations of the world. God led us to host these national gatherings for pastors to call out to God passionately for revival in the church and spiritual awakening in America. Hundreds of pastors came from across America. God was creating a movement! The Lord moved among us powerfully. Doors began to open as I served as the leader of these national prayer gatherings.
June 2014 to June 2016: I Served as President of the Southern Baptist Convention
When I was elected President of the Southern Baptist Convention in 2014, it was more than obvious to me that God had raised me up by His grace and power to serve in this season.
What a great privilege and honor it was to serve. I have written volumes on my service during these years, so I will not repeat or even highlight anything specifically. But what I will say is: Thank you, Lord, for this incredible, life-changing leadership and service opportunity.
October 23, 2016: Celebrated 30 Years as Pastor of Cross Church
The Lord met with us powerfully last Sunday. The church witnessed the power of the gospel traveling on the tracks of relationships. From preaching and worship songs, to baptisms and testimonies, our God was honored in every way. Thank you, Lord, and thank you Cross Church for 30 years of doing life together.
From Here, Where Do We Go?
Our first 30-year chapter at Cross Church has now been lived. The Lord holds the future in His hands. I trust Him. You trust Him. We have trusted Him in our past and we will trust Him for our future. The moments have been special.
May the miracle continue!
Now is the Time to Lead,
Ronnie W. Floyd