Getting Things in Order in the Southern Baptist Convention

SBC-blog1There are times in life we need to get things in order. Just as this is true about life personally, it can be true about our family of Southern Baptist churches. I am reminded of the words found in Titus 1:5, “This is why I left you in Crete, so that you might put what remained into order.”

There are times we need to get things in order in our churches. But there are also times we need to get things in order where it really counts – in our own relationship with God. At times, we come to realize that we are not living by the grace of God as He wills; therefore, we must get things back in order. There is always a tendency to have a poor attitude or negative behavior. Neither are beneficial to us personally, each other, or to God. We must get things in order.

We Have Experienced Some Problems in Our Southern Baptist Family

My goal is not to publicly do my own diagnostic analysis of the Southern Baptist Convention. I am well aware that the way we operate as a convention of churches does not empower denominational employees with some hierarchical power or elevate one denominational leader or pastor over another. I know that I am one pastor of a local Southern Baptist congregation that cooperates with other churches for the advancement of the gospel throughout America and the entire world.

Therefore, I will leave it where it is: We have experienced some problems in our Southern Baptist family.

Personal Checkpoints to Consider in Getting Things in Order in Our Southern Baptist Family

The book of Titus calls us into order and to do what is good. It calls us, especially in the third chapter, to address our attitude and actions. Let’s use these as checkpoints to consider. We are called upon to:

1. Submit to leadership and authority.

Unless rulers or authorities ask us to do something that violates the Bible, we need to put ourselves under authority. We can lose our testimony in the family, the church, the workplace, the community, the government, our convention, and even in the evangelical world because we operate outside of the authorities God has placed over us.

Living under authority is living out the gospel of Jesus Christ. This is safe for all of us. Living outside of authority is unsafe and not beneficial in any way.

2. Respect all people.

In the third chapter of Titus, God calls us to act considerately and show courtesy to all people. He forbids us to slander or speak evil of anyone, or quarrel and fight with one another. Instead, God calls us to display patient trust in the midst of challenging situations and throughout the seasons in our relationships. Yes, in other words, be respectful to all people.

The Apostle Paul models this in his relationships. He mentions people by their name, calls upon the church to take care of them and to serve all people, and he even sends his love to all the people.

These are very challenging gospel claims. This reminds us that no person is below us. No person is above us. We should strive to be respectful and courteous to all people. Give people chances to fail. Determine you will never let anyone outside of your circle of love. Resolve personally: I will not lose my testimony by the way I treat other people.

3. Remember what we were before God saved us.

How can we be disrespectful to others and not treat them with the highest value when we remember what we were before God saved us? We were once disobedient to God and enslaved by our passions and pride. Then, Jesus saved us. He washed away our sin by His blood and rescued us from sin, death, and hell.

God’s mercy found us. We have now been set free once and for all from our past. By the Holy Spirit’s power, we are now empowered to live right, think right, and treat all people in the right way.

4. Assist people in need.

For those of us who live according to the Gospel, it is imperative for us to assist all people who are in need. Assisting people in need gives us a platform to share Jesus with others. This is not just about doing good deeds, but about meeting the most urgent of needs around us.

When we focus on others in need, it helps us to go forward in fellowship together.

5. Preserve unity in the Church.

We are the Church. We are told to avoid foolish controversies that can result in legalism, division, and fighting among one another. These things are useless to the gospel and to us in the Church of Jesus Christ. Refuse to get into the weeds of uselessness.

Quite honestly, we should never cause division in the Church. And we should never let anyone else cause division in the Church. The demons of hell and Satan himself will do all he can to rip us apart, tear down unity, and malign the gospel message and the gospel messenger.

Finally, let me be more than clear: These checkpoints need to be personal checkpoints. I do not want to police your life and in all reality, I really do not want you to police my life.

Now is the time we need to let God get things in order personally, so we can then get things in order in our Southern Baptist Family.

Now is the Time to Lead,

Ronnie W. Floyd
Senior Pastor, Cross Church


Dr. Ronnie Floyd is the Senior Pastor of Cross Church, founder of the Cross Church School of Ministry, and host of the Ronnie Floyd on Life and Leadership Today podcast.

