This Week at Cross Church | Looking Ahead
Cross Church Family, we experienced a wonderful Easter weekend. Thank you for coming to worship our Lord and for inviting others to let our church be their church for the weekend. In our 16 services on 5 campuses, over 14,200 heard the gospel of Christ, 23 made professions of faith, and 23 were baptized. This is because of you, Cross Church!
Our annual Widows’ Banquet is this Sunday. It is such a special time, and I look forward to it each year. It is a blessed opportunity for our Cross Church Family to personally minister to the widows in our fellowship. There is still time to register! You can get more information, sign up, and register for childcare here. If you are a widow and haven’t yet been contacted but would like to be our guest, contact Sue Mayes at or 479-751-4523.
Spring Opportunities
The spring is full of opportunities at Cross Church. From the Widows’ Banquet to Parent/Child Dedication, and Senior Recognition, there is much to look forward to. If you are not involved in a small group, spring is a great time to plug in.
Looking Ahead to Summer
As we look ahead to summer, there are many opportunities for the entire family to engage in. Things do not slow down in the summer at Cross Church! June brings Kids Camp and Beach Camp, and July holds Middle School Camp and VBX. Begin planning now for your kids to attend and consider finding a place to volunteer.
Because of You
All of these events further our mission of reaching Northwest Arkansas, America, and the world for Jesus Christ. They cannot be done without you and your faithfulness in giving of your time, talents, and resources. Thank you, Cross Church, for your faithfulness.
Do you want joy? We all do! Join us this week for Give Me Joy! at one of our five campuses.
See you Sunday,
Ronnie W. Floyd