The Cooperative Program and Future Baptists


Financing the work of God that we do together as Southern Baptists should never be minimized. The 51,000 plus churches and congregations that comprise the Southern Baptist Convention choose voluntarily to fund the work of Southern Baptists. Amounts and percentages are not mandated or demanded, but determined within each local church, as it should be.

Last week, when I read Dr. Jason K. Allen’s article entitled Celebrating and Strengthening the Cooperative Program, it was a tremendous reminder of many things. I commend Dr. Allen’s honest and transparent approach. As an employee of one of our Southern Baptist seminaries, he did not speak the company line, but promoted the heart of the Cooperative Program by furthering the centrality of the local church and each church’s voluntary support of our work together.

When the Church Loses Centrality

When churches lose their centrality in Baptist life at any level – association, state, or national convention, it is then that the support of the Cooperative Program stands to lose the most. An association, state convention and the entities of the Southern Baptist Convention must operate with the highest integrity and with the deepest of passion to serve the needs of the churches in carrying out their mission to reach their region, state, nation, and world for Christ. When this happens, churches will joyfully give both voluntarily and sacrificially.

I have championed the Cooperative Program for many years, but especially since I chaired the Great Commission Resurgence task force in 2009-2010, and during my recent service as President of the Southern Baptist Convention. For those who were engaged with us over those two years, you know I believe in the Cooperative Program and spent much of my time and effort toward this grand effort.

Yet, it is never something I have supported blindly, and never will.  When churches are not being heard or being assisted by denominational entities, conventions, or associations, churches will consider other ways to further the gospel. Dr. Allen superbly stated in his article,

“If a church is evaluating or trimming their CP support, let’s not cajole, pressure, or shame them. That is not a winning strategy. My assessment is not a pragmatic or political calculation. It is a biblical and theological one. Christ promised to build his church, not our denomination. Let’s clean up our vocabulary, and use words like “please” and “thank you,” and     shelve words like “should” and “must.” The Southern Baptist Convention agencies, and our state convention partners, serve the churches, not the other way around. As we serve them, they will support us.”

These words represent my heart and what I have both believed and trumpeted for years. Giving the resources God has entrusted to each church is a privilege and a responsibility. Receiving and expending these resources entrusted to denominational entities, conventions, and associations is equally a privilege and responsibility. This is not our money, our church’s money, or our convention’s money; it is all God’s money.

The Past, the Present, and the Future

The conservative resurgence began when I was in seminary. During the early years as a local church pastor, only a few of the conservative resurgence leaders were champions of the Cooperative Program. Therefore, many of us grew up with a limited to non-existent mentorship in the Cooperative Program. This was unfortunate and not to the benefit of our work together. Yet, in everything there is a season.

Over the last two to three years, we have seen the Cooperative Program turn toward growth and a future when most said it was impossible.

But also in this present reality, we are reminded of the central place of our churches in denominational life and the services extended to the churches from our denomination. It is the church that is anointed to take the gospel to the world, not a denomination. Therefore, as churches, whenever it is possible, we must cooperate with one another. To our denominational bodies of service, listen to the churches, help the churches, and represent the churches.

Relating to the future, I cannot determine what other churches do. Whatever a church’s decision, I will pray for and encourage them. I also cannot determine what a denominational entity does or does not do.

What I can do is work with my church to determine what we will do in the future. Prayerfully, we will always be given more reasons to give, rather than reasons to make us question why we should continue to give. Additionally, I am deeply committed as long it is possible for us, to mentor other churches and pastors in a growing commitment to take the gospel to the world through our financial support through the Cooperative Program.

Future Baptists will determine the future of the Cooperative Program. Pastors in their twenties, thirties, and forties will determine what the next generation will do in funding the work of God as Southern Baptists. Pastors, what are you doing now? My only charge to you is this: Your influence will never be greater than the life you and your church live together in modeling a strong commitment through the Cooperative Program. Not only in Cooperative Program giving, but also in modeling to others evangelizing the lost, reaching your community for Christ, planting gospel churches in North America, and mobilizing people to reach the nations for Jesus Christ.

Now is the Time to Lead,

Ronnie W. Floyd
Senior Pastor, Cross Church


Dr. Ronnie Floyd is the Senior Pastor of Cross Church, founder of the Cross Church School of Ministry, and host of the Ronnie Floyd on Life and Leadership Today podcast.

To request an interview with Dr. Ronnie Floyd
contact Gayla Oldham at (479) 751-4523 or email

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Follow Dr. Floyd on Twitter and Instagram @ronniefloyd

This Week at Cross Church | Looking Forward

Jeff-twacc (1)Even though time change and weather threatened us on Sunday, we had a great day of worship at Cross Church! Sunday was Dr. Jeff Crawford’s last message with us, and if you missed it, you can watch it here. At the end of the morning service at our Springdale campus, we commissioned Jeff to become the Senior Pastor of Grace Baptist Church in Knoxville, Tennessee. We love Jeff, Julie, and the entire Crawford family.

Spring Break is Upon Us the Next Two Sundays

If you will be out of town for Spring Break one Sunday, engage with us in worship online at For those of us who will be in town, please join us in person. If you are away, pray for us, join us online for worship, and before you leave, please participate with us in the ministry of financial giving for the cause of Christ through Cross Church.

Looking Forward to What is Before Us

Easter 2017-twacc

Passion Week begins on April 9 and concludes on Easter weekend, April 15-16. Join us in praying for this week and participating in the following:

Passion Week, April 9-14. Beginning Sunday morning, April 9, we will begin teaching 6 Lessons About Leadership We Learn from Jesus in the Last 6 Days of His Life. We’ll continue teaching on these things through our luncheons on April 10-13, and our Friday evening service on April 14.

15 Easter Weekend Worship Services will be offered on our five Cross Church Campuses.

Saturday, April 15

  • Springdale– 4:00 p.m.
  • Pinnacle Hills– 5:30 p.m.
  • Fayetteville– 5:30 p.m.

Sunday, April 16

  • Springdale– 9:15 & 10:55 a.m.
  • Pinnacle Hills– 9:15 & 10:55 a.m.
  • Fayetteville– 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 a.m. & 12:00 p.m.
  • Fayetteville East– 10:30 a.m.
  • Neosho– 9:00, 10:45 a.m.
  • Español (Springdale)– 10:55 a.m.

Easter in the Community, April 10-14: Taking Easter into the community with a brief Bible lesson that forwards the theme of Easter in your business, school, or place of employment; as well as into multi-family housing and all types of community venues. Annually, we see God do wonderful things in each of these. Call Becky Fletcher at 479-751-4523 if you would like one scheduled where you are.

Pray for Sunday, and I Will See You at Cross Church!

Ronnie W. Floyd