To request an interview with Dr. Ronnie Floyd
contact Gayla Oldham at (479) 751-4523 or email

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Follow Dr. Floyd on Twitter and Instagram @ronniefloyd

This Week at Cross Church | Don’t Miss Ken Ham This Sunday

Ken Ham-twacc1Dr. Ken Ham will be Preaching at Springdale and Pinnacle Hills on Sunday

Jeana and I look forward to joining you in hearing Dr. Ken Ham this coming Sunday. Ken is the Founder and President of Answers in Genesis, the parent ministry to the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter. He leads 750 full and part-time employees of the largest Christian apologetics organization in the world. You can read about this world-renowned Christian leader and the innovative ministry he leads that addresses the real issues of faith and life. Bring a friend and encourage others to come. Ken is being used greatly by God all around the world, and you will not want to miss hearing him.

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Dr. Andy Goode Called to be the Senior Pastor of Stave Creek Baptist Church in Jackson, Alabama


For over seven years, Andy and Patty Goode have served on our Ministry Team. Andy has been involved in many areas of ministry here, having come to us from serving as a Senior Pastor in Georgia. For the past two years, Andy and I have prayed together about his desire and passion to one day return to the pastorate. We knew this day would come, but never knew when and where. Andy is a wonderful man of God, committed to the right things and always willing to help people, a true pastor of people. I have great respect for Andy and Patty.

On Sunday morning at our Springdale campus, we will commission Andy and Patty from our church to serve Stave Creek Baptist Church in south Alabama. Andy’s last day on our team will be March 30, and March 26 will be his final day of worship with us. This gives them the ability to be in their new church for Easter and seize the opportunities in that region. Andy, Patty, and their children will be part of our Cross Church family forever. Pray for the Goodes and join us Sunday as we commission them to their new assignment. It is remarkable that since last May, we have sent out five men from our Ministry Team to serve in the role as a Senior Pastor. Cross Church, God has placed an anointing on us to SEND in this season!

Joe Atchison-twacc1Give Honor where Honor is Due

When I moved here thirty years ago, the Northwest Arkansas Baptist Association Director of Missions, Joe Atchison, befriended me. For these decades, we have eaten lunch together frequently and experienced a myriad of things in Southern Baptist life. He was a true friend to me. When he joined Cross Church, he began to teach a small group at our Pinnacle Hills campus and at one time, had our largest adult class. People loved to hear him teach the Word of God.

Two years ago, Joe moved to Nashville to be cared for by his children, but we kept in touch and regularly talked on the phone. On Monday morning, after a brief illness, my dear friend, Joe Atchison, entered heaven. It was men like Joe who led the turnaround in the Southern Baptist Convention in 1979 and in the 1980’s. When our denomination was leaning left and moving away from the Bible, men like Joe stood tall and paid a high price for all of us. Today, I have the privilege of conducting Joe’s memorial service. I will miss him and I strive to do what Scripture says: Give honor to those whom honor is due.

Plan Now for Passion Week and Easter Weekend

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Beginning on Sunday morning, April 9, we will begin a special Passion Week series on 6 Lessons About Leadership We Learn from Jesus in the Last 6 Days of His Life. We’ll continue teaching these things through our luncheons on April 10-13, and our Friday evening service on April 14. You can find more details and purchase tickets to the luncheons at

We will offer 15 Easter Weekend Worship Services on our five Cross Church campuses.

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Saturday, April 15

  • Springdale– 4:00 p.m.
  • Pinnacle Hills– 5:30 p.m.
  • Fayetteville– 5:30 p.m.

Sunday, April 16

  • Springdale– 9:15 & 10:55 a.m.
  • Pinnacle Hills– 9:15 & 10:55 a.m.
  • Fayetteville– 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 a.m. & 12:00 p.m.
  • Fayetteville East– 10:30 a.m.
  • Neosho– 9:00, 10:45 a.m.
  • Español (Springdale)– 10:55 a.m.

Easter in the Community will be taking place April 10-14. This is an opportunity to bring a brief Bible lesson that forwards the theme of Easter to your business, school, office, neighborhood, apartment complex, and other community venues. If you are interested in scheduling one of these, contact Becky Fletcher at 479-751-4523.

See You Sunday!

Ronnie W. Floyd